Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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Working around the clock to ensure delivery for this week.

We are eager to learn about the experience and impact of the QSA Lanedri cables for the different tastes and setups at least as you are eager to receive them.

Cant wait to try them in my system.
Few audio friends will attend the auditions.
I am curious how everyone reacts to comparisons.
I hope this is the right place for the message. It's about the power supply of Dave.

Would like to know if the stock power supply module of Dave can be QSA treated? If the result is promissing (I bet it will be), maybe someone can build a new module (SMPS?for Dave. My impression is that the stock module is pretty cheap and easily replaceable.

This could well be a convenient alternative to Sean Jacobs DC4 ARC6 which is both costly, heavy and bulky.

Would appreciate if anyone could say what to expect.
You have been a wealth of information so far. I just purchased in the last 5 months a full loom of Hijiri Takumi PC and RCA's. They are more expensive than the Gamma series. I wonder if the Gamma are better.
A couple of questions....Did you use the Ethernet cable from QSA or Lanedri? If QSA which color code? Which color code on the QSA Jitter plug? I have Silver and it is super. The Lanedri is more expensive than the QSA Ethernet cord. How are they different? I am going to order one or the other. Do you have a QSA outlet? If so what color?

Will. aka willgolf

Which Ultimate speaker cable did you use that you said provided the biggest impact on your system?
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Am too wondering the treatment level of the Ethernet cables.

The QSA has Gold level which cost even more, but QSA uses a different base cable.
You have been a wealth of information so far. I just purchased in the last 5 months a full loom of Hijiri Takumi PC and RCA's. They are more expensive than the Gamma series. I wonder if the Gamma are better.
A couple of questions....Did you use the Ethernet cable from QSA or Lanedri? If QSA which color code? Which color code on the QSA Jitter plug? I have Silver and it is super. The Lanedri is more expensive than the QSA Ethernet cord. How are they different? I am going to order one or the other. Do you have a QSA outlet? If so what color?

Will. aka willgolf

I have got indeed some inquiries about the QSA Ethernet cable. So let me clarify.

First, I'd like to make it clear that QSA and QSA Lanedri are one entity. the QSA Lanedri brand was created recently with the objective to cover the end-to-end audio chain (and later video) with the best and optimal products selected and/or custom created to achieve the maximum QSA technology impacts. the cables are the first set of commercial products on this QSA Lanedri journey and we R&D is ongoing on multiple products.

The QSA Ethernet cable was launched before the QSA Lanedri brand was created. This cable does follow the same price structure of all the QSA products with the different color schemes corresponding to the different treatment levels. This price structure provides the possibility to have some slight feelings on the QSA technology at entry prices but with QSA the impacts get serious from Silver and above.

The QSA Lanedri cables does guarantee the maximum benefits and impacts for the QSA technology as they are the results of more than 3 years of R&D and therefore The Gamma LAN cable is much superior to the QSA Ethernet cable.

We decided to keep, for now, the QSA Ethernet cable in market as we believe it allows the discovery of the QSA technology impacts.
While everything matters, if there is a single QSA-Lanedri product that has had the greatest global impact in my system, it would be the Ultimatum speaker cables. After that, it would be the Gamma LAN cable. The fact that the Ultimatum speaker cables were so impactful was never a surprise. But the Gamma LAN cable completely took me by surprise. WIth the Gamma Infinity LAN cable (with the treatment designed for Video) combined with a QSA Horn Silver LAN Jitter (which are purchased through QSA and not QSA-Lanedri), this simple combo has been the single most impactful addition I have ever made to my network and essentially negated the impact of the network in my system. I got streamed files from Qobuz to sound identical to files stored on my NAS and files stored internally on my Extreme. Roon which was always a dog compared to XDMS was now sounding better than XDMS. Audiophile network switches still made a difference but their impact was negligible in comparison and yes, this simple combo brought the performance of the nVidia Shield TV Pro close to the performance of the Extreme (if the Extreme itself was not connected to the same QSA network combo).

As previously stated, if I were to start from scratch today with building a system, I would start with a fully QSA'd network. The gains here are simply huge.
Besides of LAN and Ultimate cables, what do you think which of the Gamma cables would have the most impact in a system? I'm quite curious about the QSA-Lanedri cables, but my budget is very tight. With the introductory prices I could go with 1 Gamma Infinity speaker or XLR cable (or maybe 2 power cables) or instead at least 2 Gamma Revelation cables.
Would the additional impact of 2 Gamma Revelation cables higher than 1 Gamma Infinity cable?
Regarding speaker or XLR or power cable, which one would have the biggest impact with just one of them?

