Munich HighEnd 2024

Some notes about MOC 2024 rooms:

- room acoustics (both RT time and the room shapes) were not good
- speaker position was not perfect in most rooms just only two or three rooms were ok in this regard
- AC quality was not good and most audio systems were not fully warm-up in first day (morning)
- many rooms played file or streem (not CD) with digital volume control
- the sound level in rooms were not optimised for each music song , the loudness was not enough to load the room
- the bass was not correct in most rooms

I think these problems hide the performance of audio playback systems so most of the time trusted judgment about audio equipments will be hard or even impossible.

Listening to Gobel out of munich was so much better experience than all of MOC rooms.
I have to agree with most of your comments. The number of exhibitors using vinyl was impressive though and that was where the best sound was found for the most part!
Here are some impressions from the audio fairs in Munich last week:

Our small group typically combines our Munich visit with mountain trips in the Garmisch Partenkirchen and Innsbruck area. However, due to inclement weather this year, we started our journey with a detour to Prague, where we enjoyed a fantastic jazz show by the band CAPTAIN FINGERS at the AghaRTA club.

Arriving in Munich after two and a half days, we postponed our mountain trip until after the exhibition. We attended two exhibitions (one in the MOC, the other in the Marriott Hotel), each showcasing a wide array of high-quality audio equipment. Despite differences in size between the MOC and Marriott Hotel venues, the Hifideluxe exhibition seemed to offer greater value to visitors in terms of sound quality.

Attendance during the two days I visited (Thursday and Friday) was similar to last year, with an attentive audience. Other commentators had already remarked on the sound quality in the show, noting that successful displays were those that were meticulously prepared, rather than relying on chance.

However, I found it disappointing that many presenters used playlists featuring techno and electronic music, which seemed out of place for such an event.

Here are my impressions of some of the systems:

- Lorenzo Audio: While the music system was enjoyable to listen to, the selection of music sometimes felt off, and the Hi Mid sounds occasionally sounded thin.

- TAD: Despite its potential, I found the mid-high sounds too thin for my liking, leaving me wondering if more effort could have been made to improve the overall result.

- VTL\Wilson: A pleasant surprise, as the combination of VTL with Wilson speakers produced excellent music.

- Living Voice: Although the sound quality was not as good as last year, the system managed to impress with jazz music.

- MAGICO S5: Despite a familiar playlist, the room left me smiling, with little to fault beyond the music selection (ordered a pair a couple of weeks ago to replace my S3 2023).

- Gobel + Pillium: This setup did everything right for my ears, although accompanied by a huge subwoofer the smaller loudspeaker was a refreshing look next to all the audio monsters presented at show.

- J-M-F (Hifi Deluxe): A surprising standout, with simple-looking speakers delivering impressive sound.

- Diesis Roma (Hifi Deluxe): Among the most enjoyable stands, offering a colorful yet satisfying sound experience.

- Aries Cerat: While capable of reproducing a full symphonic orchestra, the system's downside lies in its space requirements and design, which may not appeal to everyone.

- Brodman\Zensati: Consistently delivering quality music without much fanfare.

- Alsyvox: A pleasant surprise despite a lack of slam, with excellent midrange performance (can't say the same words on the Clarisys system that was presented at the Marriott).

Unfortunately, I missed out on experiencing Cesario and Vivid Moya this year.

As for the disappointments:

- Goldmud Sound Systems: Lacking in power and credibility.

- CH + Wilson XVX: Thin and unexciting sound, despite previous positive experiences.

- Nagra + Stenheim: Disappointing sound quality, despite the opportunity to purchase HD Vinyl and discs at a discount.

- Boulder Audio + YG: Failed to meet expectations, with the size of the disappointment matching the anticipation.

To sum it up, I'm probably more fond of horn speakers than I admit, and I don't find most Swiss audio gear to my taste.

Lastly, while there were many other rooms with both positive and negative aspects, these were the ones I chose to highlight. Looking forward to 2025!
Just preparing my comments on the show. I agree in most cases with your assessment and taste. Thanks for posting!
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I have to agree with most of your comments. The number of exhibitors using vinyl was impressive though and that was where the best sound was found for the most part!
Vinyls mostly good it's just a matter of degree. Any digital playback in your top 10 rooms?
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Yes, I find fascinating how polarizing that system was to people. I adore Stavros, and in my opinion he's one of the industry's top designers, so I just find it truly baffling. I wish I had been there to hear it myself.

I have had major personal FoMO not going to this year's Munich show. The Munich show typically is in the middle of our anniversary vacation week, but I am planning to go next year.
You should Ron! Hard to appropriately comment on the specifics unless you have.
Believe me, you missed nothing, well maybe an assault on your ears.
Not a fair comment in my opinion. There were many good sounding systems especially on day 4. Of course I would admit that show conditions and poor preparation by some exhibitors submarined more than a few.
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AudioHR I was not talking about the show in general, that comment was aimed at Aries Cerat.

I found a few rooms I liked.
An interesting comment! I haven't had any success in integrating a subwoofer in any of my systems so far but I expect you are right. Perhaps it is two that are necessary?

I have two, yes (Jl Audio F112v2). And away from walls. I don't want boom-boom.

And it probably isn't even about more bass, lol!

