Steve, I am the last person to discount vintage gear as undesirable and my reactions on this thread did not imply otherwise. Still using a Forsell turntable that is at least 20 years old and I am still loving it dearly. However, I had no idea that (some of the) vintage gear could denand the same crazy prices as we have to pay for current top high end components. So from a price perspective that is indeed sobering. I am not questioning that David has very good systems. That said, asDavid I have some strong opinions and I am convinced that inserting Tripoint products will make the sound even better.
Interesting, inserting intriquing power, it would most likely present a a different result; not sure if it would be considered "better" by all...different, yes, certainly.
If by "better" one means more "live," then there is only one solution available. Buy the musical instrument of your choice, take a hand full of lessons, and give a recital in David's room, done
In this case, with power done right, David has a wonderful blend of excellent examples of modern electronics, dealer disclosure, along with the superior solutions with his source and transducer choices.
It seems that the only way to crown the king of his TT collection, would be to move the magical SME tonearm and DST cartridge combination between the various contenders...futile, since the result would be the same, AS.
David, I am resting my ear, see you soon!