Will. aka willgolf

Which Ultimate speaker cable did you use that you said provided the biggest impact on your system?

Besides of LAN and Ultimate cables, what do you think which of the Gamma cables would have the most impact in a system? I'm quite curious about the QSA-Lanedri cables, but my budget is very tight. With the introductory prices I could go with 1 Gamma Infinity speaker or XLR cable (or maybe 2 power cables) or instead at least 2 Gamma Revelation cables.
Would the additional impact of 2 Gamma Revelation cables higher than 1 Gamma Infinity cable?
Regarding speaker or XLR or power cable, which one would have the biggest impact with just one of them?
This question is also among the top one asked. We are working on a FAQ page which will be added to the QSA Lanedri webpage ASAP.

Before sharing the prio list of the QSA Lanedri cables, I'd like to share the following facts which have been rock-solid along all the years of the QSA Lanedri R&D:
1. Fact 1: The law of diminishing returns does not apply to the QSA Lanedri cables. The WoW moments had never stopped regardless of how many cables we have put in the chain. There are cables with incremental improvements but during our experiments there are always cables that get us astonished when added to to the setup;
2. Fact 2: The End-2End chain with the QSA Lanedri is the way to maximize all the QSA benefits. Each QSA Lanedri cable introduced into the chain does upgrade the performance to different degrees but the cumulative impact always gets compound higher;
3. Fact 3: The Infinity Line impact is too big to ignore over the Revelation Line.

In terms of the QSA Lanedri priority, our findings are:
1.The Ultimatum Speaker cable: this cable does maximize all the benefits of any system to a transformational level;
2. The Spectra Power cable (or better the Ultimatum one) to use between wall socket and the power conditioner/distributor: all the units connected to the conditioner/distributor benefits from the high impact;
3. We rank those cables on the same level :
- The Gamma LAN cable;
- The Gamma Interconnect between the DAC and the Preamp;
- The Gamma Power cable (or better the Spectra one) with this priority: 1. Preamp 2. Router 3. Server 4. DAC;
4. Spectra Power cables (or Ultimatum PC) for the amplifiers;
5. Gamma interconnects.

We did not rank yet the Gamma USB cable as R&D is still ongoing.

We recommend the Infinity Line as for the same budget fewer Infinity Line cables outperforms more Revelation ones.

This prioritization is of course more of a guideline based on our findings and the impacts can vary based on the setups. We strongly encourage everyone who has experimented the QSA Lanedri cables in their setup to share their findings.
I just purchased in the last 5 months a full loom of Hijiri Takumi PC and RCA's. They are more expensive than the Gamma series. I wonder if the Gamma are better.

The only way to know for sure is to try. If there is a coloration to your current cables that you like, you may prefer them. Audio is a very personal thing after all. But a QSA-treated cable is different and is unlike anything I've heard before. The level of realism is just uncanny. If there's a place to gamble, it would be with the PC that feeds your line conditioner or AC distributor. That way, this cable benefits all of the things plugged into your conditioner or distributor. But the optimal PC for a conditioner or distributor would be a Spectra. Infinity treatment is a sizeable step better than Revelation but I would go with a Spectra Revelation before I considered a Gamma Infinity.

Did you use the Ethernet cable from QSA or Lanedri?

My LAN cable is a QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity. As Anas already mentioned, it is a higher level cable compared to the QSA version, hence the higher price tag.

Which color code on the QSA Jitter plug? I have Silver and it is super.

My QSA LAN Jitter is Horn Silver. Paired with the QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity LAN cable (with Video treatment), it's everything I could ask for. It positively impacts both audio and video and leapfrogs anything I have ever experienced from a network switch or power supply to a switch. At one point, I had stacks of network switches in place powered by high-level PSUs from Paul Hynes. All those switches have been removed. Now, I go from my $100 Ubiquiti router to the Extreme or nVidia TV Shield Pro. If you did nothing else but this, already this will be a big leap but adding a Gamma PC to my Paul Hynes SR7 that powers my router and modem also adds significantly. As stated before, the impact is additive.

Do you have a QSA outlet? If so what color?

Yes, I have 2 QSA outlets for each of my 2 dedicated lines. Each outlet is Silver.

Which Ultimate speaker cable did you use that you said provided the biggest impact on your system?

