Digital is a media with very different technical and subjective properties than vinyl. We can't compare their levels - at best we can level our vinyl has leaped ahead more (in degrees) than my digital over these last years in spite of my considerable digital efforts, i have zero illusions i will ever see them as the same level (they will never be the same).
it's inevitable that there will be forward movement of digital performance up the diminishing curve. and if the Wadax is one of those steps, there will be another later.
Tape has not leaped ahead in the last forty years - it is limited by the electromechanical properties of the top reproducers. I can't see how vinyl is continuously jumping every six months, considering that analog LPs are sourced from tape.
My progress in this hobby is dominated by my preferences and enjoyment of the evolution of my systems. A few steps were really significant, most are just (enjoyable ) adjustments. Surely MHO, YMMV.