Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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You're both dead wrong. This is a promoted thread in the Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers forum meaning @QSA-LANEDRI has paid money out of their pocket to WBF to run this thread as they see fit for the purposes of promoting their products and so as the OP, they have say in the ground rules for posting. @QSA-LANEDRI has already indicated the purpose for this forum is for people who have experience with these cables to post their listening impressions. He has already indicated that this is not a forum for discussing QSA's treatment and yet you two insist on pushing your speculative views on what is happening behind the scenes.

@Blackmorec, let me address some inaccuracies that seem to be the foundation of your speculation that have the potential to be damaging to QSA-Lanedri's reputation.

"Given that many University Physics Professors often have a tough time to precisely describe Quantum Physics, I wondered about who developed this technology but I found no connection between the name Lanedri and any academic institution or published papers , so I assume no university labs were involved, which means the discovery and development was in all likelihood done by a lay person, which infers that the technology used is, in all probability, already in the public domain, rather than something coming from pure academic research."

This is an irresponsible thing to say and so you were right to delete your post. Anas Lanedri is not the founder of QSA and he makes that clear on their website.

View attachment 105136

In my introductory post (post #29), I further stated that Anas' involvement with QSA began in 2021. On their website, they indicate that QSA's technology is the result of more than 22 years of R&D and so it's clear to anyone who has read what has been said that Anas Lanedri is not the developer of this technology.

View attachment 105137

So you do a search on "Lanedri" and find no connection with any academic institution or published papers and so you make the assumption that this development must have been made by a lay person and so the technology must already exist in the public domain. It would be best to at least base your speculations on known facts rather than make ignorant claims like this that are potentially damaging to a company's reputation.

Regarding the following statements from you and @highstream :

"When I look at the Q-L Revelation range of cables, what I would be buying is either Blue Jeans or Iconoclast confected cables, which start life as Belden and Canare bulk cable and sell for around $60- $100 for a 5ft finished cable. Following Q-L treatment, those same cables sell for between $2500 to $6000, so quite a mark-up."

"What is the pricing based on: actual costs, monopoly, initial pharmaceutical, luxury, desire to remain a small business model (and be very selective with the license), etc.?"

Why should you care? No one is putting a gun to your head to buy these cables. If the pricing offends you, go ahead and buy a Blue Jeans or Iconoclast cable instead. I already stated in post #30 that:

The magic that you will hear with the QSA-Lanedri line of cables has very little to do with the cables themselves. The cable is merely a vehicle for what is most important and that is the QSA treatment process. The cables that are being offered were chosen because they have properties that lend themselves to optimally manifesting the QSA process."

A surgical scalpel blade costs less than $10 to manufacture. It turns out that fortunately, you have an operable cancer. If you placed this $10 scalpel blade in the hands of a 1st year surgical resident, do you think you would get the same results compared against a surgeon that has had 22 years to develop and refine his skills? Two cakes can start off with the exact same ingredients and as we know, the final product can be dramatically different. If you two can't see beyond the fact that we started with Belden cable, it's time to look elsewhere. These cables are not for you.

Let me address this statement because it is inaccurate:

"According to Q-Ls marketing blurb, they present 3 key technologies:
1. Metal Molecular Activation Technology
2. Musical Metal Molecule Alignment Technology and
3. Skin Deep Compensation Technology

The first thing to know is that these aren’t scientific terms. Metals like copper, zinc, tin, silver gold etc. consist of atoms not molecules..."

In my day job, I am a physician and a clinical research scientist. I also have a degree in biochemistry. Of the elements in the periodic table, only the noble gases like helium, argon, krypton, neon, xenon, radon, and oganesson exist in nature in pure form and that is because they are considered non-reactive due to the fact that they have 8 valence electrons that fill their outermost energy level. All the other elements like copper, zinc, tin, silver, gold, etc. are reactive to varying degrees. Copper, for example, will start to react with oxygen in the air to form copper oxide, a molecule. This is why you have to melt and cast the copper cathodes in a reducing atmosphere to remove the oxygen and so these elements exist in nature as molecules to some degree and not in 100% pure form. We have already figured out that the less pure the conductor, the greater the impact of treatment suggesting that it is with the molecular form of copper where QSA has its greatest impact.

