Gentlemen first of all apologies for the delay in reply got the best of my time today..... a big hello to all.
I suppose I should first of all give a quick outline of my system
Gryphon Pendragon Loudspeaker System
Gryphon Mephisto Stereo Amplifier
Gryphon Pandora Preamp
Aurender W20
dCS Vivaldi 2.0 full stack
Goebel Lacorde Cables
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As can be seen by my equipment I needed to consolidate my equipment after a return from working overseas and was quite keen to purchase a new rack which could house the dCS stack and the rest of my equipment . By chance the seller of the Rack asked what I was hoping to fit in the rack ....on finding out I had a dCS Vivaldi stack he asked me if I would be interested in auditioning the Select II dac. To compare Vivaldi, Select II and Gryphon Kalliope (which I also own) in my own system was too good too refuse .....needless to say I gladly accepted.
I have owned the dCS stack for over a year and it is one of my favorite pieces of equipment. In my system it has been a revelation. I really liked the lovely lush and full sound of the Kalliope but for me the Vivaldi just offers more into the music a sense of there and a sound that leads me to forget I am listening to electronics.
I was told to leave the Select II on for a few days and finally hooked it up to an Aurender W20 via usb to the quad usb input which was then connected to Pandora/Mephisto.
dCS Vivaldi was connected by dual AES/EBU for ease of intial comparison . (For all comparison the respective clocks were connected to the W20).
Right out of the box the Select II sounded quite different to what I was used to with Vivaldi the Select II it is a very difficult sound to describe the back ground is just inky black and air hangs around notes ,but I also sensed I had lost some of the bass ,sound stage and dynamics I am used to with the Pendragons. This was very evident on the Manger CD "Jazz Variants" where I would usually sink it to the immersive complex sound and powerful kick drums.... The Vivaldi 2.0 deliver this in spades .. huge sound stage that spreads well past the speakers ,dynamics , bass that surprises and you feel ... I liked the Select II sound but for me the Vivaldi offered a lot more complete sound.
I guess I should have not been surprised by preferring the Dual AES/EBU vs USB .....I had to take this out of the equation so I then used the Vivaldi Transport as a source for both DACs. As before the clocks of each system was used for clocking the Vivaldi Transport. I used the 2xDSD setting for the Vivaldi and normal 44.1 for the Select II.
On feeding the Select II with the Vivaldi transport (single AES/EBU) the change was immediate and confronting ....the sound stage, dynamics bass was back to what I was used to but now I had that ultra black background detail ,dilinearising like I have never heard before with no fatigue a seductive and grain free sound which was just addictive.....
Back to Vivaldi the sound stage,dynamics and bass are there but I am missing the inky black backgrounds ,space , detail ,seductive sound ....the Vivaldi in comparison dare I say sounds a little muddier,confused, dark........the previous statement needs to be taken in context though....the Vivaldi is superb and is one of the best playback systems available but for me I preferred the Select II coupled with the dCS most of the time.. Either playback system I would happily live with.
I rang the dealer and discussed how much I enjoyed the Select II and he mentioned that he thought I had not heard the best of the Select II and suggested I try direct driving to Mephisto . I have never liked direct drive from DACs previously and was reluctant but being impressed by its sounds so far really wanted to hear how far this DAC could go . I explained in current configuration I needed a second output module to be able to drive the active Pendragons........ 2 days later a module arrived from MSB and I installed it....super impressive service from MSB and the dealer!!!
On listening to the direct drive to Mephisto I was in complete awe , shocked and blown away by the sound ....everything I had heard before previously was now even grander, larger than life ,sound stage expanding past what I was used ,lightening fast transients dynamics and attacks amplified but never fatiguing . Bass with more impact and quickness that is just frightening ......pure and just sounding right. The sound just draws you and immerses so addictive....
I will never knock Vivaldi I really love the sound of it and enjoyed every minute I have owned it ......but you can never undo what has been heard .....I have ordered a Select II with mono bases and look forward to receiving it . I am told the mono power bases make a huge difference but I am not sure where it can be improved ....audition this DAC at your own peril while it is obscenely expensive it is an outstanding accomplishment.
Can others who have the Select II mono bases explain where to expect improvements?