Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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Hi Kris,

The GAMMA and SPECTRA Series are commercially ready and the first bulk of the sales order is ongoing. The Lead time is about 4 weeks on those two series.

The ULTIMATUM Series will take a couple of months to work out the supply chain challenges but the door is open for pre-orders on the ULTIMATUM cables.

Thank you for explanation and great news Anas !
Everyone can order now.
Big thanks to you Anas for your hard work. It is really great to be able to hold this audition of the new series of QSA Lanedri cables here in Hong Kong. I must say that even though I know what to expect from the many QSA silver fuses and receptacles that are still residing in my system I am still totally blown away by the new Gamma Infinity power cables and the Ultimatum Infinity Speakers cables. Mind you they are all fresh from the factory without any burning.

My system is a bit complicated with two turntables and two CAS systems leading to my Cello Suite and Palette and Cello Performance power amps driving the TAD 2404 speakers. Because lately I have been focused more on tweeking my turntables with their new anti-vibration platforms and the newly acquired EMT phono amp and the CAS has been 'neglected' and is probably not in their most optimum state so we decided to use the Thorens Prestige as the source. Anas suggested to try a piece by Diana Krall which he thinks can convey more on the emotional connection of music and I totally agree that this is indeed one of the most important determinants of good music. We plugged in a Gamma Infinity power cord to my EMT JPA 66 phono amp and no surprise everyone can easily notice the change. There is a more quiet background and more details could be heard and yet there is at the same time more feelings conveyed. It seems to be getting the best of both worlds. The image seems to become more realistic too. The vocal is more transparent and one can hear more of the microdynamics. The voice is depicted much more clearly and with more emotions and this is not the type with increased mids and midbass where there seems to be emotion but it is actually more of discoloration. The change is clear as sky. No doubt at all. And the magnitude I would say is much more significant than when I added a silver fuse to the system.

We then move on to add two Gamma Infinity power cords to the Cello Suite and Palette preamp. And oh my god everyone became speechless after the music stopped. The system seems to be totally transformed to one that is two or three levels up. The basic sound signature is there but everything comes off more easily, naturally and at a lesisure without force at all. The occasional slam at high volumes are now much more gentle in the sense that it can be appreciated but without the slam at the face. A bit difficult to convey the feeling. It does not mean taking away the raw feeling only taking away the bad side of a slam at the face. Yet the emotion is revealed even more up to the point. Everything is very fast. No feeling of slow or sluggish. These two powe cords have found their permamnet home and it is impossible to take them out.

We then add two more Gamma Infinity power cords to my Cello Performance mono block power amp. This is the first time that we feel there are gain and loss. The gain is it seems that power amp has doubled its power and comes out with a more refined type of sound. Image even more focussed. The bad point is it seems a bit too clean. The vocal seems to end a slight bit too early and dimishing the sense of emotion. It seems that in my system the power amp may not benefit as much as my other gears.

We then changed to CAS and for convenience sake we tried it first on the Taiko extreme which previosuly is plugged in with a sablon Prince. We are all so nervous about this comparison. But to me it was almost an anticlimax because the Gamma Infinity is so much more to my taste that it is no contest at all. By simply plugging in the Gamma Infinity the CAS suddenly climbs up head to head with the turntable system. The next Gamma Infinity is plugged to my Holo Audio May and wow the beauty of the Taiko Extreme is finally fully conveyed. The timbre of different percussions with the Diana Krall becomes so enjoyable that makes the LP sounds a bit mediocre. For these two gears it seems that the Gamma Infinity or maybe the Spectra Infinity will be ineveitable.

Here comes the Finale. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable. We are all wondering with this background with 7 Gamma Infinity in the system is already at its peak. Is there any place for the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable? After struggling with the setting up of the super heavy speaker cable we listened to the same piece again. And this time we are all speechless again. We are looking more to our wallet than anything else. This is just another worldly type of sound. The most sigificant quality that comes out is the sens of ease ethat the music is conveyed. It seems that everything is at my feet and I can simply point my finger to them and the angelic sound will come out. The timbre is so rich that yet the speed is so fast and accurate. The coherence from high to low is perfect. The transition is so smooth and natural. And I just don't know how to describe.
If we say that the Gamma Infinity is King of this world then perhaps the ultimatum Infinity should belong to the Universe.

I must say that it has been a long time since we have an audition of such marvellous cables. I for one won't be thinking about buy it or not but rather how many I could buy. Great work Anas.
Thanks hols for such a detailed report of the audition gathering!

