Psvane Acme Series (new flagship series)

Anyone can provide a reliable seller for the ACME's?

I received a Acme 274b in very good time from the above, its beyond belief in my allnic phono power supply, I have tried many different types, but this is very special!
Hi all,

I have 2 pairs of Acme 845s for sale. These are the kind of top 10% measurement and still under warranty more 1 year. PM me if interested.

Thank you.
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Hello everyone! (A newcomer here).

Has anyone compared ACME 805 with the newest Linlai 805DG? Has anyone tried Linlai 805 tubes? Are they really as good as it is claimed?

I have recently re-pointed anode cap wire to the socket on my Wavac MD-805m monos, and can now use 805A tubes.
Acme is really nice I must admit - still breaking in.

BTW: switching to 805 tubes without anode nipple, it means I have some spare 805 tubes to get rid of (Cossor 805M - new, 805 Reference T Psvane - used, Shuguang 805-FU-new). Please PM me if interested.
I got the acme 300b as well. I took out psvane we300b replica plus tubes. Now acme 845 has his sister to play along.


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I bought these tubes from Grant Fidelity. The North American authorized distributor. They redplated. Both. I took my amps to a tech. He said my amps are working perfect. The bias is right at 97 watts. The 845 tube should dissipate 100 watts if built correct. I wrote Grant Fidelity and was given a baloney story in my mind, and 2 other tech minds that a tube should not be run at its full potential. Whatever. Be careful.

After a bunch of research I found you have to have your amps re-biased to 85 watts of plate dissipation to have these tubes funtion and not burn up. They don't appear to be a true 845 tube. At least they can not dissipate 97 watts, let alone 100 per spec.

This is a bit of a pain mod in my amps. Probably in yours too. That cathode resistor is massive. It has to carry a lot of current at 900 to1200 volts. And who knows what will happen to the tone as you dial back the power. The snap and speed on an 845 comes from driving it at full power. The amp could become kind of poofey. Once again my amps are in the shop for a couple weeks. Sure would be nice to use them instead of throwing money at them. These tubes better be worth it.
On my 503pa mono blocks, the bias for the 845 is set at 70mA. I have had no problems running my tubes for over a year as of now.
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So seems no one has tried Linlai yet? If anyone tried it - please share your impressions.
I am thinking (very tempted actually) to order one pair of 805-DG series, just to see whether these are indeed better than regular PSVANE.
In terms of ACME 805 - I must admit it is vey good after burn in but step up from regular is moderate. In my Wavacs 805m I have also changed recently 6Y6G into RCA (the one with larger globe) and it is really impressive. Much bigger difference than going from standard PSVANE to ACME on 805.
Apparently 6Y6G RCA gives better sound stage and more "breathing space" than 6Y6GT JAN GE. Interesting.
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Has anyone compared the ACME 300b with the Sophia electric blue glass 300b. Or anyone have experience with the Sophia Blue Glass 300b
I had the amp re-biosed to 87 watts. We used the 1.2kohms resistor. My tech actually put a switch in the amp so I can go between 1kohm or 1.2kohm. Below are the readings he got. With the 1.2kohm resistor in, the top graphene plate is still red hot. the middle plate is a dull red and the bottom is gray. Not sure if I should return them or not. Grant Fidelity said they would take them back and send me the Linlai instead. But from what I read, they want to turn the linlai down to 67 watts. The ACME was suppose to handle 85 watts. Its pretty annoying as you cant just dial the bios in on these amps. I have to have a tech change out resistors. That is a bit of a pain and cost me $150 every time I go in.

Here is what the tech said.

Ok so I went up to 2k and still had slight redness in the top most
section. At 1.1k that and the middle section got red enough to see in
bright light, at 1.2k the top could still be seen in bright light and
there was some redness in the middle but is drastically better than
1k, and though I didn't run it a long time it doesn't look like it's
running away like before. The other values I tried didn't have the
impact that the first 200 ohms did. I went way higher than I thought I
would, just wanted to see what they can shed without redplating at
all, maybe another 5-10w would have done it.

Here are the resistance values tested and the plate dissipation values
calculated, this was done without respect to the hum balance circuit:

1100 93w
1200 87w Vp=967v Vk=124v
1250 85w
1500 74w
1750 67w Vp=1001v
2000 61w Vp=1011v
1000 98w
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I returned the ACME tubes. They sounded nice, but they concerned me they were going to fail.
I returned the ACME tubes. They sounded nice, but they concerned me they were going to fail.

That's too bad. I have mine for almost a year with no problems

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