I trust it was not your agenda to cause harm. Since you are not going to get any affirmations from the manufacturer regarding your speculations (Anas has already stated he won't respond), let's give it a break. If you must, start another thread and debate it there.

I will finish with a response to this quote from you:

"I am 4 years into building and refining my streaming system..."

The audiophile journey is one of discovery. Speculation is fine but ultimately, you should not pass judgement on something unless you've heard it for yourself.
Hi Romaz,
Thanks for your considered response. Let me confirm that my agenda is definitely not to cause harm, I’m involved with hi–fi for fun and the joy of listening to great music, and join these forms to enhance that experience, not to argue with people, which I really don‘t enjoy. I deleted my original post for exactly the reason that I felt it over-speculative and would only generate a lot of argument. Unfortunately I let myself get drawn back in as I do find the entire topic fascinating. My brain tends to latch on to technical ’problems’ and look for explanations based on logic and science. ~Its why as a kid my favorite author was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his character Sherlock Holmes.

I also missed the point entirely that this particular thread is vendor sponsored, so ‘nuff said.
Yes, the Sablon power upgrade to the Spectra Series comes with the new look as well :)

For the Sablon cables that were already submitted for upgrade, applying the Spectra Series cosmetic will take some additional days as the cables needs to be shipped back to Sablon.

So is a fair to say that if one doesn’t like the Sablon voicing then they will not like the Spectra series result?
So is a fair to say that if one doesn’t like the Sablon voicing then they will not like the Spectra series result?
The short answer is no.

QSA impact is transformative and in the same way that the Iconoclast cables on the Gamma Series got transformed, with the Revelation Line beating most cables out there, and the Infinity Line being beyond competition. The same is true on the Spectra Series where Sablon cables are getting transformed to result in unprecedented impacts.

The Spectra is a galaxy away from the Gamma and there are some feedback on the Spectra Series shared in this forum.
So is a fair to say that if one doesn’t like the Sablon voicing then they will not like the Spectra series result?

I would concur with @QSA-LANEDRI's assessment. If you've ever heard the Iconoclast BAV 10AWG power cable without treatment, to my ears, it sounds pretty bad. It sounds dark, dull, slow and smeared and I can think of a large number of power cables I would choose above it. Once treated, however, you simply don't recognize it as an Iconoclast power cable any longer and I can say the same for my Sablons. Where you might have objection is with QSA treatment in general, who knows, because it is the qualities that I associate with QSA-treated wire that really come through regardless of what wire you start with and I'm sure there will be someone somewhere who will find that it could be too much of a good thing? This presentation which seems more alive and real doesn't come at the cost of fatigue, at least in my system, because to my ears, everything sounds very natural and proportional and there is no perceived harshness or forwardness. Having said that, comparatively, to my ears, once treated, my Sablon Prince is a slightly warmer sounding cable than the Gamma largely because there is so much more fullness and density in the lower registers and Infinity treatment takes that even further by sounding more refined and some might say, a touch sweeter. If you're looking for the warmest most natural sounding power cable in QSA-Lanedri's stable, not yet having heard what an Ultimatum power cable sounds like, I would say it would be a Sablon power cable with Infinity treatment.
This CAT6 cable (combined with a QSA LAN Jitter) have singlehandedly made Roon sound better than XDMS on the Extreme (no small feat) and have allowed Qobuz streaming to sound identical to the playback of locally stored files in blind testing (which is a first for me). This simple LAN cable almost completely renders the network moot in my system.

Please let me ask many (dumb) questions since I'm still trying to understand what could be actually done to design a (badass?) system that's supposed to maximize the potential of whatever QSA is truly capable of.

