New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Intriguing story. Let the games begin! :)

ATLANTA – LeBron James(notes) had asked to be the center of the greatest recruiting chase in basketball history and six breathless franchises didn’t disappoint last summer.

They made in-person presentations and cooed through the phone. They used general managers and coaches, and friends and friends of friends. They brought in former players and current players, and anyone else they thought might make a difference.

Rose lets his play do the talking May 5, 2011

In the height of the LeBron James circus last summer, Derrick Rose says he reached out to James in order to bring him to Chicago.
(Getty Images)

The process left LeBron showered with attention and inundated with calls and texts and desperate pleas. This was exactly what he wanted, to be the center of it all. The list of recruiters was so thorough – even President Obama voiced an opinion (go to Chicago, the commander-in-chief commanded) – that one person stood out by his absence.

Derrick Rose(notes).

The Chicago Bulls wanted LeBron, too. They visited him in Cleveland. They sold everything they had to offer – tradition, Jordan, the big market. They went after Dwyane Wade(notes), offering a return to his hometown. They did everything they possibly could except ask Derrick Rose to become a recruiter, even though he probably would’ve obliged, the good soldier and all.

Rose never saw it as his job to become a salesman, though. He’s a player. He’s a pro. If LeBron James wanted to talk about playing for the Bulls, well, the phone works two ways. Besides, Chicago already had a small forward in Luol Deng(notes), and where’s the loyalty in trying to bring a guy in to replace your teammate?

Eventually the silence became loud enough that it boomeranged back to Rose. The speculation was that by not calling LeBron, he was telling the King he didn’t want him in Chicago. The whole vapid process had gotten so crossways that Rose felt he had to reach out and explain things.

“I’m just hitting you up to kill all the rumors that I don’t want to play with you,” Rose told Sports Illustrated that he texted to James. “I’d like to play with you. I just want to win.”

James, of course, would take his talents to South Beach, joining Wade and Chris Bosh(notes) to form this tour de force. And Derrick Rose, by all accounts, just shrugged his shoulders and went to work.

He was going for the crown no matter who wanted to ride with him.

Now here they all are again, this time in the Eastern Conference finals, starting Sunday in Chicago. The formidable Heat got past the Celtics on Wednesday in an emotion-packed scene. The Bulls blitzed the Atlanta Hawks here Thursday, 93-73, and walked off the court with little fanfare.

It was two very different scenes representing two very different teams featuring two very different leading men.
The Bulls were 3-0 in the regular season against the Heat.
(Getty Images)

“I think my teammates are damn good,” Rose said, defending his supporting crew that may lack a second and third star like Miami, but runs ten deep and featured five different double-digit scorers Thursday in closing out the Hawks.

“Our confidence is high,” Rose said. “But we know we have something special in front of us.”

Everyone knows what the Heat represent – the biggest target, the boldest opportunity, the chance to make history by snuffing out the most hyped free-agent class of all time. This is an all-timer of an opponent and deep down it’s exactly what Chicago sought all season, as it grinded out the best record in the league while the focus was on the soap opera in South Florida.

“To be in this position, against the Miami Heat, this is what we wanted … ” Joakim Noah(notes) admitted. “This is what we wanted for a very long time.”

This isn’t a team motivated by scorn. It isn’t angry at being rejected. The Bulls are empowered by the fact that their superstar never cared, never resorted to begging, never doubted they could win it all anyway.

The Decisions of others was inconsequential to him. You are all going to Miami? Cool. Bring it.

“We’re a very confident group,” Noah said. “We have a lot of talent on this team. We have the best bench in the NBA. We have guys who are about the right things, about affecting winning.”

This is the crew Rose was taking to battle, the group that wanted to be in Chicago. There would be no pep rallies. There would be no differentiating two or three players from the rest. These are the Bulls. All he ever asked for is effort.

“I just want to win,” he texted LeBron a year ago, trying to explain why he hadn’t partaken in the grandest free-agent circus of them all.

Now here they all are again. And winning is going to be the only thing that matters.
Doc signs 5 year contract with the C's.

One less problem.

Ainge talks about Pierce being a 6th man, Green to start.

Well, I thought about that too, but I was thinking more of Allen off the bench. But the aging starters need more rest in the bench than more time on the court, I would think. It's just hard for starters to take that path but if it's needed, it should be done.
Well let's see if it's Adelman or Shaw for the Lakers

Good luck to their hunt, Steve.

I read Ainge acted fast bec. other teams, including the Lakers, may be after Doc. LAL should act fast too as good coaches are not easy to come by these days. Specially to follow the act of Phil Jackson, makes it a lot tougher to find one in his caliber.
Memphis forces Game 7. Who would have thought? Zach is something. A 10 year veteran who decides to show 'em this year.
There was a point when I felt OKC was going to run away with it but Memphis clearly outplayed them at the end.