I would like to post here some of my views to supplement those of hols, and then some personal thoughts of mine.

hols & Raymond are owners of several Gamma Infinity Series pc, so my comments may be a bit more neutral without any conflict of interest?

1. The performance of the Gamma Infinity powercords
Basically the description of hols is very detailed and accurate. I agree with all of them.
On the other hand, I have observed that the GI powercords gave the most sonic benefits on the frontends (phonoamp, preamp & CAS server) than the Cello Performance monoblocks.
This is compatible with my previous experience that the more upstream the components the bigger effect the QSA fuses & power receptacles will be.
Another possibiltiy is that the Cello monoblocks may need the higher class Spectra powercrds because of the much higher current flow?
Hope that Ana can lend hols a pair of Spectra powercords once they are ready.

2. Gamma Infinity powercords on Digital vs Analogue components
The following is my gut feeling only. The up-lift of the Extreme Server & Holo Audio May dac by the GI powercords really surprised me!
hols has set up his two turntable systems perfectly and paired them with the excellent EMT 66 Mk3 phonoamp. In simple words, they KO the CAS system easily. I could hear the difference in seconds. Yes, I'm not bluffing.
However, adding the GI powercords to Extreme & May turned the situation around and the CAS system became not only listenable but in fact very close to the analogue system.
Are QL cables more beneficial to digital components? Anas please share your experience.

3. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable.
This IS the highlight of the evening!
It's so natural & real-like, lacking nothing!
It seemed that I was transported into the concert venue, listening to live performers. It's like a time machine!
During the past 4 or 5 years, the only instance that I got a similar feeling when auditioning audio components/cables is the CH Precision L10 preamp.
Really really intriguing!
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Thanks hols for such as detailed report of the audition gathering!

I would like to post her some of my views to supplement those of hols, and then some personal thoughts of mine.

hols & Raymond are owners of several Gamma Infinity Series pc, so my comments may be a bit more neutral without any conflict of interest?

1. The performance of the Gamma Infinity powercords
Basically the description of hols is very detailed and accurate. I agree with all of them.
On the other hand, I have observed that the GI powercords gave the most sonic benefits on the frontends (phonoamp, preamp & CAS server) than the Cello Performance monoblocks.
This is compatible with my previous experience that the more upstreamthe components the bigge effect the QSA fuses & power receptacles will be.
Another possibiltiy is that the Cello monoblocks need the higher class Spectra powercrds because of the much higher current flow?
Hope that Ana can lend hols a pair of Spectra powercords once they are ready.

2. Gamma Infinity powercords on Digital vs Analogue components
The following is my gut feeling only. The up-lift of the Extreme Server & Holo Audio May dac by the GI powercords really surprised me!
hols has set up his two turntable systems perfectly and paired them with the excellent EMT 66 Mk3 phonoamp. In simple words, they KO the CAS system easily. I could hear the difference in seconds. Yes, I'm not bluffing.
However adding the GI powercords to Extreme & May turned the situation around and the CAS system became not only listenable and in fact very close to the analogue system.
Are QL cables more beneficial to digital components? Anas please share your experience.

3. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable.
This IS the highlight of the evening!
It's so natural & real-like, lacking nothing!
It seemed that I was transported into the concert venue, listening to live performers. It's like a time machine!
During the past 4 or 5 years, the only instance that I got a similar feeling I had when auditioning audio components/cables is the CH Precision L10 preamp.
Really really intriguing!
Some personal thoughts :

1. Congratulations to Steven & Anas of QSA-Lanedri Cables! A world-class class brand has born! They are not cheap but can compete with top brands in the market absolutely.
You may notice that hols, Anas and I didn't mention which brands of cables were being replaced at the audition gathering. We don't want to create conflicts but I can tell you that they are not "chopped liver" but very good cables selected by the very experienced hols & Raymond over their many years of audio/music journey.

2. According to Anas, the Gamma Infinity & Ultimatum Infinity cables he took to the gathering were freshly made by Steven in his facility. No time for burn-in because the production procedures are time-consuming and they cannot not fullfill al the orders in time.
My guess is that thier performance will improve further and significantly with use. This is my experience with the QSA fuses and power receptacle.
I must visit hols again two or three weeks later!