First of all, @nenon already explained what's happening behind the scenes

Going back to the question about Roon. Roon does a lot of things that harm the sound quality. It performs constant network activity while you are playing, it has constant disk I/O activity, it does some processing that swings the CPU utilization, which causes noise that is audible in a resolving system. And the list goes on... Depending on whether you use a two box (a server and a streamer) solution or a single box solution like me it has different impact. But in any case, it would not be my choice for critical listening. Having said that Roon/Qobuz is the best tool for discovering new music for me. I so use it for that.

Something similar (i.e. negative) about Roon could also be found on this Chinese forum


I don't wanna make any assumptions here since I'll definitely sound just like an idiot, is it possible that maybe we genuinely need to do the exact opposite of whatever the heck that's meant to be "good" in the past? In other words, let's just go totally nuts with network activity + disk I/O activity + CPU utilization so that would end up drawing (much?) more power than usual.

More importantly, what about increasing the number of network packets in order to send even more data from one device to another?

Simply put, could bigger + more + higher be better in terms of whatever would "float the QSA boat" if you will?

(I don't have to quote your post about $200 game console versus $30K music server since many of us should have read that already.)

Basically we're talking about a device that should have done all the "wrong" things according to conventional wisdom.

• High noise (with cooling fans)
• High microvibration
• High jitter
• High latency
• High output impedance (I don't think the connector of that 19V A/C adapter would be "ideal" for obvious reasons)

(Hence my speculation about what ought to be done here.)

If worse (i.e. lower) purity were actually an advantage before the treatment process of the copper inside each cable, we're essentially beginning with a relatively low conductivity / lower percentage of IACS for sure.

After the treatment process is done and we really dunno what to expect, though it's still worth the effort to figure out what would be considered a good match for a totally different beast once the transformation is over.

Does it actually make sense to "downgrade" in order to have something with relatively "undesirable" physical properties? In this particular case, the whole point should be making sure that our cables would have to work even harder in order to compensate all the "shortcomings" thanks to our "poor" choice of components.

I know it might sound totally crazy here, we just might have to think unconventionally for the sake of reaping all the benefits while leaving nothing on the table.
In my system, this unassuming looking CAT6 cable that started life as an inexpensive Blue Jeans Cable CAT6 UTP cable with no fancy shield or connector has a greater impact than even a Gamma power cable or a QSA-treated network switch. This CAT6 cable (combined with a QSA LAN Jitter) have singlehandedly made Roon sound better than XDMS on the Extreme (no small feat) and have allowed Qobuz streaming to sound identical to the playback of locally stored files in blind testing (which is a first for me). This simple LAN cable almost completely renders the network moot in my system.
Hi romaz,
Could you qualify this observation for me

Are you talking about
1. An Extreme with Roon and a QSA cable vs an Extreme with XDMS and no QSA cable or
2. An Extreme with Roon and a QSA cable vs. an Extreme with XDMS and a QSA cable

The Spectra Infinity Sablon Prince Power cable being the result of the QSA Lanedri & Sablon partnership.

I uderstand you are still working on the Ultimatum power and Ultimatum speaker so it becomes top reference..
please send us some pictures if available Or when available .
Hi Romaz,
Thanks for your considered response. Let me confirm that my agenda is definitely not to cause harm, I’m involved with hi–fi for fun and the joy of listening to great music, and join these forms to enhance that experience, not to argue with people, which I really don‘t enjoy. I deleted my original post for exactly the reason that I felt it over-speculative and would only generate a lot of argument. Unfortunately I let myself get drawn back in as I do find the entire topic fascinating. My brain tends to latch on to technical ’problems’ and look for explanations based on logic and science. ~Its why as a kid my favorite author was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his character Sherlock Holmes.

I also missed the point entirely that this particular thread is vendor sponsored, so ‘nuff said.
I have a problem with Romaz being the audiophile we all know for many years of sharing his subjective experiences (I have various Romaz pages bookmarked) lending his name to QSA Lanedri cables. He is a leader having many followers. A very inspiring audiophile to follow because of very detailed experiences he shares with the community.

