Thanks Peter, it wasn't immediately apparent what was under the metal plate. Someone else more fully picked up the ball I was making desires known towards making use of. Both photos were appreciated.
Your enjoyably simple solution reminds me of making an Euler spring from sticks and a rectangle of plywood. A friend's kids had a blast jumping on it while their engineer dad stood there in shock at the unexpected and it also working. Fun and (then later) burning.
Had gathered no idea from a deck of cards you would be competitively into badminton. Funny how some sports manage to have only regional pockets of activity allowing clubs and conceivably tournaments among them. Summer being only half gone I might explore digging out an old set from someone's possessions and organizing a game. Surprisingly difficult sport to pick up casually for many including myself. Lots of missing the object intended to be hit only increasing with application of higher force. Bringing into question any potency. Mental or otherwise.
There is reason to expect your analog system carries a pictorial sense of motion across with conviction. Blinding light or pitch darkness are progressively tougher to explain. As a grey pitch of rain descends over an entire movement. We still have color as it flows dimly around us until a bolt of lightning sizzles across full spectrum of blindness to blindness. Stark visual sensation removed from sound made by any instrument. A moment we assimilate awareness of naturally occurring multiple times without recognizing it as being any more or less insensate than the onslaught of dreariness.
I question but don't request awareness whether this sphere of natural muting is feasibly possible on one table in your home and not the other. This implies the near exact opposite of serious listening with mind racing to narrowly avoid too much focus. The many seasoned listeners here are capable of keeping you on the jump all month. I'm more curious about where you fall a month after removal is slated. During that slow period of late Summer and early Fall when specifics will be tougher to rely on. Gut and feather inaccuracy plus time for a truer sense of organic variation to sink in.
Your enjoyably simple solution reminds me of making an Euler spring from sticks and a rectangle of plywood. A friend's kids had a blast jumping on it while their engineer dad stood there in shock at the unexpected and it also working. Fun and (then later) burning.
Had gathered no idea from a deck of cards you would be competitively into badminton. Funny how some sports manage to have only regional pockets of activity allowing clubs and conceivably tournaments among them. Summer being only half gone I might explore digging out an old set from someone's possessions and organizing a game. Surprisingly difficult sport to pick up casually for many including myself. Lots of missing the object intended to be hit only increasing with application of higher force. Bringing into question any potency. Mental or otherwise.
When I think of whip and feather and now gut and feather, I’m drawn to the sheer heft of this turntable and how it has a beguiling ability to portray both the foundation of a pianists left hand and the agility of his right.
There is reason to expect your analog system carries a pictorial sense of motion across with conviction. Blinding light or pitch darkness are progressively tougher to explain. As a grey pitch of rain descends over an entire movement. We still have color as it flows dimly around us until a bolt of lightning sizzles across full spectrum of blindness to blindness. Stark visual sensation removed from sound made by any instrument. A moment we assimilate awareness of naturally occurring multiple times without recognizing it as being any more or less insensate than the onslaught of dreariness.
I question but don't request awareness whether this sphere of natural muting is feasibly possible on one table in your home and not the other. This implies the near exact opposite of serious listening with mind racing to narrowly avoid too much focus. The many seasoned listeners here are capable of keeping you on the jump all month. I'm more curious about where you fall a month after removal is slated. During that slow period of late Summer and early Fall when specifics will be tougher to rely on. Gut and feather inaccuracy plus time for a truer sense of organic variation to sink in.