I wish you were being subjective. Throughout this thread I have encouraged using subjective terminology like you really enjoyed the sound. That is subjective. No measurement can eek out that sentence.
Enjoyment is completely able to be measured. Unfortunately, I’m only going to repeat what I’ve said before: Pupil dilation, dopamine receptor activity, heart rate, blood pressure and galvanic skin response are all measurable and indicative of how a person is feeling.
That’s totally different from someone reporting they’re enjoying themselves. That is subjective, of course, and is socio-culturally contextualized depending on many psychological and environmental factors and prone to misidentification/deception/delusion. Nevertheless, whether a person’s brain and body are experiencing enjoyment can be measured objectively, in spite of the person being able to identify and describe the emotions thier body/brain is experiencing, or not.
No, what you are trying to do is actually being objective and technical. A term like "harmonic structure" is term that utilizes technical terms, "harmonic" and "structure." We are desperately trying to add objective support to our listening observation as to make them be more correct. So we have created these terms without ever understanding what they mean.
Was it me who introduced the term “harmonic structure” into this thread, or you? (Hint: It wasn’t me.)
If I were a musicologist, I might say that “harmonic structure” has a very definite meaning, related to the last four centuries of western musical composition apropos the use of simultaneously sounded tones in chords, the construction of chord sequences, the function of chords in establishing tonal organization, and the relationship between harmonic and melodic organization. If I were an auditory neuroscientist, “harmonic structure” would relate to pitch and how periodic sounds (waveforms with repeated patterns or “motivs”) will always only have Fourier spectra consisting soley of harmonics of the fundamental. If I were buying a new PRS, “harmonic structure” would relate to the way the guitar produces individual tones relative to the number of harmonics present at different frets of the neck and how the guitar behaves modally as a whole. Again, it would have a very definite meaning.
If it lacks definite meaning to you, then that’s fine. I feel pretty happy with my understanding of it thus far, but feel free to enlighten me.
You want to be subjective, be subjective. Don't attempt to use objective terminology without any real meaning. In some sense, I would take the use of natural way, way ahead of these terms. At least that word is not trying to be overly technical like "microdynamics."
Be yourselves. Don't try to use objective terms which have nothing to do with objective evaluation of audio. I mean even subjectivists must get tired of reading for the thousands time that some system had great microdynamics, blacker background, etc. What do you get out of the same accolades over and over again? Is there such a desperate need to look like the other camp by using these technical sounding terms???
I don’t have desperate need for anything, other than to post my thoughts relative to my experience, provide a (limited) perspective on the topic under consideration which may change at any given time, hope that it won’t offend anyone, without being forced into a false choice decision to be in a “camp” that is socio-culturally precscribed and generally misused by people who are unable or unwilling to enter into a discussion without recourse to labelling others with gross generalizations and partisan divisiveness.
On reflection - given my post count stands at a lofty one-hundred and forty-eight - I don’t even have a desperate need to do that.
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