Now suddenly he pops up on a commercial WBF page heavily promoting very expensive cables that according to Romaz make a US $200 device outperforming a $30k music server that he considers to be the best in the world. Also according to him all QSA cables sound better than anything else because of the secret cable treatment that only Romaz knows together with the owner of QSA. No detailed Romaz style reviews / descriptions and trials this time, a few paragraphs only.

Romaz also seems to have access to all these cables and he can even have his personal cables treated as well at QSA. He also confirmed he designed himself (or was involved in the design of) a few of the new cables. Reading on these pages orders currently seem to come in by the hundreds without listening (30 day trial). Some clients order 5 or 6 cables at the same time adding up to $10k or $20k orders. I understood the new owner, Lanedri, just bought the business in 2021, will he deliver? time will tell.

This makes me wonder what exactly is Romaz (commercial) interest in this? He made it very clear he is sharing his promotional talk in this specific WBF commercial segment paid for by QSA. Confusing for me and apparently also for @kennyb123 & @Blackmorec who he kind of aggressively accused of trying to assess this secret cable treatment. Now they, as I was, probably thought they were having an exchange with the @romaz we all know , but this almost seems an other Romaz II strictly talking about the benefits of QSA cables in this commercial segment of WBF and as far as I know not anywhere else where we usually can exchange with Romaz I.

I find this very confusing. It seems to me he (ab)used his (well known) name Romaz, maybe unwillingly, to help facilitate the sale of QSA cables and of course 'help' buyers get one more step closer to audio heaven. We'll see how this develops, maybe I am wrong but I find his position a little awkward. I guess all I am saying; some here can wear two different hats, just be aware.
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I have a problem with Romaz being the audiophile we all know for many years of sharing his subjective experiences (I have various Romaz pages bookmarked) lending his name to QSA Lanedri cables. He is a leader having many followers. A very inspiring audiophile to follow because of very detailed experiences he shares with the community.

Now suddenly he pops up on a commercial WBF page heavily promoting very expensive cables that according to Romaz make a US $200 device outperforming a $30k music server that he considers to be the best in the world. Also according to him all QSA cables sound better than anything else because of the secret cable treatment that only Romaz knows together with the owner of QSA. No detailed Romaz style reviews / descriptions and trials this time, a few paragraphs only.

Romaz also seems to have access to all these cables and he can even have his personal cables treated as well at QSA. He also confirmed he designed himself (or was involved in the design of) a few of the new cables. Reading on these pages orders currently seem to come in by the hundreds without listening (30 day trial). Some clients order 5 or 6 cables at the same time adding up to $10k or $20k orders. I understood the new owner, Lanedri, just bought the business in 2021, will he deliver? time will tell.

This makes me wonder what exactly is Romaz (commercial) interest in this? He made it very clear he is sharing his promotional talk in this specific WBF commercial segment paid for by QSA. Confusing for me and apparently also for @kennyb123 & @Blackmorec who he kind of aggressively accused of trying to assess this secret cable treatment. Now they, as I was, probably thought they were having an exchange with the @romaz we all know , but this almost seems an other Romaz II strictly talking about the benefits of QSA cables in this commercial segment of WBF and as far as I know not anywhere else where we usually can exchange with Romaz I.

I find this very confusing. It seems to me he (ab)used his (well known) name Romaz, maybe unwillingly, to help facilitate the sale of QSA cables and of course 'help' buyers get one more step closer to audio heaven. We'll see how this develops, maybe I am wrong but I find his position a little awkward. I guess all I am saying; some here can wear two different hats, just be aware.

Everyone who knows Romaz is 100% sure of him being always honnest.
He helped many of us here including myself with ZERO in return.
I have a problem with Romaz being the audiophile we all know for many years of sharing his subjective experiences (I have various Romaz pages bookmarked) lending his name to QSA Lanedri cables. He is a leader having many followers. A very inspiring audiophile to follow because of very detailed experiences he shares with the community.

