I have a theory of why the approach that Peter has chosen to take is “preposterous” to some.
First, it is the equipment that Peter has chosen. Many cannot fathom to think that “vintage” equipment can generate the “magic” that multi-thousand dollar modern equipment strives for but fails to achieve. I had a well know audiophile on here, Mikel, use the word “vintage“ as derogatory as it related to his “latest and greatest” equipment. To me it is more about the system’s make up than the age or vintage of the components. I personally feel that “1980 to 2007” was the golden age of audiophile equipment. It seems to me that there was an actual ”pure” pursuit of excellence during that period as opposed to the pursuit for profit that has become the norm. Some “Vintage” systems and components can compete, and in some cases exceed, their contemporaries if they are special in their design, execution and sound reproduction. The flavor of the day components rarely stand the test of time. Well designed “vintage” systems can hold their own against the latest magazine and forum darlings. Listen and you will know. To me, the artistry is in the putting together a system that is more than the sum of its parts; very much like in cooking, it is not about the ingredients but how the recipe is prepared and served.
Secondly, it is about DDK, the guru. Peter has taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker. Peter is all in, he has dove face first into what some think is an empty pool. When someone follows a person so blindly, he is a disciple. Now is Peter wrong for doing this? If David is leading Peter to his audio utopia, then I say not. David has managed to provide Peter a “vision”. “A Vision” like William Butler Yates‘ vision that everything is cyclic. Rather than float around aimlessly or being directed by the whims of the opinions of magazines or forums, Peter now has a reference and datum, David’s systems in Utah. Peter very much liked what he heard and he is now striving to achieve it. I don’t think that David is unique or special in any form. Peter could have run into any other experienced and well seasoned audiophile that has discovered that Audiophila as we know it is nothing other than Scientology and a total sham and swindle, and he would have found a different niche or faction of the hobby to set his direction.
As an explorer of the different audio factions, I can tell you that there is no winning walk. There are many ways to achieve audio nirvana. No path is all right or wrong. Each approach is a different vantage point to the same musical performance. Audio utopia is what you make of it, if contentment is compromise, then what is chasing that elusive audio hologram?
Don’t be mistaken, it is human nature to mistreat those that are not aligned with us. The truth hurts, but even more so after you discover that your system is nothing special, no matter how much money you have put into it, because it is not about the money, but rather it is about knowledge and that my friend you cannot buy.