Well, the MBL IS special….nothing else sounds like that; however, I always hear a metallic edge with all MBL setups that I can’t seem to unhear. My wife loves the spaciousness they create though and that is Perfect for some listeners.
The MBL may well be special but it didn’t sound that way to me at the show, maybe because it was crowded. It sounds way better in the Singapore showroom though.
3) Viva. I call this system the "big easy" because it was smooth, relaxed with nice tone but had huge dynamics. It was perhaps a bit dark on some recordings but it had an awesome soundstage and piano was quite realistic.
Alsyvox. It was good to very good but was ultimately lacking umph and was somehow overly smooth. I think with a different amp this would have cracked the top 5
When I arrived 2PM on Saturday I had exactly the same impression.
I don't know if they changed anything in the set-up but on Sunday 3PM it was much better.
More dynamics, more slam, more PRAT
Alsyvox is normally shown with higher power at shows. At the upcoming NW show in Seattle, late July, we will be driving the Botticelli X with 600 Watts of Pilium SS power.
In the US the Alsyvox speakers are available for demonstration with both SS and tube high power.
This year Daniele decided to show how easy the Alsyvox are easy to drive, maybe not a statement type sound from Alsyvox but we have a lot of Alsyvox customers who fancy the idea of driving their Alsyvox speakers with low power.
I also like the Esoteric F03A ($15K) 30 Watt Class A integrated SS on the Botticelli X along with higher power SS or high power tubes.
The Alsyvox are VERY flexible when it comes to amplification choices.
While I haven’t heard the Alsyvox with higher power SS amps, I surmise they would thrive on higher power. In my view they sounded really nice at the show......just shows potential. I think with higher power, they could well be amongst the top draw across speaker designs.
I don't stream . I am not into horns and was quite selective about the stands I visited.
The best sound I heard was the Stenheim Ultime 2 driven by Dartzeel big monoblocks. They are large speakers, too big for my room, but sounded very good indeed to my ears. Transparent but communicative and involving.
Enjoyed the Vitus offerings including the Sikora Max turntable with Soundscape speakers.
The YG Vantage Live sounded good, but I prefer passive speakers. The Peak Series Summit floor stander was warmer sounding than their previous offerings and will appeal to those who like that sound and who are attracted by its lower price compared with their established speakers.It was not as resolving as their more expensive models so I would spend the extra money, or look for a used pair of Haileys.
Attendance on Saturday was good but not to the extent of being overcrowded.
The MBL may well be special but it didn’t sound that way to me at the show, maybe because it was crowded. It sounds way better in the Singapore showroom though.
When I arrived 2PM on Saturday I had exactly the same impression.
I don't know if they changed anything in the set-up but on Sunday 3PM it was much better.
More dynamics, more slam, more PRAT
How can you judge a single component that plays within a system? I can somewhat imagine judging a loudspeaker (although it depends on many things: room, amps, etc.). But how can you say that a particular amp (in this case Gryphon) was the best?
What if it had played in the system where the Koda monos played and vice versa?
To avoid misunderstandings: I have no problem at all with what you like (and what you don't). But to judge a component of a system when you have only heard the whole system seems impossible to me.
When I arrived 2PM on Saturday I had exactly the same impression.
I don't know if they changed anything in the set-up but on Sunday 3PM it was much better.
More dynamics, more slam, more PRAT
Not at the High End Show itself, but very near by there was Martion showing two of their models Bullfrog and Einhorn. Unfortunately
the Einhorn was being played much to loud for my taste, but the Bullfrog, played at normal levels sounded fantastic, and did everything a good horn speaker is capable of. People were even dancing to the music, not just foot tapping )
Everything except the Extreme was brand new, speakers, amps, dac
The JA-30s were the civil choice, using the 70watt integrated on the right of the rack led to an immediate violent banging on the walls from our neighbours. These panels move serious amounts of air and are a bit more neighbour unfriendly then most, especially with non solid walls.
Nonetheless it sounded great, the speakers are now shipped to our facility in Oldenzaal if anybody wants to have another listen.
Not at the High End Show itself, but very near by there was Martion showing two of their models Bullfrog and Einhorn. Unfortunately
the Einhorn was being played much to loud for my taste, but the Bullfrog, played at normal levels sounded fantastic, and did everything a good horn speaker is capable of. People were even dancing to the music, not just foot tapping )
Everything except the Extreme was brand new, speakers, amps, dac
The JA-30s were the civil choice, using the 70watt integrated on the right of the rack led to an immediate violent banging on the wall of our neighbours. These panels move serious amounts of air and are a bit more neighbour unfriendly then most.