sorry. the credibility of a source, quoted on the product website no less, has been called into question. serious stuff. first astro points the finger, then Luke denies it, then you ???? not sure what you were saying. and if there is some smoking gun out there about Simon/iSquirrel being a shill then let's either be out with it or let's remove the doubt.
I've not spent time on Headfi since 2012 when I was into it. if there is something there to this then let's see it.
if you are saying that Simon is an enthusiast and not in the employ of MSB then lets just say it.
I know nothing of who is a MSB dealer. I merely mentioned that I know the fellow online (also from Stereonet) and last I recall he had a Dave and apparently now he has a Select 2. Nothing more nothing less. I fail to see how you gathered anything more than that. Please reread my original post.