3. QSA-Lanedri Cables is a new and small/boutique brand. The production is labor-intensive.
Hope that Anas can find good dealers/retailers that can offer home-loan/trial service.
Their performance being so good, there shall be no fear in offering home-trial to compare with any well-established popular brands.

4. QSA-Lanedri Cables other than powercords and speaker cable.
We didn't test only the GI powercords and UI speaker cables during the audition gathering. Anas brought with him in the big suitcase cables of other series and also some xlr ic, rca ic, usb cables & ethernet cables.
They were not finalized yet and Anas wanted our opinions.
I won't disclose more here but can confidently tell all WBF members that they are all outstanding. Stay tuned. And watch out your wallets!

5. I praise QSA-Lanedri Cables so highly here, will I order some?
Yes I will! But will do so a bit later because I will have a new preamp in 4 weeks' time and I'm considering to repalce my Magico S5 which is more than 10 years old.
My QSA-Lanedri Cables target/plan? It must be the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable!
IMHO it can enable all audio system to enter a new arena. Yes, it's that good! Trust me!
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Now we have more opinions from very „experienced ears” about the true performance.
Thank you for sharing.
From what you kindly reported here it sounds like there is something that keeps auditorium members speachless. This is the highest statement to me.
They must have something that no other cable offers.
As you all witnessed here this cables were not burned in so there is still potential of serious improvement.
I cant wait for more reports after few days and weeks of use.
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Thanks hols for such a detailed report of the audition gathering!

I would like to post here some of my views to supplement those of hols, and then some personal thoughts of mine.

hols & Raymond are owners of several Gamma Infinity Series pc, so my comments may be a bit more neutral without any conflict of interest?

1. The performance of the Gamma Infinity powercords
Basically the description of hols is very detailed and accurate. I agree with all of them.
On the other hand, I have observed that the GI powercords gave the most sonic benefits on the frontends (phonoamp, preamp & CAS server) than the Cello Performance monoblocks.
This is compatible with my previous experience that the more upstream the components the bigger effect the QSA fuses & power receptacles will be.
Another possibiltiy is that the Cello monoblocks may need the higher class Spectra powercrds because of the much higher current flow?
Hope that Ana can lend hols a pair of Spectra powercords once they are ready.

2. Gamma Infinity powercords on Digital vs Analogue components
The following is my gut feeling only. The up-lift of the Extreme Server & Holo Audio May dac by the GI powercords really surprised me!
hols has set up his two turntable systems perfectly and paired them with the excellent EMT 66 Mk3 phonoamp. In simple words, they KO the CAS system easily. I could hear the difference in seconds. Yes, I'm not bluffing.
However, adding the GI powercords to Extreme & May turned the situation around and the CAS system became not only listenable but in fact very close to the analogue system.
Are QL cables more beneficial to digital components? Anas please share your experience.

3. The Ultimatum Infinity speaker cable.
This IS the highlight of the evening!
It's so natural & real-like, lacking nothing!
It seemed that I was transported into the concert venue, listening to live performers. It's like a time machine!
During the past 4 or 5 years, the only instance that I got a similar feeling when auditioning audio components/cables is the CH Precision L10 preamp.
Really really intriguing!

Thank you CK for sharing the your impressions on that night. It was a real pleasure meeting you I am thankful for the wonderful time spent with you, hols, and Raymond.

Before sharing my experience on the points you stated, I would like to highlight the logic behind the product structure of the QSA LANEDRI Series which I briefly introduced it on my post#4 .

For the GAMMA Series, we have used what we believed some of the best in market cables as our reference points and it was our benchmark during the R&D. The GAMMA Series Revelation Line did beat or at worst was even with every cable we tried but the GAMMA Series Infinity Line did beat them all and by far.

We cannot declare that the GAMMA Infinity Line beats every cable out there for the obvious reason of not testing them all but we are confident it is far from what is available in the market. Why? because with the QSA LANEDRI cables, there are no trade off between the sound characteristics. The resulting impact are improvements for the Transparency, Clarity, Details and on the same time Density, and Soundstage. All the sound characteristics get upscaled in a coherent and a balanced way. And that's why we are confident that the GAMMA Series is beating what is available in the market.

On the SPECTRA Series, we could have stopped at the GAMMA Series as it was enough for launching the brand but our mindset is targeted for pursuing perfection and the result of our R&D was the partnership with Mark Coles, the founder of SABLON, to create the SPECTRA Series. We are not talking here anymore competing with the market but our reference point is the GAMMA Series.

