New Kronos review!

So let me see if I got this right... We're in the turntable forum, in a topic about a particular turntable... And we have people who hate vinyl, talking about DACs and assorted digital stuff... Something's wrong with this picture...

Who hates vinyl? I love vinyl personally. But it doesn't mean I'm blind to reality.
By 2020, probably 75% of the vinyl only guys on this forum, will be digital converts. And the other 25% won't be because of denial :)

Dude....why are you infecting this analogue thread ? Stop being a troll. I thought the admins created your own echo chamber forum ? How did you escape ?
Dude....why are you infecting this analogue thread ? Stop being a troll. I thought the admins created your own echo chamber forum ? How did you escape ?

So let me see if I got this right... We're in the turntable forum, in a topic about a particular turntable... And we have people who hate vinyl, talking about DACs and assorted digital stuff... Something's wrong with this picture...

It is. I have never had to work so hard around the holidays moderating the forum. Sanctions will be handed out if folks don't stay on topic of the threads and domain of discussion.
Another analog thread is hijacked. I would have thought that when MadFloyd wrote very clearly that he much prefers his Kronos to the digital that Blizzard helped him set up that the subject was closed. Not good enough for Blizzard. Incredible. I hope I have the opportunity soon to compare Blizzard's digital recommendations to Ian with his Kronos set up. That will tell me much and I will report what I hear.

Sorry Amir, I don't know how I will be able to avoid expectation bias after having read all of Blizzard's claims of digital superiority, but I will try.
Dude....why are you infecting this analogue thread ? Stop being a troll. I thought the admins created your own echo chamber forum ? How did you escape ?

It is. I have never had to work so hard around the holidays moderating the forum. Sanctions will be handed out if folks don't stay on topic of the threads and domain of discussion.

Easy, delete his posts and send him back to his digital rubber room and delete this post.
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Easy, delete his posts and send him back to his digital rubber room and delete this post.

Have you ever seen a rubber room? I have and generally it is filled with rage or misery. So why hurl insults at Blizz ? Won't work. He will stick to his mantras, which like all mantras, unless you are a believer, tend to get boring. In places like here, but by no means in all threads, where to me he makes sense, I try to ignore him, simply because I like this site and don't want to abandon it, like I did, with the one before for similar reasons. ( Not that it mattered to that site, nor to this, but to me it does, because I'd rather listen to music than be forced to read mantras, if I am not a believer )
really WBF seems to be where otherwise clever guys go to act like dumb arses lol.[/QUOTE]

Hear hear :D
Now let's get back to the scheduled discussion... :D
Have you ever seen a rubber room? I have and generally it is filled with rage or misery. So why hurl insults at Blizz ? Won't work. He will stick to his mantras, which like all mantras, unless you are a believer, tend to get boring. In places like here, but by no means in all threads, where to me he makes sense, I try to ignore him, simply because I like this site and don't want to abandon it, like I did, with the one before for similar reasons. ( Not that it mattered to that site, nor to this, but to me it does, because I'd rather listen to music than be forced to read mantras, if I am not a believer )

Yes, I should have ignored and perhaps all should in analog threads.

I would still like to know the difference between the Kronos Pro Ltd and the non Pro - if there is one?

Anyway, to lighten up the proceedings. the Pretentious Record collector . LOL

Have you ever seen a rubber room? I have and generally it is filled with rage or misery. So why hurl insults at Blizz ? Won't work. He will stick to his mantras, which like all mantras, unless you are a believer, tend to get boring. In places like here, but by no means in all threads, where to me he makes sense, I try to ignore him, simply because I like this site and don't want to abandon it, like I did, with the one before for similar reasons. ( Not that it mattered to that site, nor to this, but to me it does, because I'd rather listen to music than be forced to read mantras, if I am not a believer )

There are terms of service/use rules for these forums and many others. Trolling...especially on a repeated basis is a ban-able offense. I suggest Blizzard sticks to what he knows and stays away from analogue threads where he is there to only foment trouble and start arguments.
If you guys have lost interest in your original topic, I can close the thread.

Don't you think its premature to close it ? The only one causing trouble is Blizzard. If he keeps this up he should be banned Amir or remove trolling as a ban-able offense from WBF TOS and see how well that works.
use your common sense. You don't know jack about best stay away from those threads unless you really are interested in learning something. Stop being a troll.

You guys sure seem to have an obsession with talking about me. I have been off of this thread for a long time but you guys go on and on slandering my name just for pointing out a few facts about Madfloyd's setup and vinyl like sound from digital.
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You guys sure seen to have an obsession with talking about me. I have been off of this thread for a long time but you guys go on and on slandering my name just for pointing out a few facts about Madfloyd's setup and vinyl like sound from digital.
Far be it from me to criticize a member, but I find a lot of your posts to be argumentative and absolute.
Hi Mike

Let's try to have a happy and calm Sunday. The problem would be greatly ameliorated if you stayed out of analog threads if all you want to contribute is how digital done your way would sound better than analog done their way. Just a simple observation Mike as to being able to understand why the natives are restless. This only leads to unnecessary arguments, something which the management team would like to avoid, if you get my drift

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