Magico introduced the Q series subwoofers


I could find their price in Denmark at this site (remember the price is given in danish crowns) :

When dealing with such low frequencies you have typically to cover a significant area - I would consider that a minimum of 4 units will be needed to have a noticeable effect at 30 Hz. But it is only a guess. My tuned limp membrane bass traps tuned at 35 Hz cover an area of 2.2 square meters.

Thanks! About USD$780. fortunately its only in one spot in the room, and it only rears its ugly head on about 3 songs out of 1800 albums. You can hear it at 30hz when it strikes, but usually the strike is fast enough it does not linger around for long. Only in those 3 songs is their constant drone at 30hz. Not sure 2.2m2 is going to work in the living room.
Nevertheless, I will investigate a bit to learn. thanks again for taking the time to post it
Have any heard Qsub 15 with Q3 loudspeaker ?
Have any heard Qsub 15 with Q3 loudspeaker ?

If you find anything out about this, definitely please post here! The only thing I have seen/heard is a short letter to the editor on Ultra Audio where someone asked Jeff Fritz how Q7 would compare with Q3+QSub. I think Jeff's answer was that the Q3+QSub would be a world-class setup for a lot less than most full-range speakers today...a lot less. At the same time, I think he felt a lot of music is produced in the mids where the capability and dynamic range of the Q7 would exceed that of the Q3.

That is the only thing I have seen...but if you hear more (or hear the combination yourself)...again, please post. Good luck. I personally have always liked speakers with subs, but I recognize it takes a lot of effort to setup well, and it takes good quality speakers and subs. In this case, you are surely starting off with both a great set of speakers and sub...both made by the same manufacturer...a good start.
If you find anything out about this, definitely please post here! The only thing I have seen/heard is a short letter to the editor on Ultra Audio where someone asked Jeff Fritz how Q7 would compare with Q3+QSub. I think Jeff's answer was that the Q3+QSub would be a world-class setup for a lot less than most full-range speakers today...a lot less. At the same time, I think he felt a lot of music is produced in the mids where the capability and dynamic range of the Q7 would exceed that of the Q3.

That is the only thing I have seen...but if you hear more (or hear the combination yourself)...again, please post. Good luck. I personally have always liked speakers with subs, but I recognize it takes a lot of effort to setup well, and it takes good quality speakers and subs. In this case, you are surely starting off with both a great set of speakers and sub...both made by the same manufacturer...a good start.

May dealer in Norway say to me that i can tried one home in may house in Oktober :) I have Q3 and Burmester Electronic in may system home today. I will post it when i have tried :)
May dealer in Norway say to me that i can tried one home in may house in Oktober :) I have Q3 and Burmester Electronic in may system home today. I will post it when i have tried :)

Fantastic...look forward to hearing more about it!!! Enjoy!
May dealer in Norway say to me that i can tried one home in may house in Oktober :) I have Q3 and Burmester Electronic in may system home today. I will post it when i have tried :)

BTW, have you spent time with big, high-end subs before? I am most curious to find out what happens when you go from a good or great subwoofer (REL, Velodyne DD18+, JL Gotham, Paradigm Sub2) to something at the edge of insane like the QSub or the Krell Master Ref Sub...
Gorgeous :D
Wow, the bronze cast looks gorgeous!

If only the Q3 sounded as good as the S5...
Wow, the bronze cast looks gorgeous!

If only the Q3 sounded as good as the S5...

Get the subwoofer with the Q3s, only an extra $36k. Unless that's the small one, then you're only talking $22K.
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If only the Q3 sounded as good as the S5...[/QUOTE]

OK, I'll bite...doesn't it?...or even isn't the Q3 even more neutral than the S5 ;-) ?
to my ears the Q3 sounds significantly better than S5- but they are more picky on upstream components.

Yes, the picture is from Magico factory

You can order the Q models in any M-cast color, for the same price.
Wow, the bronze cast looks gorgeous!

If only the Q3 sounded as good as the S5...

It does and by a significant , non-trivial margin.

This said and this being a discussion forum. I would (will ?;) ) go rather with a pair of JL Fathom or Gotham or equivalent subwoofers even a trio of serious and equally potents ubs...
It does and by a significant , non-trivial margin.

This said and this being a discussion forum. I would (will ?;) ) go rather with a pair of JL Fathom or Gotham or equivalent subwoofers even a trio of serious and equally potents ubs...

+1 on that. Q3 > S5, but still, S5 > just about anything else out there :)


I've only heard the Q3 once, and it could have been the setup, but there was zero bass. Pop/Rock material sounded strange - like the speakers were out of phase. Opera sounded exceptional - vocals in general were amazing, but I remember thinking that these speakers were very limited to the type of music they could reproduce. Add that I've read so many comments since then that seemed to say the same thing - the speakers were not good for rock, etc... and then the opposite when speaking of the S5.

I've since auditioned the S5 in my home and while it may be the best speaker that I've heard, it is somewhat shy on bass (at least for my medium size room) and that explains my perception on the Q3 (which is perhaps totally wrong).