And Finally on the ULTIMATUM Series, based on the findings from GAMMA and SPECTRA Series, we have come up with theoretically what will be the best of the best cables and worked out our way to make it true.

This product structure will help spreading the joy to people with different budget. With the GAMMA one will get cables beyond what is in the market, with the SPECTRA the upscale worth by far the price difference for those who can afford it and ULTIMATUM is the ultimatum!

For your questions,
For amplifiers and units with high watts needs, the SPECTRA Series is the right starting point. SPECTRA Series cable have a larger gauge which is needed to allow Amps and to fully benefit from all the SQ upgrades. The impact of SPECTRA Series is a much bigger SQ upgrade on all the units we tried.

On Digital vs. Analogue impact, my experience is that the QSA LANEDRI cables can upgrade any setup to unprecedented levels. Similar to what we experience on the listening session, at the end one could not differentiate anymore which setup is playing the music as all of them resulted in a lifelike music experience. The emotional connection is what takes place with the QSA LANEDRI cables. With more people using the QSA LANEDRI cables we will have additional feedback of course on different setups.

On burn-in, the cables will definitely sound better after enough burn-in.

On the sales model, we are using for now the direct sale model. The www.qsa-lanedri.com is a simple one and orders can me triggered by contacting me (Lanedri@qsa-lanedri.com)

All GAMMA Series cables (XLR, RCA, BNC, LAN, USB, SC) are ready for shipping out this week for the ongoing sales round. I believe hols is working on organizing a second listening session with the complete GAMMA cable set this time.
It is really fortunate for me to be able to join this second audition of QSA Lanedri cables in Hong Kong at John's Home. It actually provides a chance for me to witness other strength and charisma of this great cable series.
Hong Kong is famous or infamous for having the smallest living space per person and it is indeed very difficult to fit in a speaker like the Magico M3 speakers in local homes and it is even more difficult to be able to drive them properly with all types of music. I think John wisely picked Accuphase preamp and the Accuphase SACD player which tend to be warm and comfortable and this may help to pair up with the Magico M3. We started listening to the native system. The sound that comes forth is pleasing, soft and full of air. However I do find the bass is not at its full and there were some cracking sound during attacks. We can hear the introduction guitar playing nicely before the male vocal comes in. However the focus of the male vocal seems a bit too big.

We first pluggd in a Gamma Infinity power cord to the Accuphase preamp and WOW there is already a great improvement. The guitar introduction becomes much more attractive and one can hear the guitar playing beautiful high notes and with emotion. The transition to more warm mood is also heard. the male voice becomes more focussed with appropriate proportions. The shape of the seond guitar now can be heard clearly to our right side. And the cracking sound of the low frequency is gone. There is indeed a lot of improvement but the natural thing is to ask can we have more?

Yes here comes another two Gamma Infinity power cord to be plugged into the Accuphase SACD transport and SACD DAC. And this is followed by a much much bigger WOW. Now the sound becomes much more natural and the beautiful mid range becomes dominating the picture and catches everyone's attention now. Previously it is probably the improvemnet in high frequency that is more catching. Now the greatest improvemnet is in the mids. The male vocal started to open his mouth to sing. The airiness is now replaced by sound radiating from the mouth and are with feeling, not the previous slightly soft sound with lots of air around.

The next that comes into the picture is the Gamma Infinity Ethernet cable connecting the SACD transport and SACD DAC. This is a little surpirse of the night. Changing this one actually is as significant if not more significant as changing a power cord. The most significant change here is the coherence. The high, mid and low are now connected smoothly. The timing seems to have improved tremendously. One can now hear that the voice and guitars are echoing each other like a real team.

The addition of two Gamma Infinity XLR interconnect from preamp to power amp and also from DAC to preamp improved the sound still further and this time the improvemnet seems to be more on giving a clearer sound. Veils are removed. the guitar introduction now is really impressive with ups and downs and the mood is there with everyone. The 3 dimension sense becomes much more real. The shape of the second guitar becomes more focused. You can hear the plucking of the different strings being accompanied by a different resonance from the acoustic guitar body. The male vocal is now more laid back but one can hear it even more clearly and one can catch his mood more easily.