Now suddenly he pops up on a commercial WBF page heavily promoting very expensive cables that according to Romaz make a US $200 device outperforming a $30k music server that he considers to be the best in the world. Also according to him all QSA cables sound better than anything else because of the secret cable treatment that only Romaz knows together with the owner of QSA. No detailed Romaz style reviews / descriptions and trials this time, a few paragraphs only.

Romaz also seems to have access to all these cables and he can even have his personal cables treated as well at QSA. He also confirmed he designed himself (or was involved in the design of) a few of the new cables. Reading on these pages orders currently seem to come in by the hundreds without listening (30 day trial). Some clients order 5 or 6 cables at the same time adding up to $10k or $20k orders. I understood the new owner, Lanedri, just bought the business in 2021, will he deliver? time will tell.

This makes me wonder what exactly is Romaz (commercial) interest in this? He made it very clear he is sharing his promotional talk in this specific WBF commercial segment paid for by QSA. Confusing for me and apparently also for @kennyb123 & @Blackmorec who he kind of aggressively accused of trying to assess this secret cable treatment. Now they, as I was, probably thought they were having an exchange with the @romaz we all know , but this almost seems an other Romaz II strictly talking about the benefits of QSA cables in this commercial segment of WBF and as far as I know not anywhere else where we usually can exchange with Romaz I.

I find this very confusing. It seems to me he (ab)used his (well known) name Romaz, maybe unwillingly, to help facilitate the sale of QSA cables and of course 'help' buyers get one more step closer to audio heaven. We'll see how this develops, maybe I am wrong but I find his position a little awkward. I guess all I am saying; some here can wear two different hats, just be aware.

Your attempted character assassination is very unbecoming. Romaz has been completely transparent about his involvement in this process and has posted numerous detailed impressions of the various QSA Lanedri cables in his system. He has graciously given people his honest advice when asked, just as he has always done over the years. If you are so put off by his participation and consider him to be unworthy of your trust, perhaps this thread is not for you.
I have a problem with Romaz being the audiophile we all know for many years of sharing his subjective experiences (I have various Romaz pages bookmarked) lending his name to QSA Lanedri cables. He is a leader having many followers. A very inspiring audiophile to follow because of very detailed experiences he shares with the community.

Now suddenly he pops up on a commercial WBF page heavily promoting very expensive cables that according to Romaz make a US $200 device outperforming a $30k music server that he considers to be the best in the world. Also according to him all QSA cables sound better than anything else because of the secret cable treatment that only Romaz knows together with the owner of QSA. No detailed Romaz style reviews / descriptions and trials this time, a few paragraphs only.

Romaz also seems to have access to all these cables and he can even have his personal cables treated as well at QSA. He also confirmed he designed himself (or was involved in the design of) a few of the new cables. Reading on these pages orders currently seem to come in by the hundreds without listening (30 day trial). Some clients order 5 or 6 cables at the same time adding up to $10k or $20k orders. I understood the new owner, Lanedri, just bought the business in 2021, will he deliver? time will tell.

This makes me wonder what exactly is Romaz (commercial) interest in this? He made it very clear he is sharing his promotional talk in this specific WBF commercial segment paid for by QSA. Confusing for me and apparently also for @kennyb123 & @Blackmorec who he kind of aggressively accused of trying to assess this secret cable treatment. Now they, as I was, probably thought they were having an exchange with the @romaz we all know , but this almost seems an other Romaz II strictly talking about the benefits of QSA cables in this commercial segment of WBF and as far as I know not anywhere else where we usually can exchange with Romaz I.

I find this very confusing. It seems to me he (ab)used his (well known) name Romaz, maybe unwillingly, to help facilitate the sale of QSA cables and of course 'help' buyers get one more step closer to audio heaven. We'll see how this develops, maybe I am wrong but I find his position a little awkward. I guess all I am saying; some here can wear two different hats, just be aware.

Fair points and I'm happy to answer. Do I have a commercial interest in QSA or QSA-Lanedri? No, as already stated, I do not. Fortunately, I am in a position financially where I do not require alternate sources of income. With the exception of a few prototypes, I've had to pay for my cables. I can afford to do so.