I was of the opinion that Magico lacked bass then heard at length the Q3 at Goodwins ... Not lacking one bit.. Actually surprising omphs in the very largish (but trreated) Goodwins listenig room, driven by Spectral... Moving fromthe Q7 to the Q3 wasn't a letdown and this on various music type. The Magico could shake the room seriously but do not have the bump in the upper pass that people usually perceive as bass , i would saay the regiosn between 60 and 90 Hz where some speakers have a slight hump that is perceives as low bass by many. The Q3 is flat there and in a good room properly placed it will sound that way too. Requires some learning , some re-wiring, thus for many used to the hump in the midbass, they would qualify the Magico to be on the lean side. it is not. Same could be said for some other speakers which shares this clean output in the midbass (YG, Vivid, Raidho, Kef, etc)

It is also my estimation that most if not all speakers require subwoofers, i would not care to do that with a Nola GRand Reference, A Gen Dragon or 1.2 , an MM7 , VR11 but would do it with any other speakers out there regardless intrinsic bass output. Just me and a view supported by Physics.

The thread is about Magico subwoofers .. And I have voiced my opinion about these ... In general a fan of Magico speakers. The Q3 is likely my next speaker (or whatever replaces it or maybe a used Q5 is price is right) but the Magico subwoofers are in my view not worth the brutal cash outlay they would command... Again an opinion , facts could prove me wrong but for now, I am willing to bet that 8 Seaton Submersive will provide much better bass and for much less than any of these subs. In the same vein, a pair of Q3 with a pair of aforementioned Seaton of a pir of JL Gotham would be a serious challenger to speaker costing several times the total cost of this combo and those speakers would include the Q7
I was of the opinion that Magico lacked bass then heard at length the Q3 at Goodwins ... Not lacking one bit.. Actually surprising omphs in the very largish (but trreated) Goodwins listenig room, driven by Spectral... Moving fromthe Q7 to the Q3 wasn't a letdown and this on various music type. The Magico could shake the room seriously but do not have the bump in the upper pass that people usually perceive as bass , i would saay the regiosn between 60 and 90 Hz where some speakers have a slight hump that is perceives as low bass by many. The Q3 is flat there and in a good room properly placed it will sound that way too. Requires some learning , some re-wiring, thus for many used to the hump in the midbass, they would qualify the Magico to be on the lean side. it is not. Same could be said for some other speakers which shares this clean output in the midbass (YG, Vivid, Raidho, Kef, etc)

I heard the Q3 at Goodwins also, and I completely agree with your comments. It is an exceptional speaker. I would like to hear the Magico Qsub well integrated with the main speakers. I tried two JL Audio F110s with my Mini IIs and preferred the slightly cleaner presentation without the subs, so I sold the F110s. They did add extension at the expense of clarity.

The Q subs are very expensive, but could well be state of the art. I have not read much from those who are lucky enough to have had some listening time with them.
I heard the Q3 at Goodwins also, and I completely agree with your comments. It is an exceptional speaker. I would like to hear the Magico Qsub well integrated with the main speakers. I tried two JL Audio F110s with my Mini IIs and preferred the slightly cleaner presentation without the subs, so I sold the F110s. They did add extension at the expense of clarity.

The Q subs are very expensive, but could well be state of the art. I have not read much from those who are lucky enough to have had some listening time with them.

Not entirely the thread to discuss this so I will take a stab at tit and we can always move this to a different thread. Mating a min-monitor with any subs is rarely the optimal solution. You will have the low bass but the mid-bass say 80~200 Hz is where the limitations od the mini-monitors will show up and you will clearly hear the discontinuity. In my experience. small 2-way with any subs sound like a small speaker mated to a large bass transducer. Always discontinuous. Speakers that are capable of serious , linear and abundant midbass are IMO the prime candidates for subwoofers. Thus Q3 + subs is likely a better combination than Mini plus any subs.

I must also reiterate that I am not of the opinion that mating subwoofers to a speaker is anything impossible or require special or same brand magic. it is not so. I have heard subs with speakers of serious pedigree and the results are , to me , consistently better than without subs and the strange thing is , even in the upper frequencies , up to the upper -treble !!!
Not entirely the thread to discuss this so I will take a stab at tit and we can always move this to a different thread. Mating a min-monitor with any subs is rarely the optimal solution. You will have the low bass but the mid-bass say 80~200 Hz is where the limitations od the mini-monitors will show up and you will clearly hear the discontinuity. In my experience. small 2-way with any subs sound like a small speaker mated to a large bass transducer. Always discontinuous. Speakers that are capable of serious , linear and abundant midbass are IMO the prime candidates for subwoofers. Thus Q3 + subs is likely a better combination than Mini plus any subs.

I must also reiterate that I am not of the opinion that mating subwoofers to a speaker is anything impossible or require special or same brand magic. it is not so. I have heard subs with speakers of serious pedigree and the results are , to me , consistently better than without subs and the strange thing is , even in the upper frequencies , up to the upper -treble !!!

exactly my own personal findings. I have used a sub for 20 years in various personal systems incl smaller speakers and agree with you in my own setups. Today with the X1s, the sub only operates below 40hz and I would not go without it. A fuse blew once...and I could not pick up a spare for a couple was a long 48 hours. Once you get used to have the effortless sense of space, it is hard to go back. Strange as it may seem since its only below 40hz...but there is apparently a lot down there. (I cut off at 48db rolloff so its not like there is much sound coming upwards into the spectrum from the sub.)

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