New Wadax Atlantis Reference Dac

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Howie, is that a odometer showing the actual mileage of the speaker ! :oops:
I've often thought customers should get a t-shirt with their pricey purchase emblazoned with the slogan
"I helped sponsor *their* world tour"
I own the same tonearm on that turntable seen in the picture . Can anybody guess what it is?
Very interesting english review of Lincoln Cheng from Audiotechnique.
Click on picture…
View attachment 80968
Interesting review. “ The outlines of the acoustical images were super fine and vivid”. And later “The acoustical outlines are sharp and clear.”

Stereophonic, is this what you hear from this DAC and also in real life?
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Interesting review. “ The outlines of the acoustical images were super fine and vivid”. Stereophonic, is this what you hear from this DAC and also in real life?
somehow i dont think stereophonic will give an independent view on this Peter, he's probably a dealer or distributor
Interesting review. “ The outlines of the acoustical images were super fine and vivid”. And later “The acoustical outlines are sharp and clear.”

Stereophonic, is this what you hear from this DAC and also in real life?
I’m sorry Peter.
I’ve never listened Ref Dac or Server…but having Atlantis ones i can imagine what Lincoln is talking about…
nevertheless the response will be fascinating. This would tell me very much about the sound of the unit.
I doubt it. I would be completely hopeless in describing the sound of my system which is a reason why I appreciate the videos you post. Lincoln's review is also a translation, I believe, which is second best. If you really want to know what Lincoln thinks, watch this
nevertheless the response will be fascinating. This would tell me very much about the sound of the unit.

Not really. Imo it is silly to think we can understand the sound of the unit from a writer you have no familiarity listening with, no matter what his description of the component
Not really. Imo it is silly to think we can understand the sound of the unit from a writer you have no familiarity listening with, no matter what his description of the component

I agree it would be more helpful if he describes the quality of the images relative to other DAC’s or his turntable. The language is interesting though.
I agree it would be more helpful if he describes the quality of the images relative to other DAC’s or his turntable. The language is interesting though.

You are getting too hung up on that language. People will use that to describe many types of components, both which you agree with and don't agree with. We will never know how much disconnect lies between what the person hears and what he describes until we know that person. The disconnect varies person to person
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