It all reinforces my jaundiced view of the engineerless engineering of mix and match synergy seeking and makes me happier than ever that I discovered actives, the ultimate engineer-integrated system.
In my own experience, in finance, as well my family background with a number of physicians in the family, there is no absolute science in the things humankind does. Most anything humankind does is a mixture of 'science' and 'art'. Often times physicians understand that certain things happen...but they dont know why. Great investors often are known as being expert at finance/math...but ultimately are best known for their 'instincts' about good investments.
Audio, in my own experience and observations, is no different. There is an alchemy in designing products...and in designing systems. So whether i chose a system that was comprised of amp and speaker...or source to cable to all-in-one speaker, i think all systems are ultimately about 'art' and alchemy with science as a guide. Sometimes a strong guide...othertimes, not so much. There is no perfect product, and all systems are inherently flawed in some you pick your poisin, or you pick the areas which you enjoy the most, and try to limit the compromises. SS, Tube, Active, Passive, digital, vinyl, tape, (even amplified live)...all have strengths and weaknesses.
And the ultimate reference is the ear...because that's what most of us are doing this hear music. I admit to not understand how to read technical graphs enuf to tell what a component sounds like...but i suspect even their own designers/manufacturers ultimately listen to a product before they finalize a design.