I will state further, that I think getting full information retrieval is important to natural sound and so I am not a fan of going to lower resolution in order to achieve it, which also includes cables, electronics, speakers etc. It is sometimes hard to distinguish what is really resolution and what is artifacts masquerading as resolution but that is not a reason to not try to achieve more resolution. I am in favor of Vintage components only if they are performing at the same level as modern components from the perspective of transparency, resolution etc.
For example, I would probably never use an actual vintage SET from the 1930s. Although I think SET is key to a natural sound, it is modern implementations, like your Lamm, that I think deliver best. Some vintage speakers can still meet SOTA performance as you know and I am in favor of going to speakers like that or modern executions of old concepts (like my Odeons).
Much of the vintage gear has glaring flaws sonically that, while otherwise more "natural" sounding, are disqualified due to the glaring flaw. Not saying the Ortofon is too flawed but, IMO, it is lower resolution and warms up the sound somewhat and to me that moves away from "real" sounding.