With that much of improvement what can we expect from adding the Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables. Well it still surprise everyone although not really immediately like the other day in my system. There is again a feeling of ease. Everything comes off naturally and this time the sense of ease is spread over all frequency not dominated by the mid as it was in my system. Another strength I can hear this time is the energy level behind each note that comes off. It is this energy behind that drives everything to be displayed to its full. The mix may be different in different system. For example in my system the mid gets a bigger share and here it seems that all frequnecy get equal share. And it is this strength and energy that gives the final boost to the QSA Lanedri loop. It was not as apparent when we play the same piece. But when we changed to different pieces including a full orchestra classical piece we can finally hear a well balanced orchestra with well focused percussion, full force from the brass and the beautiful strings and woodwinds all in the same picture and can be heard together without being covered by louder instruments. When we changed to a female vocal piece the female voice is like voice coming from heaven. Different genre of music can be heard differently with their own characters. I would say that the QSA Lanedri cables actually helped solve this big problem of not enough space or room for the speakers. They are no longer compressed by the space, but fully liberated. Everything now is in a proper proportion and the bass can be heard at their full. This is definitely the best sound that I have heard in this venue and I think John is very satisfied with the sound too. Well done QSA Lanedri.
I am happy to announce that we will be offering a 30 day money back guarantee on both the GAMMA and the ULTIMATUM Series.

We believe this will help in discovering the transformation that the QSA LANEDRI cables can do to any setup and in living the experience.
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I was asked by @QSA-LANEDRI (aka Anas Lanedri) to post about my experience with the QSA-Lanedri line of cables. Full disclosure: I am not in the audio industry nor do I have any financial affiliation with QSA-Lanedri although I was involved in the R&D of almost the entire cable line. I first got acquainted with Anas here on WBF in 2020 shortly after the pandemic broke. We shared a common passion for a few audio components, namely the Taiko Audio Extreme music server and the Chord DAVE DAC and in time, a mutual respect and friendship developed.

Independent of my relationship with Anas, my first experience with QSA products was with their fuses and then their outlets back in the summer of 2021. Here is a brief accounting of that experience:


I had read Clement Perry's review of these fuses on stereotimes.com and even though his praise seemed like hyperbole when I first read it, I found myself shocked to be describing things as Clement did upon my audition of these QSA items. I have been around the block a few times as an audiophile and have heard the amazing impact of some very expensive gear but to hear that level of impact coming from fuses and outlets was really amazing. I have experienced certain $20k power cords, $30k DACs, and $50k amps that failed to have this level of impact and so whatever it was that QSA had done to these fuses and outlets, I found myself completely drawn in. What was fascinating was that it appeared they had applied their treatment process to basic inexpensive household items like cheap fuses and outlets that anyone could buy for a few dollars. There was no mention of cryo or exotic ingredients like beeswax, graphene, or ultrapure monocrystal copper or silver. What they were doing seemed completely new and novel.

When Anas told me in the fall of 2021 that he had formed a partnership with QSA and that they were developing a new line of cables, he asked for my help in the R&D process. He was unable to share with me exactly what this secret proprietary QSA treatment process is and while QSA had validated this unique process with things like fuses, outlets, and mini circuit breakers, there were some unknowns with how cables would respond and how these treated cables would fare against the world's best. These days, I generally say "no" to these types of requests. Life has just gotten too busy and I had even quit almost all forum activity. But in this case, the intrigue was too great and it seemed to me that QSA had just barely scratched the surface of their potential with fuses, outlets, and breakers and so with no real hesitation, I agreed to participate.

I have been asked in the past by certain manufacturers/engineers/designers to participate in R&D trials of new products but this was the first time I was completely blinded to the science and engineering behind the process. This was necessary to protect QSA's intellectual property, I was told. Through exhaustive trial and error that spanned many late nights consisting of both unblinded and blinded listening tests, Anas and I collected valuable data points together. We treated cables made by other manufacturers. We treated cables that we devised on our own. We treated and tested some of the most expensive cables we could find but also skimmed the bottom of the barrel treating such things as welding cable. Our goal was to figure out what cable characteristics were worth exploring further and which ones we should ignore. Cable sets were treated in pairs. One set would go to Anas who is based in Belgium while the other set would come to me here in my small town in the Sierra Nevada foothills in northern California. As a control, we would have the untreated cable to compare against in addition to a bevy of other reference cables we had at our disposal. While we both are exclusively digital audiophiles these days and share the Taiko Extreme as our music server, Anas is almost entirely tube-based with his system and I am purely solid state with mine. We both enjoy and appreciate a wide variety of music but Anas prefers vocal jazz while I prefer symphonic music. We agreed that it was important that this new cable line excel in both systems before opening it up to a broader audience.

