Munich show 2023 Hifideluxe and MOC .

Ked, if you could PM me the horns you think are really great, I would appreciate that, as I am on my "ultimate speaker quest", and I'd hate to f%@& it up by ignoring worthy contenders out of ignorance. My experience of quite a few horns so far has confirmed for me that I'm not a horn guy, but mostly at shows, and I surely haven't covered them all, even in those challenged venues.

What is the room size
What is the genre of music to listen to?
I know you have the Lampi, you also have the Technics. What is your source objective. The speaker choice can change accordingly.
Same for Orfeo
@Gregm I was just reflecting upon how much fun that participation together in that song was, and I'm sure we would have had a blast even with a Sonos Play 1 doing the honors! This reminded me how much sharing the music is a joy. Some of my best memories like this involved Large Advents fed by a basic Kenwood integrated, Dual 1245 + Microacoustics 2002e and bog standard wiring (OK, and a Modest Bong!). It's the sharing that amplifies the fun, and that's what I loved about my days with you audio nuts at MOC!
Room: 22.5' long x 14.75' wide (speakers arrayed along this) x 7.75' high.
I listen to everything, all over the map, but I atteng ~20 - 30 classical concerts a year and listen to a lot of classical, which really drives my appreciation of timbre, etc. But if Black Sabbath doesn't sound great, too, then I don't want it.
I'm not quite sure what you are meaning by "source objective". I do know that the Technics is going. I heard the top-level Sikora TT with DSAudio cartridge and preamp in comparison to virtually the identical digital front end I have, and I heard that there is quite a bit more music to be had on the vinyl side. I will be amending that in my system, I'm pretty sure.
Room: 22.5' long x 14.75' wide (speakers arrayed along this) x 7.75' high.
I listen to everything, all over the map, but I atteng ~20 - 30 classical concerts a year and listen to a lot of classical, which really drives my appreciation of timbre, etc. But if Black Sabbath doesn't sound great, too, then I don't want it.
I'm not quite sure what you are meaning by "source objective". I do know that the Technics is going. I heard the top-level Sikora TT with DSAudio cartridge and preamp in comparison to virtually the identical digital front end I have, and I heard that there is quite a bit more music to be had on the vinyl side. I will be amending that in my system, I'm pretty sure.

The black sabbath is by far the best I have heard. And I have heard them live too.

And this is only with a Garrard 301 and SPU and 18k worth of electronics chain. The signal path is so straightforward with a 1st order crossover, 2 way easy to time and phase align, and sensitivity and impedance of both upper and lower drivers matching at 105ish db and 8 ohms, all firing in the same don't need much sh*t fi to get the stuff on the record out.
Kedar has shared a few videos yours are among the best of them.
I’ve heard Sikora many times always outstanding and very alive
Nick doshi shows with his tables this tells me all I need to know. At axpona it was best in analog just vinyl magic
Dr vinyl room was with a ds cart setup
A tiny room played hard rock and many other genre
On usher speakers also very good when I hear them
His room was a very good standout
heavy metal imagine and it showed me how good it is. It was analog vinyl to me and has a level of detail like nicks room so to me it’s also next to do
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Thanks! I foresee an interesting and long evening ...

You might be surprised at how much information is on their site. The standalone review list is incomplete and needs reorganization, but look under an individual component and find an aggregation of reviews. Most everything from the previous site is there. The Web archive is always there, however some of the URLs from past pages point to contemporary pages.
You might be surprised at how much information is on their site. The standalone review list is incomplete and needs reorganization, but look under an individual component and find an aggregation of reviews. Most everything from the previous site is there. The Web archive is always there, however some of the URLs from past pages point to contemporary pages.

As I said, just the tip of the iceberg. Fortunately I have found much more detailed information - not just reviews - in the old site and also elsewhere.

Guess who said ""Show me a graph of the distortion factor versus frequency, and I will tell you how the amplifier sounds""? A clue - it was said in russian ...
I'm pretty sure he owned a pair of Wilson Maxx 3s and I saw them in use at shows - of course those are not horns. He frequently used other Wilson models, large (Alexandria 2) and small (Alexia) at shows, typically in two rooms. He showed at least once with the Bionors (CES 2003). He used the Kharma Exquisite at several shows along with the Verity Lohengrin at CES. Granted show relationships and which gear gets paired with which is something unto itself. Yes, the Lamm/Wilson relationship was one of mutual admiration.

What do you want to know?

Alexias are small? I feel my manhood has been questioned. Lol.
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Shows are definelty part of the great human experience and its fun to me to see how a particular thing can have totally different reactions to a group of people.
It is interesting that a room can be the chicken and chicken shit at the same time:)

Listening bias, my dear Watson, listening bias ... ;)
I heard he worked out of his basement, which is where the speakers were.
No, the speakers were upstairs on the main floor. The basement was where the assembly and repair was done.
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I'm pretty sure he owned a pair of Wilson Maxx 3s and I saw them in use at shows - of course those are not horns. He frequently used other Wilson models, large (Alexandria 2) and small (Alexia) at shows, typically in two rooms. He showed at least once with the Bionors (CES 2003). He used the Kharma Exquisite at several shows along with the Verity Lohengrin at CES. Granted show relationships and which gear gets paired with which is something unto itself. Yes, the Lamm/Wilson relationship was one of mutual admiration.
you might be confusing what ddk used for speakers at shows and what Vladimir used. David had the Bioners (2002 or 2003 CES and it was a single Bioner (mono)), and the Kharma's, Vlad had the Wilson's. i was ddk's Kharma customer at that time.

Vlad might have been showing with ddk the year the Bioner was there, but i don't recall that.
I'm pretty sure he [Vladimir Lamm] owned a pair of Wilson Maxx 3s and I saw them in use at shows - of course those are not horns. He frequently used other Wilson models, large (Alexandria 2) and small (Alexia) at shows, typically in two rooms. He showed at least once with the Bionors (CES 2003). He used the Kharma Exquisite at several shows along with the Verity Lohengrin at CES. Granted show relationships and which gear gets paired with which is something unto itself. Yes, the Lamm/Wilson relationship was one of mutual admiration.

you might be confusing what ddk used for speakers at shows and what Vladimir used. David had the Bioners (2002 or 2003 CES and it was a single Bioner (mono)), and the Kharma's, Vlad had the Wilson's. i was ddk's Kharma customer at that time.

Vlad might have been showing with ddk the year the Bioner was there, but i don't recall that.

Did not say who provided speakers. At shows, most electronics manufacturer use speakers from othe companies. I said the Lamm room used the Bionors (once), Kharmas, Verity and Wilsons at shows -- where is the confusion, Mike?

At CES 2003 the Lamm room had a pair of speakers (stereo).

2003 CES Lamm room.jpg
Above are the 90W ML1.1 amps manufactured from 2002-2010.

Jeff Day - CES Impressions Part 2 1/12/2003

You might be wondering what speaker stood at the very top of my personal podium at this years show. For my tastes it was the vintage 1960's Siemens horns in the Lamm ( room hands down. These big horns were about ten feet tall and fifteen feet wide each! There are a lot of small auditoriums that don't have that kind of stage width! They had two 12" or 15" (not sure) drivers in each bass horn, paired with a mid-range / tweeter horn to cover the rest.
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You obviously don’t live in London then ;)
London prices is just a massive rip-off just like many other big statement cities.......Give me a micro brewery within the green belts of countryside in the UK any day of the week !
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