I made my comments only because someone posted that they could have used more power. I didn't hear it, but I was told it sounded fine as you have reported.....thx
Andromeda, I have the impression that there was not much mentioned. There was a comment about the new top Kronos versus the Wadax in one room, and the new Kuzma arm, but not much else. Were the new Nagra, SME, OMA, SAT tables even there? Did you hear any vinyl that interested you?
Andromeda, I have the impression that there was not much mentioned. There was a comment about the new top Kronos versus the Wadax in one room, and the new Kuzma arm, but not much else. Were the new Nagra, SME, OMA, SAT tables even there? Did you hear any vinyl that interested you?
I did hear the nagra TT but nagra tubes is not my sound so its hard to seperate the TT.
The techdas in the rockport CH system sounded great .
Im sorry but i cannot make any usefull comments
I think the overal sound level was quit high , i thought the Zellatons were good balanced sounding.
But not enough to make it in the big speaker sound range .
The best wilson to me was the Sasha DAW on D agostino but also to small/ limited sounding to make it in the big league.
Regarding tape sound i have not heard tape better then my telefunken /eternal arts combo.
Also regarding Bass reproduction i miss absolutey nothing at home
interesting feedback. appreciate your comments on the Wadax obviously in quite a few rooms. the Kharma's, which i owned back many years ago, are the general sound reference that led to my Evolutions. and the Robert Koda has a sound similar to my darTZeel.
for these three brands together to produce great sound makes sense to me. i know there are other opinions. such is an audio show.
A goal in itself was to hear as much solid state as i could .
One should not be surprised if andro scoops up a used The gryphon Essence to add to the system .
The Gryphon Apex was the best SS i have heard .