New Wadax Atlantis Reference Dac

Defensive posturing?
Could you please read my post and answer with real dates if i’ve said any fake?
You are certainly a big Wadax fan, good for you ! Nobody is accusing you of faking anything ! :)
"I will be happy to say that its the top of the heap and its not close."

Holy cow. Shouldn't distributors and dealers have SOME limit to direct statements that their product has achieved total and complete annihilation of all of the competition?

Maybe just invite people to listen to it?
perhaps if you bothered to read my numerous posts I have many times told people to listen but here mostly people prefer to take pot shots at what they don't know or haven't heard. When asked your opinion and clearly state it with experience then you become the enemy yet say BS about what you have no knowledge thats ok LOL
Chill out folks, please. All this attacking of a brand is really quite unnecessary. Wadax, like many other brands, has good products but the proof is in the listening. Some will like it, some won't, some will but the cost will be prohibitive. For those who have not heard their latest Dac, make the effort to hear one if you can and then we can get some personal feedback. I think that would be much more constructive and enlightening, at least for me.
Well said, Howiebrou. I genuinely am intrigued to hear from people who have heard the equipment, yes even more so from unaffiliated audiophiles, but nevertheless, happy to read generally.

Furthermore, the rules here require industry affiliation disclosure. If a dealer has affiliations/brands in the signature, then we all know and can consider that fact when we read comments from a dealer or distributor.
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Chill out folks, please. All this attacking of a brand is really quite unnecessary. Wadax, like many other brands, has good products but the proof is in the listening. Some will like it, some won't, some will but the cost will be prohibitive. For those who have not heard their latest Dac, make the effort to hear one if you can and then we can get some personal feedback. I think that would be much more constructive and enlightening, at least for me.
I agree with H--while I have not heard the Ref Dac--I've had and extended session with the early WADAX model Atlantis and the "digital" Phono stage.The sonics especially on the latter was simple superb and was indeed an Eye/Ear opener :oops: !

If the Genes from these items is taken to another level with the Reference--as seems to be--then all I can say one is in for a truely sonic musical treat.

Good Listening ,

Sincerely, i don’t care….
It is funnier to see your interest in Wadax’s sales…
You seem even more interested than MSB guys studying Wadax design… or DCS that buys Atlantis Dac unit to research its technology to reach its level….
Or DCS US official technical support ( ) being new Wadax dealer and doing A-B auditions between Vivaldi and Ref. in its showroom…

View attachment 80715
Dude, I was just curious was asking a simple question. And if you don't care, why did you respond to my post?

[expletive deleted]

I love my Luxman CDP. Also, I don't see what's funny. You appear to be a very strange person.
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The reason I post this Wadax address is : I wonder how is their after sales service ?
Want to see their internal operation, production ......
One guy spends more than 13K US$ for the Atlantic Server and the nightmare starts...six months waiting for repairing , he finally get it back and very soon it is dead again.
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This address is a few years ago ! Paper works can be WFH, production work can be WFH ?
The reason I post this Wadax address is : I wonder how is their after sales service ?
Want to see their internal operation, production ......
One guy spends more than 13K US$ for the Atlantic Server and the nightmare starts...six months waiting for repairing , he finally get it back and very soon it is dead again.
You posted an address in a few years ago but you did not say about that. Now you continue telling about their services. You are finding the way to belittle Wadax by all of the cunning. Stop here, bro.

I bought Wadax products. I can get their supports any time.
Wadax S.A.
Ronda de Abubilla 33 - Bl. 10
28043 Madrid
It looks like a house, does not like an office nor factory .
This is clearly only a business mailing and possibly office operations address.

Not unusual in foreign countries mind you where manufacturing locations are often separate and
the business anchors their correspondence, corporate filings, etc. on a stable address that can
reliably receive all correspondence via postal service. This also allows a company to upgrade or simply
move their manufacturing & service location to better quarters without having to go through the bureaucracy
of changing their corporate filings, bank records, etc. Trivial you say in 'easy' countries like the US and others?
Not so in many countries in the world where changing simple things like this can result in hours of standing in lines,
running around, lost paperwork, etc..

More importantly, anyone who has seen Wadax components in person, the build quality, fit and finish and overall quality
and most importantly who has actually heard them would not EVER think the are being built in someone's home/garage
regardless what the registered corporate address is.

