Francisco, I’ve moved on. If you find it difficult, please start your own thread somewhere else to further discussion. I’d like to discuss something different, so here goes:
Since I am in learning phase with this wonderful turntable in my living room, I decided to play with string or thread drive. There was a wonderful discussion on this topic in Tangs AS2000 thread around page 46. Interestingly, I made a comment on the topic three years ago, speculating the effect thread drive would have on sound quality. Here is what I wrote in response to skepticism that it would make any difference on a turntable such as the AS 2000 which already has exemplary speed results:
“I suspect it has nothing to do with speed accuracy or consistency, but rather the mechanical interface between the drive pulley and the massive platter. It is about how the contact is made and it might manifest itself in lower noise, less vibration, etc. I'm sure it is minor, but audible under the "right" circumstances or David would not go to the effort.”
Here I am three years later confirming that statement. I’m using what I can find around the house, which is dental floss. It is flat and very thin and seems to be basically a tiny version of the Micro Seiki non-stretch belt that I’ve been using on the American Sound. I used a knot which was recommended in Tang’s thread.
The sound is more natural. It is amazing how these little differences are so clearly audible. The bass is more open, more nuanced. More tonal color and dimensional definition while retaining the mass. The musicians are more present in front of me. The relationship between the drummer and the bassist on Way Out West is more clearly defined, both spatially and tonally. Cleaner base notes that are more hollow and physical and more defined brush work on the symbols. Then Rollins‘ saxophone comes in and has more bite and gravitas.
I thought it would be more subtle than this. Anyone who is using a belt with a high mass platter should experiment with this. I am still playing with both the tension and the length of the string. It is clearly a very nice audible uptick in sound quality. This post is basically a repeat of what was discussed three years ago on Tang’s thread, but here it is again made very real for me now with this turntable in my own room.

Since I am in learning phase with this wonderful turntable in my living room, I decided to play with string or thread drive. There was a wonderful discussion on this topic in Tangs AS2000 thread around page 46. Interestingly, I made a comment on the topic three years ago, speculating the effect thread drive would have on sound quality. Here is what I wrote in response to skepticism that it would make any difference on a turntable such as the AS 2000 which already has exemplary speed results:
“I suspect it has nothing to do with speed accuracy or consistency, but rather the mechanical interface between the drive pulley and the massive platter. It is about how the contact is made and it might manifest itself in lower noise, less vibration, etc. I'm sure it is minor, but audible under the "right" circumstances or David would not go to the effort.”
Here I am three years later confirming that statement. I’m using what I can find around the house, which is dental floss. It is flat and very thin and seems to be basically a tiny version of the Micro Seiki non-stretch belt that I’ve been using on the American Sound. I used a knot which was recommended in Tang’s thread.
The sound is more natural. It is amazing how these little differences are so clearly audible. The bass is more open, more nuanced. More tonal color and dimensional definition while retaining the mass. The musicians are more present in front of me. The relationship between the drummer and the bassist on Way Out West is more clearly defined, both spatially and tonally. Cleaner base notes that are more hollow and physical and more defined brush work on the symbols. Then Rollins‘ saxophone comes in and has more bite and gravitas.
I thought it would be more subtle than this. Anyone who is using a belt with a high mass platter should experiment with this. I am still playing with both the tension and the length of the string. It is clearly a very nice audible uptick in sound quality. This post is basically a repeat of what was discussed three years ago on Tang’s thread, but here it is again made very real for me now with this turntable in my own room.

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