To be continued...
Here are some of the things that I can share from our observations:

1. The magic that you will hear with the QSA-Lanedri line of cables has very little to do with the cables themselves. The cable is merely a vehicle for what is most important and that is the QSA treatment process. The cables that are being offered were chosen because they have properties that lend themselves to optimally manifesting the QSA process. Should you purchase a QSA-Lanedri cable, feel free to chop it up (although that would obviously void the warranty and make them unreturnable), inspect it, and compare it. I have done this myself and I still have no clue what this treatment is.

2. There is NOTHING that Anas and I have encountered in the past that compares to what QSA treatment offers. Not even close. While we do not have measurements to prove it at this time, to our ears, once treated, a conductor seems to behave more like a superconductor and that is the best assessment we can offer. Yes, feel free to laugh and be skeptical (this is what we expect any sane person would do) but any preconceived ideas that we had about ideal conductors, wire geometries, and expected relationships among R, C, and L had to be thrown out the window. It is easy enough to lower R, just go bigger. You can play around with L and C but usually, as you improve L, it is at the compromise of C and vice versa and so there is always a catch. With QSA, these rules don't seem to apply but I think it's more than just about R, C, and L. I think QSA treatment is impacting resonances as well. Regardless, QSA treatment works amazingly well on audio as well as video. No golden ears or eyes required. Feel free to blind and double blind test these cables and it's not something that takes hours or days to appreciate. With most cables, we appreciated it instantly even though there is a burn-in process.

3. As humans, we each have our own unique sensitivities to things and so perceptions will vary and in some systems, certain QSA-Lanedri cables will have greater impact than others but the impact of treatment is generally a much lower noise floor, greater dynamics, better control, a more substantial sound stage, more air with better separation, better definition, clarity, speed, and truer timbre. With the more expensive Infiinty line, where the amount of treatment applied is essentially doubled, these qualities improve further but you also gain more lifelike body, density, and decay. Are these cables ruthlessly transparent? Yes and no. Compared to untreated wire, to our ears, QSA-treated wire is far more transparent and can be ruthlessly so but QSA treatment can be applied in grades and can be adjusted to balance transparency with musicality (i.e. more air, more body and density, more liquidity, etc). While transparency is always the goal in a well-sorted out system, based on feedback received from a small test group, the cables being presented have had treatment applied in a way that we feel has the best balance of virtues to the broadest audience of audiophiles. If these cables work as well in your system as they do in mine, you won't care about the debate between tubes or solid state any further as you should hear the strengths of both without the negatives of either. In the future, more fine tuning options may be made available but that is not something that will be discussed or offered at this time.

4. QSA treatment had a positive impact on everything we treated but the higher the purity of the starting conductor, the smaller the impact of the treatment. This meant that if we treated a certain manufacturer's cable that used 7N (99.99999%) purity copper and then treated that same manufacturer's cable using less pure 3N (99.9%) copper while keeping everything else constant, once treated, both improve but the less pure 3N copper cable now outperforms the much more expensive 7N copper cable. There seems to also be a favorable impact by treating copper alloys such as brass and even certain platings such as tin. The impact of treating silver is less predictable and not yet well studied but the bottom line is if you are interesting in submitting your uber expensive monocrystal interconnects or power cord to QSA for treatment, save your money. We ran those experiments and we were disappointed. Having said that, if you are a manufacturer and you feel you have a product that is unique and are interested in potentially being included in the QSA-Lanedri line, feel free to reach out to Anas.

5. The greater the mass of conductor, the greater the impact of QSA's treatment. We suspected this from the beginning but we didn't realize just how important it was until we ran tests. I think I pushed for giant wire gauge more than Anas did initially. Maybe it's an American thing. Here in the U.S., we are the land of the "thirsty two ouncer", the originator of the Super Size McDonald's meals, the Hometown Buffet, big block Chevy V8s, and DDDD implants. We might not outfinesse or outlast the Europeans on the track, but I like our chances in a 1/4 mile drag race. So is it not a coincidence that most of the giant gauge power cord and speaker cable manufacturers I could find like Tara Labs, Stage III Concepts, Evolution Acoustics, Danacables, and Shunyata come from the U.S. and that my target when designing the Ultimatum speaker cable was the massively humongous Tara Labs Grand Master Evolution with an aggregate gauge size of 000 (or 3/0) AWG? Is it not a coincidence that our latest prototype Ultimatum speaker cable is an even more massive 0000 (or 4/0) AWG wire? Lol, does Shaquille O'Neal wear size 23 shoes?