What is my relationship with QSA? I have none. I've never met or spoken with Steven. Like the rest of you, I have my guesses but I have no clue what his treatment entails.

What is my relationship with Anas? Initially, we were just fellow audiophiles who met here on WBF. Today, I would classify him as a friend . Having gotten to interact with him through the R&D process, he is a person of high integrity. He is a kind person and a family man. That's what I know of him. But we have never personally met.

Do I have a bias for these cables? Yes, as anyone might expect since I've poured hours of effort into their R&D and so read into that what you wish but once again, I have no financial stake. I think this treatment is the future and will change the face of audio as we know it. I am literally floored by how transformative this treatment is and if you hear passion in my posts, it's because it's genuine. As more and more experience them, see for yourself if I am alone in my excitement. Whatever the heck has been done to these cables, the end results are mind blowing and I won't be surprised if speaker and electronics manufacturers start lining up wishing to collaborate with QSA.

What was my motivation for getting involved? Initially, it was to help a fellow audiophile but also because I was intrigued. Anas and I came upon QSA independently. With the fuses I purchased from QSA, I was shocked how transformative they were, especially the silver fuse. I was plenty busy but if a fuse could sound this good, what must a treated cable sound like? That was the thought that was in my head. Once I got to hear the first treated cable, I knew right away this path had huge potential and my curiosity grew. Did I get paid for my efforts. No, not with money but like I said, I got to keep certain prototypes and got to experience things that were literally shocking. It was like going to Disneyland. No one has ever had to pay me to go to Disneyland.

What is my motivation for posting on a manufacturer's thread? Like others, Anas asked me to share my experiences. Because I have deeper experiences with these cables than others, I guess I have more experiences to share, more personal insights. But the depth of my involvement here is no different than other areas. I was so involved in the Chord DAVE thread on Head-Fi years ago that I was accused of having financial ties with Chord or with Rob Watts. Same thing with the Taiko Extreme thread. To be up front, I have been approached by various companies privately over the years to listen to things, to assist with R&D, and sometimes to share my experiences publicly and so when I was approached by Anas, it was nothing new to me but not once have I accepted monetary compensation from any audio company. I have listened to many things that didn't work for me. When that happens, out of respect to the manufacturer, I don't post about it and so you can say I don't do negative reviews. But when I do like something, I have no problem saying it.

Do I think these cables have flaws? Yes, they're expensive. I hate expensive cables, I always have. It seems easier to pay a lot of money for speakers or an amp but not for cables. I can appreciate why there is criticism for what these cables cost given how inexpensive the starting materials are.

Do I think these cables are unfairly priced? If it took Steven 22 years to develop this technology, this is clearly his life's work. I don't know how much has been invested into the R&D of this treatment and what he feels he needs to make to recoup his investment. While QSA treatment benefits from inexpensive starting materials, I have no clue if the treatment is labor intensive and what the ancillary costs related to the treatment might be. Of course, there's also Anas' overhead to consider. But as far as value is concerned, I cannot think of a higher value proposition than these cables. They are a higher value proposition than QSA's other products. Yes, I am biased since I had a hand in their design but even if I didn't, these cables are a serious game changer and so let me explain.

Yes, I've said that I have a $200 nVidia TV Shield Pro operating at the level of a $30k Taiko Extreme. Does that even make sense? And yet it's true. But that doesn't mean my Extreme is going anywhere. It just means the Extreme needs to up it's game and get QSA'd. The Extreme remains the very best music server I have heard but it's possible to seriously hobble it. It craves power like a hungry monoblock amplifier. If you use a 10awg power cord to power it, as good as you think the Extreme sounds, you aren't going to hear it's full potential, even if it's a QSA-treated power cord. When I applied a 6awg QSA-treated Sablon Prince to the Extreme and a 6awg QSA-treated Sablon Prince to my line conditioner where my Extreme was plugged into for the very first time a few weeks ago, I heard my Extreme perform in a way I had never heard before. That Extreme was a monster and in another league from the nVidia TV Shield Pro. When my QSA'd Sablon went out on loan to @austinpop so that he could audition it and when I shipped out the Sablon Prince that was powering the line conditioner to QSA-Lanedri to have it treated, as previously posted, I was forced to use lesser cables on the Extreme and line conditioner and that was when the Extreme collapsed to the extent that the nVidia could match it. Eventually, the Extreme will take its rightful throne again and yet that is the impact of QSA, that it can elevate a lowly device to SOTA-level performance and that's what I mean by serious game changer.
Hi romaz,
Could you qualify this observation for me

