New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

couldn't believe the c's still were able to get OT. thought it was a lost game. for sheer heart, i gotta give it to them. and pierce has fouled out even.
tough loss for the Celts tonight Phil

yeah, steve. that was a winnable game, i thought. that non-call on the rondo lay-up late in regulation and that pierce fouled out prior to OT were the story. but a galant fight for the men in green. rondo was incredible, he is showing he can take over the game by himself by hitting 44 which i never could have believed he is capable of doing till now. tough loss and on to the homecourt and try to salvage a game or 2.
Devastating loss. The Heat win close games at the end because they have two stars who can make bigger plays than anyone else. No great insight there.

I think SA beats the Heat because their team ball makes bigger plays than anyone else.
Halfway through game 3 and OKC is playing their game, like what we're used to seeing them play.
we've got a series gentlemen. OKC did to SAS what they had done to them

exactly, steve. and if okc does the same for the next game with the same outcome, then we would be halting our predictions of a spurs/heat finals. :)

amazing how the home court make those shots go in. and the swagger of westbrook is back at least for this game. and overall, the defense of okc is so much improved over the first 2 games. and their confidence seems to be back as well. great series.
C's avert a sweep by winning one. Finally, Doc remembers Marquis Daniels was in his bench all along. Rondo is the C's life.
yeah steve. funny how being an avid fan makes your stomach churn when your team is up 24 and it goes down to 7 within a few minutes. talk about a roller coaster ride. i'm sure you've felt that with the lakers before too. many times, i'd choose to turn off the tv and come back with a couple of minutes left to spare me the 'pain'. LOL

both okc and boston are looking to tie the series at home. and then it would be a best of 3. we have to repeat, it's been a great season for basketball so far.
i'd choose to turn off the tv and come back with a couple of minutes left to spare me the 'pain'. LOL
I thought I was the only one who did that!!!!;)
and i heard some analyst say perhaps okc now has 'momentum'. as usual game 5 is pivotal. a test of wills. if okc can eek out a win there, they should be 'ok'. :)
whew!!!!!!! that was a cardiac game...any cardiologist in the house? :D

i knew miami will come back. the lead was early, and a little heat run will slice it and boston gets tight in getting points. i felt exactly that was gonna happen. with pierce fouling out i thought it was deja vu. but c's got lucky, wade had an open look, just off tangent. lucky win for the c's and big break from falling 1-3 and vacation. this is one tough rivalry.
Those big early lead games are the toughest to watch. You spend the whole game in dread of the inevitable run.

Glad to see the Cs giving the Heat probs
Those big early lead games are the toughest to watch. You spend the whole game in dread of the inevitable run.

Glad to see the Cs giving the Heat probs

it hurts most when your team blows a 25 point lead and actually loses by 1 at the end of the buzzer. in this case, the c's blew an 18 pt lead but managed to win by 2 bec Wade's 3 pointer did not go in. had it gone in, it would have been the toughest loss i've seen by them.

in their last 2 wins, the c's bench produced something. points, rebounds, hussle, to give the starters some rest. that's the way to do it. miami will play their game at home and the c's will keep banging at their door. and bosh is supposed to be playing too.

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