I second David's suggestions Halcro so feel free to jump in with your thoughts
Thanks for the invitation guys....

Firstly let me say that the ability to have a dedicated listening room is the ultimate luxury in the 'High-End' stakes.
The limitations one faces without this facility forces choices which are not ideal nor expansive.
I simply haven't been able to audition different speaker systems in my 'listening room' (aka Living Room) like large planars or horns...nor is it possible to accommodate a collection of large turntables.
You are very lucky David and it is pleasing to see that you have taken maximum advantage of your good fortune..
I understand the conscious decision to unify your choice of tonearms because of the many turntables and cartridges you possess. This allows you to confidently understand the character of each and every turntable and cartridge and I applaud this.
Having said that, I
am a little surprised by your choice of tonearm although I have not personally heard the SME. I do own the SAEC WE-8000S/T which is also a 12" double knife edge design and I love it.

It performs wonderfully with a vast selection of my MM cartridges.
Your comments on the Fidelity Research FR-66s

are at odds with my experiences and those of most others in your elite group? I'm not sure if the FR-66s originally came with silver wiring? I've owned three FR-64s tonearms and some of these
did have original silver wiring like the one I currently own. Perhaps you were unlucky with a faulty FR-66s?
I'm also a little surprised that your inventory of vintage LOMCs does not appear to include any of the Fidelity Research FR-7 range?

Are they not to your tastes?
And finally...can you please describe what you find different (and preferable) in the sound of vintage LOMC cartridges to those currently in production?