miniDSP Dirac Series processors


Nov 16, 2013
miniDSP has just released two new processors (analog or digital in/outs) that offer a complete solution inclusive of Dirac Live and calibrated mic:

You will use a computer for making the measurements but you can then disconnect it.
Four different correction sets can be instantly switched i.e may be one for a single listening chair, one for a wider audience and listening area, a third one for low volume listening and may be a fourth one if you want to move the speakers in a position that is more acceptable to your consort (I do not mention WAF to avoid discrimination :) )

I use an active crossover with Dirac Live. The crossover/delay MUST happen AFTER the DIRAC LIVE filter.

In the case of the new MiniDSP boxes, you would probably want to go with the digital version, if any. The manual shows that the digital MiniDSP version has an AES/EBU output. You could go from server out digital (AES, toslink, or maybe USB) to the MiniDSP and then out digital to your choice of digital crossover/delay. Of course, you could also do the same thing with a server with DIRAC Live installed and not need to buy the MiniDSP box. :)

Hello Jonathan,

you'll find details about your the Dirac Series miniDSPs and your 2.1 configuration here:

Ciao, Flavio
I'm definitely sold on the Dirac IRC that is part of the Amarra Symphony playback software. It works incredibly well & elevated the sound quality of my music files significantly. I'll be interested in a multichannel version for Blu-ray playback at some point too. I know Datasat has Dirac in its processor, and will watch to see how other companies decide to license it.

What product do you use?

I crossover a pair of mono subs at 47hz, 24db per octave. It sounds great. The DEQX does everything needed, delay, crossover and speaker calibration. The DEQX works well with DIRAC too. DEQX has an old school PEQ. I don't use it. I can use the DEQX's AES input to send my DIRAC sweeps out DLCT via my RME soundcard and back in the RME's mic input. This way I can dial-in the delay, crossover and speaker calibration inside the DEQX first. After that's done, I run my DIRAC sweep. The DEQX is awesome. The only criticism I have is that the DEQX is limited to only one mono sub out. I am using the controls on my rear sub for now. It works very well. However, I have a xilica OTW. I should be able to tighten things up even more using the xilica only to get the rear sub's delay perfect.

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