Plixir Statement LPS : I bought this flagship grade LPS just now.

I replaced two PLiXiR Elite BDCs with two PLiXiR Statement BDCs. At first listening they showed great promise and demonstrated the improvements over the Elite. It was just after two weeks when it seemed to primarily settle, but it continued to refine after that. At the three and a half to four week point another system changed mixed in.
The Audio Bacon review mentioned that he thought the Elite was a bit on the cool/neutral side. Did you find the Statement to be a touch warmer or about the same as the Elite? Thanks!
The Audio Bacon review mentioned that he thought the Elite was a bit on the cool/neutral side. Did you find the Statement to be a touch warmer or about the same as the Elite? Thanks!
In fact, there is simply a gigantic difference between Elite BDC and Statement, which cannot be described in terms of cooler / warmer!!!
BDC Statement is a completely different level of musical expression and audiophile SQ.

Please, try!
The Audio Bacon review mentioned that he thought the Elite was a bit on the cool/neutral side. Did you find the Statement to be a touch warmer or about the same as the Elite? Thanks!
To directly respond to your question, Elrod, I would first say that Jay’s assessment of the PLiXiR Elite LPS being neutral is fair. However, I’d encourage you to re-read the full review. Specifically - “the Elite BDC is a transparency monster. There is absolutely no veil, haziness, or bloom. It’s alive and raw yet encompasses impressive tonal balance with minute effortlessness. There’s fantastic top-end clarity, low-end textures, and lifelike resolution.” The PLiXiR ‘PureTone’ approach is defined as “accurately and unbiasedly reproduces all the nuances in timbre – nothing more, nothing less”.

Now how does this apply to the new PLiXiR Statement LPS? The tonal character and cool/neutral/warm qualities to me are unchanged. When swapping a Statement LPS for an Elite LPS everything is a natural improvement of the Elite. An impressively large improvement that more than justifies the higher price. Finer resolution, more responsive, and amazingly even more quiet.

Everyone’s tastes and system needs are unique of course so I hope this is helpful. I’ve revisited the sortable summary table of key attributes for the reviewed linear power supplies many times and recommend it as a very helpful selection guide. Jay did a commendable job disclosing his personal preferences to help us all make our selection.
Jay's power supply shoot out really is indispensable, and I agree with what @MusicTraveler wrote about the Elite BDC above. One important thing to note about Jay's shootout is that all the power supplies were tested with the brands' supplied cables. Anyone who's tested multiple dc cables on the same supply (especially one of Plixir's quality) knows how much of a difference they can make to the final tuning.
Thank you @MusicTraveler, @flowcharts & @Alex Sound Technology. Your input is very helpful and appreciated. I am leaning toward the Statement along with the Statement DC power cable. Are there any other DC power cables you can think of that are equal to or better than the Plixir Statement cable? I have seen several references here and there for OEM or DIY cables.
Thanks again.
Thank you @MusicTraveler, @flowcharts & @Alex Sound Technology. Your input is very helpful and appreciated. I am leaning toward the Statement along with the Statement DC power cable. Are there any other DC power cables you can think of that are equal to or better than the Plixir Statement cable? I have seen several references here and there for OEM or DIY cables.
Thanks again.
DC power cable selection is a complex topic with numerous options influenced by specific pairing with the LPS (Linear Power Supply) and personal taste. It is further complicated by the break-in time, just like that of the LPS.

The Statement DC power cable is undoubtedly a good starting point, and I have one myself. I appreciate it as a performance baseline established by James of PLiXiR for his products. Once well broken in, the Statement pairing can serve as a valuable point of comparison. It is, indeed, a high-quality cable.

There are numerous DC cables I would love to gain personal experience with; the options are abundant, and I have only experience with around six of them. Currently, my baseline cable is the Audio Sensibility Signature Silver. The vendor description of the Audio Sensibility cable is quite accurate, and it pairs exceptionally well with both PLiXiR offerings. Additionally, I am in the process of settling in with the QSA Landeri DC cable, which not only sounds amazing but also comes with a hefty price tag.

Experimentation and patience can be both enjoyable and rewarding. Let us know how your selection turns out.
A bit late into the party but I finally got a statement BDC today.
Some background, I have been using Plixir products since 7-8 years ago when I started my audio journey. Few days ago I received msg from James if I am interested in statement BDC and was told about the significant improvement compared to Elite BDC.

So I decided to trade in my spared battery LPS and get a statement BDC. 2 days later, my unit is ready and collected from James this morning. I expect it to be better than Elite but a bit skeptical about the huge improvement that was reported by others.

After setting up the Statement and make sure using the same power and DC cable as Elite BDC. I started the comparison on router and switch. Oh my... the improvement is jaw-dropping huge. I immediately messaged James about my findings and he kinda expected :)

Elite BDC is good but Statement BDC in my opinion is another level in term of the PRAT, punchiness, presence, dynamic. I did not expect this at all. I have a few popular LPS in hand and I think statement BDC is the most complete sounding with the best PRAT among all. And my unit is not yet run in fully.

Congrats @PLiXiR Power James Soh for the nice product!
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I found statement BDC runs quite a bit hotter than elite BDC. So must make sure adequate ventilation for the unit.
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For the heat, if open space situation or with adequate ventilation volume with the same load, the Statement BDC will run cooler than the Elite BDC, due to the taller casing for heat sinking / dissipation.

In any case since the PLixiR power supplies have thermal protection, it will shut down on its own in an over-heating situation.
I've been running the Statement LPS on a Taiko Router + Switch set up, and it really doesn't heat up much, but sounds very good. I have moved up in quality with a chain of power cords, and the SQ differences with each step up were rather significant, like "shake my head" so. If you haven't experimented with the power cord, I'd highly recommend doing so!
I've been running the Statement LPS on a Taiko Router + Switch set up, and it really doesn't heat up much, but sounds very good. I have moved up in quality with a chain of power cords, and the SQ differences with each step up were rather significant, like "shake my head" so. If you haven't experimented with the power cord, I'd highly recommend doing so!
Please don't forget rolling its fuse.
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I would recommend as well the QSA fuses, it has a huge huge impact that you don't know unless you tried it.
For all fuse recommendations, can the size and specs of the fuses successfully proven to work in the Statement LPS please be confirmed. Greatly appreciated!
For all fuse recommendations, can the size and specs of the fuses successfully proven to work in the Statement LPS please be confirmed. Greatly appreciated!
Yes, that's a really important point! Lots of folks have found problems using these expensive fuses at the same value levels as the OEM ones, burning out really early. How much does one need to "uprate" them?
Previously my SR purple fuse was blown. SR sent me a replacement and advised that for audiophile fuse, it is better to use one 10-20% above the rated value.
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