Munich show 2023 Hifideluxe and MOC .

OK, you're right, my statement about horns is unqualified. I usually assume that folks would read a general statement of reaction to be a summation of that person's experience. Perhaps more accurate or complete would be: "While I hear many positive aspects in the horn systems that I have heard to date, with those I that have heard there is an overriding sound signature to my ears that just doesn't work for me. Mind you, it's only been a couple score plus systems, and mostly it's been at shows, but my consistent reaction to those has left me unlikely to pursue horns further. But that's just me." Ox sufficiently ungored now?
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I am referring to your 2016 tour not 2018

The funny thing, actually, is that I think I like more horn speakers than you do. (I'm not as picky as you are.)

Outside of your select group of favorite horns, I think you would jump to cones quicker than I would. Putting it differently, outside of a very few select cone speakers with big driver surface area, I would prefer horns.
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jbrrp1 no need to apologize for your post​


Dogmatic people are very firm their convictions, which usually come from some authority. The authority is often religious, but it doesn't have to be. Anything dogmatic is by the book. If you're dogmatic, you're 100% sure of your system despite evidence to the contrary. Dogmatic can also mean close-minded.
This is not directed to anyone in particular, but I feel sad loosing people whom I enjoyed reading and these unending banters just take a lot of space and time. They are not discussions either...

I listened to Nagra room, Wilson Room, I even had products in the Rockport room. Yes, they sounded good too but it is not the type of sound I am interested in. Especially the Wilson/D-Agostino sound is nearly the opposite of what I want for sound and looks.

Why do people care this much about what the other one enjoy? I love horns, someone can enjoy omnis etc. so what? I have my reasonings but in the end it is my preference and my own reasons and hierarchies.

Please enjoy whatever you prefer and respect and have pleasure in hearing about different perspectives. I love forums as everybody shares their thoughts. The forums are why I spend a lot of time on internet and it is not just this forum. So many people helping out each other in a lot of them in any subject we can imagine. I love to read about different experiences and different preferences.

I can not understand people who are not being able to show patience to something they can just ignore and prefer not to read or respond. Hanging out with only like minded or same preference people is surely not a very good thing for anyone and our world.

jbrrp1 no need to apologize for your post​


Dogmatic people are very firm their convictions, which usually come from some authority. The authority is often religious, but it doesn't have to be. Anything dogmatic is by the book. If you're dogmatic, you're 100% sure of your system despite evidence to the contrary. Dogmatic can also mean close-minded.

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jbrrp1 no need to apologize for your post​


Dogmatic people are very firm their convictions, which usually come from some authority. The authority is often religious, but it doesn't have to be. Anything dogmatic is by the book. If you're dogmatic, you're 100% sure of your system despite evidence to the contrary. Dogmatic can also mean close-minded.
Who are you talking about as being dogmatic? Kedar?

If so, that is an incorrect characterization. Kedar is actually quite empirical.
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This is not directed to anyone in particular, but I feel sad loosing people whom I enjoyed reading and these unending banters just take a lot of space and time. They are not discussions either...

I listened to Nagra room, Wilson Room, I even had products in the Rockport room. Yes, they sounded good too but it is not the type of sound I am interested in. Especially the Wilson/D-Agostino sound is nearly the opposite of what I want for sound and looks.

Why do people care this much about what the other one enjoy? I love horns, someone can enjoy omnis etc. so what? I have my reasonings but in the end it is my preference and my own reasons and hierarchies.

Please enjoy whatever you prefer and respect and have pleasure in hearing about different perspectives. I love forums as everybody shares their thoughts. The forums are why I spend a lot of time on internet and it is not just this forum. So many people helping out each other in a lot of them in any subject we can imagine. I love to read about different experiences and different preferences.

I can not understand people who are not being able to show patience to something they can just ignore and prefer not to read or respond. Hanging out with only like minded or same preference people is surely not a very good thing for anyone and our world.

All this is fine, but if people want to speak negatively about something, they should listen to it. Speaking on horns after listening to a duo or some other bad horn and saying horns are cupped is not fair on a forum where people take that as another data point when it is not. If you listen to Cessaro, or duo, or whatever it is, please say it and that you don't like it. That is fine. There are a lot of digital only people who have listened to two turntables and said analog does nothing for them. This is no different. It is also very easy to identify these people, who use generic "horns" term to cover lack of exposure but want to participate in the discussion. If they don't want to do research, they shouldn't participate.
Who are you talking about as being dogmatic? Kedar?

If so, that is an incorrect characterization. Kedar is actually quite empirical.
Off course .
In your book may be , but not in my book.

JBRRP1 made a statement about horns and he then kinda retracts it because it is " not accepted "
This is getting completely ridiculous .
We live in a free world or what :)
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I made no noise with regard to your right to comment. I you think I am wrong it’s fine to say so. I believe in free speech for all…even those in the industry ;)
Agreed it was not you and I apologize as I was responding to you, it was meant for Argonaut that made several posts about how absurd it was for me to comment on your opinions.

I really have no issue that you had your opinion of our room. Like you I believe in free speech, ESPECIALLY if someone has actually heard a room or a system. Then their opinion is valid and respected.

I only had such a different experience in the room and I had heard all of the rooms from the years prior that you referenced (except last year) and for myself and all of our team members/visitors it just did not add up. So I just gave my opinion about the room and was not knocking you for giving yours.

Hopefully we can leave it at that. You gave your opinion of the room and I shared my experience. Let readers take what they want from our differences and move on.

