Hey guys just catching up on this thread. A Statement BDC has 2 outlets. Do you use both to power up 2 equipment (with total power draw within the 6A capacity), or it is advisable to have separate Statement supplying only one equipment?
Just wanna share that Plixir Statement is the ultimate LPS. Every additional unit lowers the noise floor and especially substantial when supplying to Nucleus+. Many reported Roon doesn’t sound good but it has to be re-assessed with a solid LPS.
Just wanna share that Plixir Statement is the ultimate LPS. Every additional unit lowers the noise floor and especially substantial when supplying to Nucleus+. Many reported Roon doesn’t sound good but it has to be re-assessed with a solid LPS.
That's great to hear. It mirrors my experience that even the lesser Plixir Elite BDC 4A/19V on my Nucleus +...and now my Nucleus Titan... both servers benefitted hugely from it over the stock SMPS.
That's great to hear. It mirrors my experience that even the lesser Plixir Elite BDC 4A/19V on my Nucleus +...and now my Nucleus Titan... both servers benefitted hugely from it over the stock SMPS.
Recently we have been getting many questions on whether the new Elite BDC MK II 19Vdc 3Amps version will run the Roon Nucleus and its variants.
The answer is YES. There is no problems at all. The power margin is there. The performance will be better than the old Elite BDC MKI 19Vdc 4Amps version.
The Elite BDC MK II defers from the Elite BDC with below improvements:
New lower noise grounding scheme that we learnt from the Statement BDC.
Increased capacitance
Ground / Chassis binding post for customers who wish to test with grounding products.
Reduced variants so it is easier to order with no confusion.
Performance wise the MK II sound is more detailed, dynamic and with an even lower noise floor.