We can't have Sam (whose music I absolutely love) without also having Otis. I couldn't find a decent video of I've Been Loving You Too Long, so this one will have to do:
Although these recordins are surprisingly good. If you hear something you like their is no substitue for buying it if you don't have it. It will sound 1 hundred times better on your stereo. The standards sung by the greats. If you like, Send in the Clowns. for example, no one sings it better than Sarah. Odds are if you don't like it you can find something Sarah sings you'll be in love with. Or you can find a version by someone else you'll love.
You don't have to be a slave to your local radio station. Satellite radio or internet access to local raido stations. If you find something you love don't be afraid to share it with us. Remember, music is the one thing in this hobby where personal preference is all that matters.
Good night and as Raul always says, "enjoy the music."