Have a great day!
Horns - Dogma
Nonsense. It is called experience. I was a planar guy for a long time (Infinity IRS beta, Apogee, Acoustat, Audiostatic, BG ribbons, STAX etc.) and then some conventional speakers. But after hearing how horns properly done get closer to live music...the switch was easy.
JBRRP1 made a statement about horns and he then kinda retracts it because it is " not accepted "
This is getting completely ridiculous .
We live in a free world or what :)

Free world - he can substantiate with more information of his horn exposure, instead of "horns", so that people specifically know what he is referring to. In which case, he might agree with some who advocate horns these are indeed rubbish, and realize for himself there are many others to be auditioned. This will help everyone.

There is a difference between free speech, incorrect reporting, lack of exposure, and ignorance.
I missed Admire Audio from last year, wish they were here again.
I met them in the Silbatone/WE room and they told me to be back at next years HE Munich.

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For me the highlight of the show was meeting fellow members. We had a lot of online chatting with @christoph but it was really nice finally meeting with him and his knowledgable friend and having longer chats, walking around and listening to different systems together. He also introduced me to another fine gentleman @audioquattr and we had some brief chats and exchange of ideas with him too.

For an audio/hifi hobbyists, the very rare chance to experience first hand, the first high fidelity speaker ever (made in 1926) in its original form is a big reward. I felt lucky and indebted to everyone involved bringing down and original Western Electric 12b, and even using a VT2 tube from 1918 for our listening pleasure. These are one of the rarest items in hifi. They also have some strengths that even totl hifi today hardly matches and that is very educational itself. I spent the longest time in total in this room. Visited at least 6 or 7 times and listened to a lot of music. It was also very nice to meet JC Morrison whom I have always followed with interest.
did you get to Hifi Deluxe to hear the large Acapella speakers? That was a really great sounding system...if you didn't sit in the back of the room.
did you get to Hifi Deluxe to hear the large Acapella speakers? That was a really great sounding system...if you didn't sit in the back of the room.
I heard the Acapella system at hifi deluxe show last year, this year I did not have the chance. Last year the sound was good but they started playing too loud to be enjoyed in any untreated room with any speaker setup, so I could not spend as long time as I would have wanted. I like the acapellas for what they are and their tweeters like Lansche have very good sound.
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All this is fine, but if people want to speak negatively about something, they should listen to it. Speaking on horns after listening to a duo or some other bad horn and saying horns are cupped is not fair on a forum where people take that as another data point when it is not. If you listen to Cessaro, or duo, or whatever it is, please say it and that you don't like it. That is fine. There are a lot of digital only people who have listened to two turntables and said analog does nothing for them. This is no different. It is also very easy to identify these people, who use generic "horns" term to cover lack of exposure but want to participate in the discussion. If they don't want to do research, they shouldn't participate.
I am for last 13 years or so a " horn guy " and I had a lot of magic moments listening to Duo Omega and Duo Mezzo XD :)
I start to think that there is something wrong with me ;)

I like also other constructions - among others some Cessaro, Acapella , Living Voice , hORNs , Destination Audio or Blumenhofer . I always try to understand was what the aim of the constructor - every spekaer has his strong and weak side. I try to concentrate on strenghts.

In the same time I heard during the audio shows and at my friends homes classic , less efficient speakers which I could live with.

For me the music matters most.
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I am for last 13 years or so a " horn guy " and I had a lot of magic moments listening to Duo Omega and Duo Mezzo :)
I start to think that there is something wrong with me :)

I like also other constructions - among others some Cessaro, Acapella , Living Voice , hORNs , Destination Audio or Blumenhofer. I always try to understand was what the aim of the constructor - every spekaer has his strong and weak side. I try to concentrate on strenghts.

In the same time I heard during the audio shows and at my friends homes classic , less efficient speakers which I could live with.

For me music matters most.

In your cases the preferences and experiences are clear. That is quite different from saying you don't like something because it has an issue and not specifying the extent of exposure (especially where the exposure is low). Like Ron pointed out, if not for some select horns, I prefer certain cones (and panels) over other horns. I quite clearly state in many posts what those are, and where I don't if someone iasked what I think is sh*t, I can - I wouldn't state just 2 cones. If I have not had exposure to something, just don't comment on that. And I don't include negative experiences at shows ever as negative exposure to the component if I have not experienced the component outside, though I might comment on overall room sound at the show, not attributing it to any component but to the conditions.

Listening is not difficult at all - the thing is people do not want to do it, yet comment on something they do not know just to be included. This is a common trend.
Clear, you know Ked that I admire and respect your experience but probably our sound preferences are a bit different.
For me it is obvious that the choice about the components we make is always a matter of accessible options. Then the setup at home is a matter of visual, acoustic and - last but not least - financial compromises.
So we listen to what we can afford and finally adjust our sensivity to the sound we have at home, our brain is much better than AI in telling us that what we have is the best;)
Prove - so many users here fighting to the end;)
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Clear, you know Ked that I admire and respect your experience but probably our sound preferences are a bit different.
For me is obvious that the choice about the components we make is always a matter of accessible options. Then the setup at home is a matter of visual, acoustic and - last but not least - financial compromises.
So we listen to what we can have and finally adjust our sensivity to the sound we have at home, our brain is much better than AI in telling us that what we have is the best;)
Prove - so many users here fighting to the end;)

Again, we are not discussing what your preferences are compared to someone else's or what your choices are - question is are you saying negative or claiming experience about things you do not have experience with. These are very different things. Lots of the forum hides under the term "personal preference"
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(...) if people want to speak negatively about something, they should listen to it. Speaking on horns after listening to a duo or some other bad horn and saying horns are cupped is not fair on a forum where people take that as another data point when it is not. If you listen to Cessaro, or duo, or whatever it is, please say it and that you don't like it (...)
How about the opposite as well? I listened to some rock on Diesis and I liked it very much.
The immediacy of a well executed horn is great, esp. when it comes to recordings of live music -- as you note above.
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