It will be a good one on Sunday. Only downside is all the rest the Mavs are getting

It could be a possible upset. Memphis has won in OKC
These playoffs held a ton of promise going in and have totally delivered. Best of all perhaps is that they've done so in unexpected ways.
Nervous here but smiling. Love the inside pounding.
My main man, the guy I'd love watching play, is Deng. He's from WOW, Sudan. And wow is all I can say. He is a good defender against James, almost a perfect stopper for a guy like LBJ, strong arms, legs, great stamina, pesky hands, and can even SHOOT. Bulls just have to keep focused and win Game2 and play this way. Rose is so unselfish first 2 quarters I wanted to see him slash into the paint but what he did was to get his teammates involved. And indeed they were. 5 man-bench for the Bulls. Miami has to ponder on that. Coach Thibs is really a good coach. And now I know why the GM of the Bulls shared the exec of the year award with Riley. He assembled a young, energetic and unselfish team. A great formula for winning, I would say.
My main man, the guy I'd love watching play, is Deng. He's from WOW, Sudan. And wow is all I can say. He is a good defender against James, almost a perfect stopper for a guy like LBJ, strong arms, legs, great stamina, pesky hands, and can even SHOOT. Bulls just have to keep focused and win Game2 and play this way. Rose is so unselfish first 2 quarters I wanted to see him slash into the paint but what he did was to get his teammates involved. And indeed they were. 5 man-bench for the Bulls. Miami has to ponder on that. Coach Thibs is really a good coach. And now I know why the GM of the Bulls shared the exec of the year award with Riley. He assembled a young, energetic and unselfish team. A great formula for winning, I would say.

Bulls totally dismantled them. The Heat looked vanquished before the end of the game and just gave up. Reminded me of the past 2 years with James getting beaten. He totally gave up.

BTW, I agree about Deng

Did he go to Duke
At one point, I heard Marv Albert (sounded like him) saying that Wade, while going to the bench at the start of the 4th, was looking very very tired. Having to guard Rose will cause that, same way as Allen or Pierce would have felt in trying to guard James. For sure, the young, fresh legs of Chicago will continue to pound on the 'middle-aged' Heat players and hope to tire them out. The young bench of Chicago has to be credited with protecting the lead while their starters rested. Miami definitely will adjust to this for Game 2.
I used to think Bird was the best shooter I had ever seen but Dirk is just crazy! What he did to the Lakers and now what he's doing to the Thunder, well, I'm thinking this guy is from another planet. In the third Q, the Thunder have tried 5 different defenders on Dirk but he just keeps swishing.
"If I were Ibaka, I'd name my son Dirk."

Kinda said it all. What an amazing game.
The question is if they can do this night in and night out. The game was by no means a blow out. A few missed shots for the Mavs and it could easily have gone the other way. The Mavs look fantastic when they get into their rhythm. How should OKC disrupt it?

Man, I haven't watched this much basketball since Jordan, Bird and Magic were playing. Seems the only way to keep Dirk off the block is to smother the guy feeding him. Tonight Dirk worked off an awfully large block! It was like multiplying McHales famous patch of parquet by 9.

Seeing Barea, I'm not surprised he was clotheslined. That guy is PESKY!
Very true, Jack. Not a blowout. If Westbrook plays even somewhat better, who knows what would have been the outcome. I see this series going 7 right now.
I used to think Bird was the best shooter I had ever seen but Dirk is just crazy! What he did to the Lakers and now what he's doing to the Thunder, well, I'm thinking this guy is from another planet. In the third Q, the Thunder have tried 5 different defenders on Dirk but he just keeps swishing.

We have a Bird-a-like but he is 7 feet tall. Bird was like 6-9 so that 3 inch advantage in height plus more wingspan gives Dirk an added advantage over ANY great shooter in basketball! Rick Carlisle runs better plays for him than Avery Johnson did in '06. And Dirk now has a great feeder in the un-aging Jason Kidd. Even with Chicago or Miami, he poses a match-up problem.
The question is if they can do this night in and night out. The game was by no means a blow out. A few missed shots for the Mavs and it could easily have gone the other way. The Mavs look fantastic when they get into their rhythm. How should OKC disrupt it?

Man, I haven't watched this much basketball since Jordan, Bird and Magic were playing. Seems the only way to keep Dirk off the block is to smother the guy feeding him. Tonight Dirk worked off an awfully large block! It was like multiplying McHales famous patch of parquet by 9.

Seeing Barea, I'm not surprised he was clotheslined. That guy is PESKY!


I also wonder how long they can keep this torrid shooting up ... They did with the Lakers and they haven't stopped yet .. Their shooting is close to incredible ... May have to wait for Thibodeau-Like defense scheme to smother them .. Still OKC is far from done yet and the same can be same about Miami .. Not over yet .. Not by a long shot .. So far Great Basketball reminiscent of the late 80's early 90's

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