It's about a bit deeper bass. I am not sure how familiar you are with the music of Pink Floyd sonically, but to give you an idea: My current main speaker positioning and sub adjustment are such that on 'Dark Side of the Moon' there is practically no difference if the subs are on or not. Yet on 'The Wall' the subs nicely add to the foundation. I wouldn't want my sound without that.

On deep bass electronica the subs do make a huge difference.

I could get more deep bass from my main speakers too, but only by putting them in other positions in the room where in my specific case there would be more room distortions (in mids and highs), the soundstage would be less satisfying, and the bass would be less tight.

The support by subwoofers makes optimizing the position of the main speakers easier, and the bass that the subs deliver is tight and of high quality. But in order to achieve that, the settings have to be experimented with as well.
The bass section of this system (a collaboration between Michail Barabasz and Stuart Ralston) is very much the foundation and the initial reason for my purchase decision.
I can imagine.

Michail Barabasz is an industry veteran and General Manager at Lorantz Audio Services, a well known PA company down under.
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AudioHR I was not talking about the show in general, that comment was aimed at Aries Cerat.

I found a few rooms I liked.
Fair enough I did not realize that you were just commenting on AC.

Frankly I didn't spend much time in their room. They weren't really playing music when I went in, what I heard was big and impressive and I planned to come back but I never did!

The AC system is obviously contentious. Personally I wasn't really there long enough to have a true opinion on the sound. I do respect all that present their passion for and interpretation of good sound!
I have a full Aries Cerat system and I love it and was able to demo it in an actual room vs an audio show or dealer showroom. What I have never understood about shows is and this is not an indictment with AC but all audio manufacturers, why don't you display products that will actually sell to the common audiophile? I once went to the Newport Beach audio show and after spending two there,
i was enamored with the sound of this tiny 6" speaker. I ended up buying a pair for my son. How many people can afford the Contendo?
I didn't find my MasterSound Compact 300b to be special! Perhaps the higher priced ones are? Reliable, as far as your own experience or do you have some statistics to back your comment up?
I only have used Mastersound EL-34 and 845 tube based amps, not a fan of 300B tubes in general. Two fellow audiophile each have had PFF 100 for close to 14 years , with heavy usage, and regularly biased, only 1 original factory tube has failed out of 8 tubes over this period for one pair, and 2 tubes failed over about 10 years for another pair. I'm talking 10s of thousands of hours of trouble free usage, provided their bias is checked and adjusted regularly, which I reckon some users of the brand;s amps neglect . I have used Mastersound Evo 845 integrated and small 845 monoblocks for few years, all trouble free. I also used friend's Pff 100 in my system for over a year, for almost 9 months the units were being played almost 18 hours a day, trouble free. Mastersound uses a well executed circuit, from what I ve been told by Bill Thailman (RIP) one of the most respected tube technician in the country.

The only 300B based amp that I ve listened to extensively and liked alot was the AirTight amp from Japan.
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AudioHR you only had to be there for 30 seconds to know, i gave them the benefit of the doubt came back on Sunday. Wish I spent the time wisely, that's time I will never get back
I have a full Aries Cerat system and I love it and was able to demo it in an actual room vs an audio show or dealer showroom. What I have never understood about shows is and this is not an indictment with AC but all audio manufacturers, why don't you display products that will actually sell to the common audiophile? I once went to the Newport Beach audio show and after spending two there,
i was enamored with the sound of this tiny 6" speaker. I ended up buying a pair for my son. How many people can afford the Contendo?

Congrats. Regardless of the current 'commotion' here, if I had the money I would still be interested to try an Aries Cerat DAC sometime.
Whats the response delay vs mains ..?
Depends on the horn length and crossover. That’s why the AC horn bins are more than 4 meters in front of the midbass horn throat. In 2019 when brought single level horn subs they were right beside listeners…was visually disconcerting but acoustically correct
Vinyls mostly good it's just a matter of degree. Any digital playback in your top 10 rooms?

I don’t have a top 10 list in Munich over 6 years.
I only have used Mastersound EL-34 and 845 tube based amps, not a fan of 300B tubes in general. Two fellow audiophile each have had PFF 100 for close to 14 years , with heavy usage, and regularly biased, only 1 original factory tube has failed out of 8 tubes over this period for one pair, and 2 tubes failed over about 10 years for another pair. I'm talking 10s of thousands of hours of trouble free usage, provided their bias is checked and adjusted regularly, which I reckon some users of the brand;s amps neglect . I have used Mastersound Evo 845 integrated and small 845 monoblocks for few years, all trouble free. I also used friends's Pff 100 in my system for over a year, for almost 9 months units were being played almost 18 hours a day, trouble free. Mastersound uses a well executed circuit, from what I ve been told by Bill Thailman (RIP) one of the most respected tube technician in the country.

The only 300B based amp that I ve listened to extensively and liked alot was the AirTight amp from Japan.
Thanks I can understand your previous comment now.

I did not dislike the MasterSound 300b's sound but it is not a good value in my market. I like the Airtight from what I have heard and hope to get a chance to audition it further. I live in western Canada and frankly the Canadian distributor is from what I can tell is only interested in marketing to Ontario and Quebec.

I use a Shindo Cortese which I love! It fits into my present back to the future journey !
AudioHR you only had to be there for 30 seconds to know, i gave them the benefit of the doubt came back on Sunday. Wish I spent the time wisely, that's time I will never get back
Ha ha! A man with conviction .

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