Allow me to add my personal experience with Pachanko- and Diretta, as I recently received my Pachanko Constellation Mini SE CAT (Computer Audio Transport), Pachanko Stellar Dual LPS combined with a Diretta OlioSpec DUB.
Pachanko’s local distributor in the Netherlands, Piet de Vries, from AudioTweaks kindly offered to lend me his demo Mini server to use for testing purposes.
Allow me to first give you some background and describe the rest of my setup. I use Qobuz streaming, as my only musical source (no vinyl, no CD’s, no local file storage) as we are fortunate to have a stabile high speed fiber-to-the-home connection. Roon is my favorite musical librarian. Although purely streaming digital, I have a strong preference for an analoge soundstage, achieved by means of using tubes in my system where I can.
Let me guide you backwards from ear-to-source. My speakers are Avalon Transcendent’s on Townshend isolation podiums, connecting through MIT Oracle V2 speaker cables to my two mono power amps, built by a local tube amp ‘artist’, each with 4 x KT150 tubes.
MIT Oracle V2.1 interlinks connect back into my Lampizator Pacific Balanced DAC with volume control/pre-amp (plus remote). The fully brass Pacific DAC uses a 5U4G KR Audio rectifier tube and 242 KR Audio signal DHT tubes.
Some months ago I decided to look for a replacement of my Innuos Zenith Mk2 server/streamer and, after an audiophile friend pointed me at the Diretta protocol, I decided to take a look at the Pachanko Constellation Mini SE server, because it offered the option of dual ethernet ports, combined with the Diretta protocol and HQ Player in one purpose built platform.
The distributor’s smaller demo unit (already including Diretta) provided a considerable upgrade in SQ over my old Innuos/Roon-based server. The meanwhile purchased Constellation Mini SE (adding HQ Player to the mix) boosted my setup to an even higher level. I appreciate the option to select within Roon to use MQ Player, or leave it out.
Now mind you, in my opinion my earlier rig already sounded impressive, but adding the Pachanko server/Diretta protocol/HQ Player lifted the musical experience to an impressively higher level. The overal sound image has become even more refined with very balanced mid’s and high’s, but what this upgrade did to my bass is simply amazing. It oozes power and control. The sound image has opened up further yet has not become ‘digital’ and in fact maintains the pure analogue character that I so much appreciate. The silent passages are ‘black as night’. I dare to say that my current system matches a very costly (and high maintenance) turntable/vinyl system, (something I never had the patience to work with anyway). In my opinion, streaming has reached the same SQ level.
Lastly, let me also testify that Pachanko’s support is of absolute world class. Chan from Pachanko, like others here have testified, is always available to jump in and assist remotely, supporting its customers in ways that are so seldomly seen nowadays.
When looking for a robust high-end computer audio platform, I can only advice to take a look/listen.