Have you compared the KR242 to the RK-KR PX25
I'm not sure I had them both at the same time but the difference remains the same.
The 242 is more transparent and has (even) more gain, the RK PX25 is more robust sounding with a tiny little bit better/more soundstage depth.
Try the RK PX25 in your Pacific Steve, you have nothing to lose
But give them a proper burn-in procedere for a fair compare.
I use this method from the EML Labs website:
Do the tubes need a burn in?
Yes they do! Good Burn-in will assure maximum lifetime and develop the final sound. Lifetime of EML tubes is exceptional long, as you can also see from our guarantee conditions. This also means, the burn-in process may take longer as compared to other tubes. Burn in may take 100…300 hours under normal (home) use conditions. Specially when it seems, burn in takes place only slow, the tubes rather need 300 hours than100 hours. It is better to switch off the amplifier after each use, for best formatting of the cathode. The tubes benefit from the cold periods in between. Some occasional blue glow effects will disappear during burn-in, or may stay. This is not gas, and it is normal. Use different loudness levels from the beginning, and increase the maximum loudness gradually. If tubes were switched off longer than 18 months, is may be necessary to repeat the burn in.
Some background: These tubes are burned-in initially, because factory testing can only be done after the tube data has become stabile, and after a tube has developed strong emission. However emission of the cathode is still not homogenous at this moment. After full burn in, emission is build by many small islands, overlapping each other. Though initially, these islands do not fully overlap. This slow development of a homogenous layer, is the final burn in process. The tube should be give time for this, and not stressed into it. This is why we advise to do the burn-in process under normal use conditions. Many short use periods have a better result than few long periods. Switch off the amplifier after each use, and in the beginning not use the tubes longer than 4 hours at one time. Many short use periods have a better result than few long periods. The tubes need the „cold“ periods in between for best formatting. Use different loudness levels from the beginning, and increase the maximum loudness gradually.
If tubes with very little use were switched off longer than 18 months, it may be necessary to repeat the burn in. So tubes that were not used for some years, may sound unpleasant, and simply need a new burn in.