Ultimatum represents QSA-Lanedri's best effort and as such, it comes as a single option but there are 2 treatment levels, Revelation and Infinity. If you are going to take it to this level, I would suggest you go to Infinity. What should you expect with this cable? That it will destroy any other speaker cable in existence and that the gap will not be small.
3. We rank those cables on the same level :
- The Gamma LAN cable;
- The Gamma Interconnect between the DAC and the Preamp;
- The Gamma Power cable (or better the Spectra one) with this priority: 1. Preamp 2. Router 3. Server 4. DAC;
I have yet to receive a Gamma LAN cable, but as far as the Gamma interconnect and power cable, I agree that they are on the same level, but what you mention in #2 applies also when the Gamma Revelation is used between wall socket and the power conditioner/distributor. It has an outsized influence on the end result. I must say though having a Gamma Revelation XLR interconnect between DAC and amp brought an astonishing level of improvement so I think I would try to add that too.
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Besides of LAN and Ultimate cables, what do you think which of the Gamma cables would have the most impact in a system? I'm quite curious about the QSA-Lanedri cables, but my budget is very tight. With the introductory prices I could go with 1 Gamma Infinity speaker or XLR cable (or maybe 2 power cables) or instead at least 2 Gamma Revelation cables.
Would the additional impact of 2 Gamma Revelation cables higher than 1 Gamma Infinity cable?
Regarding speaker or XLR or power cable, which one would have the biggest impact with just one of them?

Adding to what Anas has stated, if the budget is tight, if you have one key component that is especially valuable in your audio chain, like an "all in one" device that houses a streamer, DAC, preamp, and amp, for example, obviously target your most important component. In that situation, one Gamma Infinity would be more impactful than 2 Gamma Revelations. Otherwise, I would think 2 Gamma Revelations would be more impactful because the more traditional wire you can replace with QSA-treated wire, the better. Because of the fact that speaker cables and power cables have more conductor in them than other cables, they have the potential to "wow" you more but the impact of interconnects and other cables are quite significant.
Wondering if QSA-Lanedri or any of the owners of the cables could post a video doing some A/B comparisons. I think many would find it quite helpful. A video may not be able to fully convey the quality of the QSA-Lanedri products but perhaps enough of a difference vs competing products to lend more weight to reviews of the product.
Wondering if QSA-Lanedri or any of the owners of the cables could post a video doing some A/B comparisons. I think many would find it quite helpful. A video may not be able to fully convey the quality of the QSA-Lanedri products but perhaps enough of a difference vs competing products to lend more weight to reviews of the product.
I tried recording using my mobile phone during a listening session sitting at the very left side but nothing can capture the immersive physical vibrations of the music in the room.

Adding to what Anas has stated, if the budget is tight, if you have one key component that is especially valuable in your audio chain, like an "all in one" device that houses a streamer, DAC, preamp, and amp, for example, obviously target your most important component. In that situation, one Gamma Infinity would be more impactful than 2 Gamma Revelations. Otherwise, I would think 2 Gamma Revelations would be more impactful because the more traditional wire you can replace with QSA-treated wire, the better. Because of the fact that speaker cables and power cables have more conductor in them than other cables, they have the potential to "wow" you more but the impact of interconnects and other cables are quite significant.
@romaz - thanks for your considerations. My system consists of a SACD-transport connected with a proprietary connection to DAC, preamp, two stereo power amps, speakers at the moment.
The speakers are passive biamped, so I'm using 2 pairs of speaker cables. That makes it more expensive regarding new speaker cables and power cables for the amps. But I consider selling one amp to reduce the system a bit and increase WAF factor ;)
Still no streaming over network, so no need for LAN cables, switches or streamers.

At the moment I could go with either
1. 2 pairs of Gamma Revelation speaker cables (but budget would be overextended quite a bit)
2. 2 Gamma Revelation power cords (maybe 3)
3. 1 Gamma Infinity power cord (plus maybe 1 Gamma Revelation power cord)
4. 1 Gamma Revelation XLR (plus maybe 1 Gamma Revelation power cord)

I'm pondering about the different possibilities which could have the biggest impact.
Now, I go from my $100 Ubiquiti router to the Extreme or nVidia TV Shield Pro. If you did nothing else but this, already this will be a big leap but adding a Gamma PC to my Paul Hynes SR7 that powers my router and modem also adds significantly.

Were any non-audiophile items mentioned above (i.e. nVidia TV Shield Pro / Ubiquiti router / modem) ever sent to QSA for applying a specific level of treatment process?

As stated before, the impact is additive.

What if we're simply connecting two computers directly (i.e. no routers / switches in between) with Horn Silver LAN Jitter + Gamma LAN cable, then keep copying the same file(s) back and forth like a thousand times?

In other words, wouldn't those files be "cleansed" repeatedly if the impact were actually retained each and every time?

BTW, do you think that LAN Jitter would be any good for Power over Ethernet?