I am an unaffiliated audio-nut,...just love music. I've heard the Atlantis stack and the new Reference DAC; they are the real
deal and even have me, a die hard Esoteric fanboy, thinking very intently about hearing them again before any future upgrade
purchase. On top of how they sound, internally and externally they highlight some of the most impressive engineering
and design work IMHO in the audio hobby today. Their modular card-cage design also seems to be very well done and
capable of evolving with future innovation.

Having heard the gear and found myself going back several times over a 3 day period in Munich to see and hear it again,
I can tell you that those who are praising Wadax performance above have it spot on.
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You posted an address in a few years ago but you did not say about that. Now you continue telling about their services. You are finding the way to belittle Wadax by all of the cunning. Stop here, bro.

I bought Wadax products. I can get their supports any time.
Go to Wadax web site and you will find this address .
You posted an address in a few years ago but you did not say about that. Now you continue telling about their services. You are finding the way to belittle Wadax by all of the cunning. Stop here, bro.

I bought Wadax products. I can get their supports any time.
Go to ask Wadax about this Atlantic server (Sold to Hong Kong ), they change the motherboard but dead again.
Go to ask Wadax about this Atlantic server (Sold to Hong Kong ), they change the motherboard but dead again.
You can contact the dealers in Hong Kong. They will be responsible if your product is still under warranty. If not, you have to pay the cost for repairing it. You also can call Wadax directly. I do not think they must take 6 months for replacing the motherboard.
This is clearly only a business mailing and possibly office operations address.

Not unusual in foreign countries mind you where manufacturing locations are often separate and
the business anchors their correspondence, corporate filings, etc. on a stable address that can
reliably receive all correspondence via postal service. This also allows a company to upgrade or simply
move their manufacturing & service location to better quarters without having to go through the bureaucracy
of changing their corporate filings, bank records, etc. Trivial you say in 'easy' countries like the US and others?
Not so in many countries in the world where changing simple things like this can result in hours of standing in lines,
running around, lost paperwork, etc..

More importantly, anyone who has seen Wadax components in person, the build quality, fit and finish and overall quality
and most importantly who has actually heard them would not EVER think the are being built in someone's home/garage
regardless what the registered corporate address is.

I am an unaffiliated audio-nut,...just love music. I've heard the Atlantis stack and the new Reference DAC; they are the real
deal and even have me, a die hard Esoteric fanboy, thinking very intently about hearing them again before any future upgrade
purchase. On top of how they sound, internally and externally they highlight some of the most impressive engineering
and design work IMHO in the audio hobby today. Their modular card-cage design also seems to be very well done and
capable of evolving with future innovation.

Having heard the gear and found myself going back several times over a 3 day period in Munich to see and hear it again,
I can tell you that those who are praising Wadax performance above have it spot on.

Nice debunking of "Debunker".
This is clearly only a business mailing and possibly office operations address.

Not unusual in foreign countries mind you where manufacturing locations are often separate and
the business anchors their correspondence, corporate filings, etc. on a stable address that can
reliably receive all correspondence via postal service. This also allows a company to upgrade or simply
move their manufacturing & service location to better quarters without having to go through the bureaucracy
of changing their corporate filings, bank records, etc. Trivial you say in 'easy' countries like the US and others?
Not so in many countries in the world where changing simple things like this can result in hours of standing in lines,
running around, lost paperwork, etc..

More importantly, anyone who has seen Wadax components in person, the build quality, fit and finish and overall quality
and most importantly who has actually heard them would not EVER think the are being built in someone's home/garage
regardless what the registered corporate address is.

I am an unaffiliated audio-nut,...just love music. I've heard the Atlantis stack and the new Reference DAC; they are the real
deal and even have me, a die hard Esoteric fanboy, thinking very intently about hearing them again before any future upgrade
purchase. On top of how they sound, internally and externally they highlight some of the most impressive engineering
and design work IMHO in the audio hobby today. Their modular card-cage design also seems to be very well done and
capable of evolving with future innovation.

Having heard the gear and found myself going back several times over a 3 day period in Munich to see and hear it again,
I can tell you that those who are praising Wadax performance above have it spot on.
You can contact the dealers in Hong Kong. They will be responsible if your product is still under warranty. If not, you have to pay the cost for repairing it. You also can call Wadax directly. I do not think they must take 6 months for replacing the motherboard.
Did what you mention ....checking now......The motherboard is Jimmy Computer from China.

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