Network Acoustics - Tempus network switch

I know a guy who tried multiple switches in a row and came to the conclusion that the magic number and "sweet spot" was three of them.

Hello - was the the 4 video series I did where I tried 15 different cheap switches in addition to stacking them?

If so it's important to note that 3 was indeed the magic number, however I did not use three of the same switches as it was "too much of a good thing".

After trying literally dozens of combo's I found (for me in my system) the magic combo of three switches (total price about $200).

Then, I notice a significant improvement by plugging them into an old AudioQuest power condition I had laying around $199 on amazon).

Finally even to this day when I test expensive switches (I currently run a Telegartner Premium M12 switch feeding into their OPT BRIDGE) the trifecta of the cheap switches adds SIGNIFICANT performance to my system.
For those of us who haven’t seen these videos, could you provide links, or at least summarize as to what those three switches were for your system?
For those of us who haven’t seen these videos, could you provide links, or at least summarize as to what those three switches were for your system?
Hi Tony,

Here is the summary:

I tested 15 different switches from $30-$150 from different brands available on Amazon
I burned them all in for 100 hours;
I used Blue Jeans Cable as the patch cord coming out of the wall into the switches (I use STEALTH Audio cables by my expensive switch);
All cables received 100 hours burn in;
From there I ran a 5M run into my streamer (used to be a NAIM and a Rose and is now Antipodes Audio K22 and K41) and also tried a variety of high end switches on the streamer side of the set up;
I tried them all individually and groups of 2, 3, and 4 cheap switches;
8+ port units always sounded better than their 5 port counterparts;
I also tried with them upgraded LPS's but found the factory power supply with the AQ3 ($199) sounded by far better than the switches with upgraded power supplies;
The winning combo was 3 D-Links of two different models.

Winning Entry Level Setup:
-- BJC cables:
-- Power conditioner:
-- I use TWO of these switches:
-- I also have the two small D-Links plugged into this unit - it helps tame the brightness that will happen using just two of the smaller D-Links without this one:

I've done many of my 100 videos on digital and they can be found at

I hope that helps and let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to answer them.
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