Natural Sound

If its not full bandwidth how can it be natural?? Real sounds are full bandwidth. Real sounds are natural. So there's the disconnect.
I'm not saying you can't get a lot of enjoyment out of a system that isn't full bandwidth. But let's not be fooling ourselves- its not natural by any stretch. I've restored a variety of older radios and tuners that I use about the house and really enjoy playing them but I don't think for a minute they produce anything natural.

So perhaps you could explain how something that fails to produce the entire signal is 'natural'? I really do want to know.

Could you make a recording of a human voice anyway you want and play it back on any system you want and make it sound natural? you’re in charge of all decisions and the voice does not go to the bottom octave. Can you make that voice sound natural from a recording?
I am not trying meet any conditions for Ralph…he is just plain wrong about a number of things…I don’t care if is handy with a soldering iron. He put me on ignore because I exposed a number of his fallacies and it upset him. He has flipped 180 degrees with the introduction of his Class D amps, effectively becoming a measurements first guy…a platform he could never stand on when he was only selling OTLs…oh and those had to be pure Class A (his never actually were) and no feedback (his lower models actually had some).

Most instruments and voices have a rather narrow frequency range, which is why a speaker can have somewhat limited bandwidth and still sound natural…sure some very low instruments like pipe organ or extremely high…like picolo overtones might take a hit on realism but not the majority.

Ever hear a gramophone? Despite the obvious bandwidth limitations they can in many important ways sound more realistic and natural than many modern high end systems…the brain just recognises the patterns…

I am in full agreement with this post except for your history with Ralph, which I know nothing about. I have heard a gramophone and I was astonished at how it sounded. Shocked actually.
I am in full agreement with this post except for your history with Ralph, which I know nothing about. I have heard a gramophone and I was astonished at how it sounded. Shocked actually.
You would be in for another shock if you recorded your own voice direct to disk.
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