I have a different method which involves setting down the stylus in a portion of the LP that has high modulation and with the volume all the way down, seeing how far from the machine I can hear the stylus tracking the groove. It should be dead silent (all resonance in the LP damped). If its easy to hear you know there's a problem.
LMAO! Engineering is what makes electricity work and airplanes fly so if you wish to deny engineering facts don't use those things either
What you seem to be saying is you've never given a Technics a chance and likely don't like the idea that you spent too much on your machine so troll me instead.
Technics made the only turntables (SP10Mk3) which are so speed stable and powerful they can be used for LP mastering; Stan Ricker used one for his work. Enough of them have seen this service that its likely such LPs are in your collection right now...