This statement is positively absurd. How can I give credit to something that I have no experience with? I should do that because YOU say it is so?However, you seem reluctant to give dCS any credit on the Varese, not even acknowledging some level of innovation. I can only explain this as you being worried that Varese will take market share from Wadax and impact you financially. I see it a bit different. I think there is at this moment some very healthy competition in digital and that helps all customers. Indeed, MSB is preparing a flagship named Sentinel I have heard. I wonder what that sounds like.
I said this twice. I have nothing against any of these companies . I dont comment on what I have not heard in a serious controlled environment. I dont care what the literature said.
My comments have nothing to do with Wadax or MSB or CH or Esoteric or any others. I am not worried about Varese or anything else. They are going to do what they do. If you think that Wadax reference products represent any significant part of my revenue your smoking the wrong thing. Wadax Studio is going to kick ass and take no prisioners but 300k digital systems from whomever are a nice cherry on the sundae once in a while and not even worth discussing as part of my business.
I would argue that dcs AND msb are getting concerned that they have lost the "con" and they need to make something expensive to be considered relevant again. Maybe they can make something truly better and maybe they can't time will tell but for that to happen it needs to be done in a serious manner .
We shall see.
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