Natural Sound

It has to reproduce the range it is capable of correctly...particularly harmonics and overtones, which is what people hear mostly when they talk about the "texture" and "tone" of the bass. Most drums don't go much below 40Hz anyway...only possibly some really big bass ones but again, you are mostly reacting to the upper frequencies when judging whether or not it sounds like a real drum.

This i agree with. While 65hz speaker will clearly show issues, below 40 or so is not a must, even if the bass drum goes down slightly
This i agree with. While 65hz speaker will clearly show issues, below 40 or so is not a must, even if the bass drum goes down slightly
depends on how much ambient/venue info is important to you. not always a factor for musical immersion, but sometimes (recording dependent) it matters for the complete picture.
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depends on how much ambient/venue info is important to you. not always a factor for musical immersion, but sometimes it matters for added realism.

Ambient venue will depend on the recording, and how good a system is in letting that through
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