Munich show 2023 Hifideluxe and MOC .

I'm pretty sure he owned a pair of Wilson Maxx 3s and I saw them in use at shows - of course those are not horns. He frequently used other Wilson models, large (Alexandria 2) and small (Alexia) at shows, typically in two rooms. He showed at least once with the Bionors (CES 2003). He used the Kharma Exquisite at several shows along with the Verity Lohengrin at CES. Granted show relationships and which gear gets paired with which is something unto itself. Yes, the Lamm/Wilson relationship was one of mutual admiration.

The association at shows and dealers is many times strongly influenced by marketing and distribution. It is why I asked for his regular (home or factory) use.

The MAX3 choice with the LAMM ML3 was very criticized by many people - just 90 dB and and an hard to drive low impedance does not seem a good match. I owned them and they were much more difficult to drive than the XLF , that was 93dB/W and higher impedance.

What do you want to know?

Everything! :) These interviews and the complete articles were very interesting. All we have now are just a few promotional quotes out of context.
The association at shows and dealers is many times strongly influenced by marketing and distribution. It is why I asked for his regular (home or factory) use.

I heard he worked out of his basement, which is where the speakers were.
Did anyone that attended the show get a chance to listen
'to the Avalon Isis Signature and what are your impressions.

Thank You
Did anyone that attended the show get a chance to listen
'to the Avalon Isis Signature and what are your impressions.

Thank You

He did use the original American Sound AS1000 TT, the very one I had for a month last year and directly compared to my MS SX8000II and AS2000 in my system.

yes I am aware
Did anyone that attended the show get a chance to listen
'to the Avalon Isis Signature and what are your impressions.

Thank You
too dark and soft. Do not know the tube amp brand, but to my ears not the best match.
I saw less of the show than any other year I have been. I spent most of the time in our room or talking with friends I hadn't seen. I missed many of the rooms I usually stop in and listen.

Here are some rooms/things I enjoyed at the show in no particular order;

Silbatone - my standard for musical enjoyment. Nothing matches the scale of theater horn speakers. Obviously, not a product many could have.
Wolf Von Lange roome with Phasmation and the smaller speakers.
DCS Lina - not really a headphone guy, but I could live with this system.
Supatrac - start-up tonearm manufacturer. Interesting tech and a good explanation of the engineering ideas behind it. Not very expensive either.
Tedeska/Martinon - Technically outside the show.I had a Torres cartridge in my system for a few weeks and thought it was the best I had heard in some time. The Einhorns took it to another level. I've loved these speakers for years.

I came home exhausted and with a tremendous head cold, so I haven't even turned on my system yet. Have to get in better shape for the show next year.

BTW, another one I enjoyed is the Thrax room.
I cannot offer an analysis of the finer parts of the system, etc, but three of us (you know who you are :cool: ) got them to play us Black Sabbath (War Pigs, of course). That filled the room btw -- and made our day!
Greg, I was one of the three, handling air bass, air drums, and doubling with you on the lyrics. It was a blast to revive all of those adolescent synaptic connections! But it was the Total Dac room with their new speakers, as I recall it. I thought the speakers were just plain incoherent, and I enjoyed that moment more for the gusto the three of us shared, in spite of the musical challenges of the speaker. To me the drivers were dialing in from completely different zip codes, just so different in texture that I couldn't feel the music. Memory reinforced by hundreds of plays of that record helped to overcome it (may my dear departed mother rest in peace - - how she suffered through that period of my life!).

And Diesis. I heard them on Day 2, and they left me cold, as I heard the "horniness" coloring voices and instruments in ways that just don't work for me. I simply cannot get around that with that horn speaker, just like every other one I have encountered, albeit only at shows (with the exception of Avantgarde Trios + Basshorns in a supremely cultivated system and Edgar Horns in another). Diesis is reputed to be some pretty good horns, making me conclude that I'm not a horn guy. Probably just as simple as that (or maybe not, with the right ones that I've yet to hear). No system does it all. Which compromises can you live with, which ones can you not (the main point of my original post - - i.e. there is considerable spread in how we hear and what we value, and that's OK). Now, maybe the Diesis system had improved importantly by Day 4 when you heard them (just like the DartZeel/Stenheim room did for me - - underwhelmed and gravely disappointed on Days 1 - 3, amazed on Day 4).

Ked, if you could PM me the horns you think are really great, I would appreciate that, as I am on my "ultimate speaker quest", and I'd hate to f%@& it up by ignoring worthy contenders out of ignorance. My experience of quite a few horns so far has confirmed for me that I'm not a horn guy, but mostly at shows, and I surely haven't covered them all, even in those challenged venues.
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Final thought on the Wilson/ CH room .
I heard the same room last year with basically the same amplification/ sources but then with Rockport LYRA s
I didnt know there was so much quality difference in top models from manufacturers .
Rockport is able to reproduce tons more detail and bass ( definition ) from the same upstream components.
The wilson even had subs .
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The Thrax electronics are pretty good. Their phono is great. Audioquattr owns one, DCC owns their preamp. Their hybrid amp is quite musical as well it was better than the Darts with the Stenheim Alumine 5 at Anamighty, and the preamp was better as well. The phono is one of my favorite phonos but too expensive, they are now coming out with a new iteration. And it is one box and flexible inputs.
Thrax Orpheus MK3 S is less expensive than Zanden 1200 Signature or CH Precision P1, and I don't talk about CH P10 and new Nagra HD. Unfortunately, the new MK3 has no XLR input
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I purchased Odeon Carneiges in poplar and a pair of Odeon Rigolettos. Rhapsody will now be adding Odeon to their product line up and representing Odeon in the US.
Congrats, I really love your portfolio :cool:
Ked, if you could PM me the horns you think are really great, I would appreciate that, as I am on my "ultimate speaker quest", and I'd hate to f%@& it up by ignoring worthy contenders out of ignorance
(I have the same request, plus: moderate budget AFAIAC; no big Odeons $$$, no lean midrange, no lifted treble; if possible
- thanks !)

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