Since acquiring an Oppo 105, I've been playing a lot of digital. More than 50%. I've also purchased a good number of CDs over the past couple of months, undoubtedly inspired by the 105's performance. CDs from all eras, if you will - early to current - and I have to disagree with the comment made before regarding early CDs sounding better. Better, as in more dynamic? OK. Better, as in lacking a silver sheen covering all aspects of the sound, spitty, fragile upper mids, anemic upper bass, total lack of bloom and harmonic structure? No way. The current crop of CDs is so much better, save again for the dynamics. IMNSHE, of course. As for analog compared to the best digital I have - SACD, file, whatever - the analog recording has more presence, more life, it's more "there," more like an actual event taking place in real time, instead of being beamed down from Mars. In my book that equates to "better." YMMV