Are you talking about
1. An Extreme with Roon and a QSA cable vs an Extreme with XDMS and no QSA cable or
2. An Extreme with Roon and a QSA cable vs. an Extreme with XDMS and a QSA cable


While everything matters, if there is a single QSA-Lanedri product that has had the greatest global impact in my system, it would be the Ultimatum speaker cables. After that, it would be the Gamma LAN cable. The fact that the Ultimatum speaker cables were so impactful was never a surprise. But the Gamma LAN cable completely took me by surprise. WIth the Gamma Infinity LAN cable (with the treatment designed for Video) combined with a QSA Horn Silver LAN Jitter (which are purchased through QSA and not QSA-Lanedri), this simple combo has been the single most impactful addition I have ever made to my network and essentially negated the impact of the network in my system. I got streamed files from Qobuz to sound identical to files stored on my NAS and files stored internally on my Extreme. Roon which was always a dog compared to XDMS was now sounding better than XDMS. Audiophile network switches still made a difference but their impact was negligible in comparison and yes, this simple combo brought the performance of the nVidia Shield TV Pro close to the performance of the Extreme (if the Extreme itself was not connected to the same QSA network combo).

As previously stated, if I were to start from scratch today with building a system, I would start with a fully QSA'd network. The gains here are simply huge.
I don't wanna make any assumptions here since I'll definitely sound just like an idiot, is it possible that maybe we genuinely need to do the exact opposite of whatever the heck that's meant to be "good" in the past? In other words, let's just go totally nuts with network activity + disk I/O activity + CPU utilization so that would end up drawing (much?) more power than usual.

More importantly, what about increasing the number of network packets in order to send even more data from one device to another?

Simply put, could bigger + more + higher be better in terms of whatever would "float the QSA boat" if you will?

It's an interesting thought and I'm not sure I can provide you an accurate answer but here are some of my observations. Almost universally, when we have treated a cable, dynamics improves and bass tightens up. It's what I generally hear with a low impedance power supply. Tonal clarity, detail resolution, and overall transparency also improve. It's as if QSA treatment filters noise and in my opinion, this must be what's happening. If you look at QSA's website, they sell fuses designed for analog and fuses designed for digital. The QSA salesperson told me that the digital version is designed to filter to a higher frequency and so this statement would support that. How they are accomplishing these things, I don't know but regardless of noise generated by network activity, disk I/O, CPU utilization, etc., it's like these things don't matter anymore and why non-audiophile devices like an nVidia Shield can perform so well. Roon when compared to other playback software like Stylus, TAS, or XDMS typically sounds more bloated, less precise, and smeared. For a long time, it's was very difficult for me to tolerate it but with something as simple as a QSA LAN cable and LAN Jitter, these issues go away. Does that mean it's ideal to go nuts and shoot for high latency and power everything with a noisy SMPS, I don't think so, it's just that the problems associated with these things become more sonically negligible. A QSA'd Extreme to my ears still sounds better than anything else I've heard and so clearly, QSA treatment benefits well-designed equipment just the same, it's just that cheap equipment that I would otherwise never consider all of a sudden become viable.

For those that can justify the expense, something like the Extreme still makes sense but with QSA, all of a sudden, entry level devices gain you admission to the same party.
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Working around the clock to ensure delivery for this week.

We are eager to learn about the experience and impact of the QSA Lanedri cables for the different tastes and setups at least as you are eager to receive them.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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