Thanks for sharing your thoughts and correspondence with Rachel.I contacted Rachel at Grant Fidelity regarding the Linlai E-Series and Psvane Acme 845 tubes. I wanted to share her response and my inquiry with the community.
I was getting ready to upgrade my Psvane WE 845s for the new Acme tubes after reading a few of the early reviews. My WE are still going strong but it appears the Acmes are a step up according to reviews. I am intrigued by the Linlai E-Series but its low recommended operating point has given me pause as my amps run at a fixed bias quiet a bit above this point. I have also seen that you will no longer be supporting Psvane moving forward and as such I am uncertain that I want to support them either. Will Linlai be coming out with a more robust tube that will compete more directly with the Acme 845? I do not want to send my amps in to be modified to run the E-Series tube. I am considering buying a pair of the Acmes as you mention you will still be honoring the warranty on them unless you have some other advice. Regards,
What is the brand and model of your 845 amp? Some amps are known to us that will drive ACME845 to red plating and not recommended to use. Let me know your amp model then you don't repeat the issues others have encountered.
For Linlai E-845, the recommended range is just the 'sweet spot' range that factory engineers suggest, not the maximum rating. Keep in mind that Chinese audiophiles have a different listening preference than western audiophiles, due to different music composition and listening habits.
Linlai E-845 has higher tolerance of operating point than the mesh hybrid plate ACME845 and better reliability, for amps that drive tubes 'hard'. This is the advantage of the moly plate over the hybrid mesh/graphite plate on ACME tubes.
Linlai won't build a more robust 845 in the near future - E-845 is already the most robust of current production 845 tubes among all manufacturer brands already.
If I were you, I won't risk to take ACME845 at this point of time, not only for its susceptibility to red platting under high voltage, but also for future warranty issues. We won't be able to provide replacement when stock is returned to the factory then you are back to square one.
They were far better than any of the Shuguang tubes I have. There is a sense of calm and quiet with the ACME. The body and bass is much richer and full. But not puffy or bloated. I really liked the way it played.Kingrex
What your current oppinion on the Acme 845's. I know you've been involved in this thread from the beginning so excuse if you've answered this before but was this your first pair of the Acmes or did you have them replaced? I believe I read somewhere that 86-87ma was the Psvane recommended operating point but I forget at what voltage. Can you share any opinions about where you feel they sound their best?
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