If so, something like this would be fantastic


And then we just need one of those industrial routers with PoE+ ports

Could you share a picture of the speaker cable tips for the ultimate and revelation series? Are they Banana, Spades, or Bare wire
Were any non-audiophile items mentioned above (i.e. nVidia TV Shield Pro / Ubiquiti router / modem) ever sent to QSA for applying a specific level of treatment process?
I hope this is the right place for the message. It's about the power supply of Dave.

Would like to know if the stock power supply module of Dave can be QSA treated? If the result is promissing (I bet it will be), maybe someone can build a new module (SMPS?for Dave. My impression is that the stock module is pretty cheap and easily replaceable.

This could well be a convenient alternative to Sean Jacobs DC4 ARC6 which is both costly, heavy and bulky.

Would appreciate if anyone could say what to expect.

I like how you both think. R&D in these areas are ongoing. As you allow your imaginations to wander, you can see how potentially huge the implications are to treat everything in the audio path including even the speakers and so don’t be surprised if this R&D is actually happening. I’m sure Anas will say more when the time comes. Personally, the only QSA-treated component I have experience with is their network switch. But to keep things in perspective, understand that certain cables have the potential to have more impact than even a treated component since some components don’t have that much conductor mass in them. For example, I found the impact of a 30-foot Gamma Revelation LAN cable to have greater impact than the QSA-treated network switch that I tried upstream of this LAN cable. Where I expect to see the greatest gains, beyond the gains from a QSA-treated component like a DAC, for example, is with a QSA-treated power supply for that DAC. While treating the SMPS for DAVE will undoubtedly have positive results, there are advantages to treating an over-specified linear PSU because they have much more conductor in them. The amount of conductor in a 600VA toroidal transformer, for example, is just so much greater than what is probably in the entire DAC. Other things like the chokes and internal DC cabling should have significant impact, too.

What if we're simply connecting two computers directly (i.e. no routers / switches in between) with Horn Silver LAN Jitter + Gamma LAN cable, then keep copying the same file(s) back and forth like a thousand times?

In other words, wouldn't those files be "cleansed" repeatedly if the impact were actually retained each and every time?

This is an interesting thought. I have no way to offer you an intelligent answer because network communications and their impact on SQ remain baffling to me. For example, when playing back files that reside internally within my Extreme, as I switch from a traditional LAN cable to a QSA LAN cable, why do these files fully take on the SQ characteristics of the QSA LAN cable even though these files never passed through the QSA LAN cable where they could be “cleansed?” If I trigger the playback of a playlist of files that completely reside within the Extreme and then disconnect the QSA LAN cable from the Extreme, all the files in the playlist will play and somehow they all exhibit the SQ characteristics of the LAN cable even though that cable is no longer attached to the Extreme. Why?

BTW, do you think that LAN Jitter would be any good for Power over Ethernet?

If so, something like this would be fantastic


This is a novel thought as you now have a QSA power supply for this switch. I don’t see why either the LAN Jitter or a Gamma LAN cable couldn’t be used for this application since these devices began life as fully compliant network devices but someone will have to test this to be sure. On this topic, don’t be surprised if QSA-Lanedri begins to offer DC cabling with barrel connectors soon that can be used to power any switch or router which should have similar impact.
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Could you share a picture of the speaker cable tips for the ultimate and revelation series? Are they Banana, Spades, or Bare wire

The Ultimatum speaker cables use massive 4/0 (0000) AWG wire, the most massive wire we are aware of in use in the world today in a speaker cable. We are aware of no binding posts that will accept this mass of bare wire and so bare wire is simply not an option. Bananas are not a good option either because this cable is so heavy that they risk bending a banana and possibly damaging the binding post that banana is inserted into. This makes spades the only practical option and the spades being used have been custom manufactured for QSA-Lanedri since there are no other spades available that we could find that are capable of handling wire this massive.
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Could you share a picture of the speaker cable tips for the ultimate and revelation series? Are they Banana, Spades, or Bare wire
The Ultimatum speaker cables use massive 4/0 (0000) AWG wire, the most massive wire we are aware of in use in the world today in a speaker cable. We are aware of no binding posts that will accept this mass of bare wire and so bare wire is simply not an option. Bananas are not a good option either because this cable is so heavy that they risk bending a banana and possibly damaging the binding post that banana is inserted into. This makes spades the only practical option and the spades being used have been custom manufactured for QSA-Lanedri since there are no other spades available that we could find that are capable of handling wire this massive.


  • Ultimatum SC Spade.jpeg
    Ultimatum SC Spade.jpeg
    249 KB · Views: 66

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