Thank you Steve, my friend, I'm humbled and looking forward to our next get together! That CD is arriving this afternoon so you know what we'll be doing tonight...
To confirm what Steve kindly wrote above, I strive for a balanced sound when building systems. It's not too difficult to have a system with impressive abilities but I always found that when not balanced and masked those outstanding qualities that initially impress tend to get in the way of the music and natural musical reproduction. IMO, at its best a high end system and the associated listening environment should fade away and not compete with the music.
To clarify, the Neumann DST cartridges on the AF1 & the AS table are the same quality, just slightly different in overall tonal balance that comes from sample to sample difference of handmade products. I find the AF one is a very fine turntable, maybe even the finest made today but with a different set of priorities than those of the other tables.
An amazing test David did was to play the below album ( which I have on tape from Tape Project) initially on the Tech Das AF1 with a Neumann DST cartridge which was simply beautiful. Then I asked him to play the same album on the American Sound turntable with his prized other Neumann DST. Simply put there was no comparison as the Tech Das as beautiful as it was just did not have the meat around the bones or the timbre and fullness that The American Sound conveyed. To me the latter was every bit as good as what I had on tape