To be continued...
Joking aside and in all fairness, even before QSA treatment is applied, giant cables like this have been known to shake the walls of a house and terrorize dogs and small children but if there is a knock against these kinds of cables, they can sound slow, muddied, clumsy, and rolled off in the treble. They tend to lack finesse that seem to be valued more highly in Europe and Asia. But that is the beauty of the geometry and construction of this 4/0 speaker wire and what happens once QSA treatment is applied. The bass and sound stage are grand and majestic, effortless even at low volumes, but that was always expected. What wasn't fully expected was just how beautiful and rich the midrange and treble would become. Slow, muddied, clumsy, and rolled off are exchanged for descriptors like fast, agile, graceful, nuanced, and clear. These characteristics are there with treated small gauge wire but greatly magnified with large aggregate gauge wire when small individual strands are used. It's why we targeted Mark Coles' superb Sablon King (5awg) and Prince (6awg) power cords and their giant Bocchino connectors. What is ironic here is that Mark Coles hales from England and the Bocchinos are made in Italy and so go figure, giant gauge isn't purely an American concept.

An even larger gauge Ultimatum power cable is being prototyped but we're not quite there yet with that product. To carry the Ultimatum badge, it has to represent our best, no compromise effort that we feel has no peer. If there is a peer, then we would just shamelessly treat that product. I have to admit, my personal goals were different from Anas'. He was after the best possible product he could provide to his customers while I was after the best possible product for myself, even if it turns out Anas doesn't make it. I didn't care where it came from.

With power and speaker cables, the formula is easier because these types of cables lend themselves to large gauge. Not so with analog interconnects and digital cables like USB, SPDIF, LAN, and clock cables where other properties are more important but the impact of QSA treatment on these cables are no less meaningful once you compare them against other cables in their class because QSA treatment is unique. It's not like adding a shield or an air-dielectric to a cable. We are talking about fundamentally bigger gains. Within this line, there will be unexpected gems to discover that will potentially shock you (at least they shocked me), like the Gamma Ethernet cable. In my system, this unassuming looking CAT6 cable that started life as an inexpensive Blue Jeans Cable CAT6 UTP cable with no fancy shield or connector has a greater impact than even a Gamma power cable or a QSA-treated network switch. This CAT6 cable (combined with a QSA LAN Jitter) have singlehandedly made Roon sound better than XDMS on the Extreme (no small feat) and have allowed Qobuz streaming to sound identical to the playback of locally stored files in blind testing (which is a first for me). This simple LAN cable almost completely renders the network moot in my system.

In closing, we did lots of A/B comparisons against other brands, pretty much everything we could get our hands on and many that were far more expensive. I won't get into what I personally think as it's best to leave that to you to decide because "best" after all is very much a personal matter. But speaking only for myself, with respect to relative value but also absolute performance, despite their high cost, the QSA-Lanedri cables are a game changer and they have changed how I now view the world. Prior to QSA, like many audiophiles, I was always curious about the DAC, preamp, or monoblocks that were better than my own. It really is like a disease. Over the past couple of years, I have moved from the DAVE to a variety of DACs but have currently settled on the Vivaldi Apex although I am certainly curious about the Horizon. I have long lusted after the Boulder 2110 preamp. I heard the CH Precision M10 monoblocks this summer and all of a sudden, my Block Audio SE monoblocks no longer seemed good enough. I had plans to upgrade my Wilson Audio Alexia Series 2 speakers to the Alexx V this year. There are many who can probably sympathize with my plight. But as I have slowly but steadily replaced my entire cable loom with the QSA-Lanedri line of cables, my desires for these things have fallen by the wayside. I no longer care about the debate between tubes and transistors as I feel I have gained the benefits of both. I feel like I have gained the spaciousness of the M10s, the grip, drive, and control of the 2110, and the better bass, imaging, density, and overall musicality of the Alexx Vs simply by replacing my traditional cabling with QSA cables.

As audiophiles, we are sometimes asked by newbies what they should start with when building an audio system. If you are a speaker-first audiophile, you would naturally tell them to buy the best speakers for their room. If you are a source-first audiophile, you might suggest the best source they could afford. Some will suggest the preamp is the heart and soul of the system. In the past, I could see myself supporting any of these suggestions but today, in the day of QSA, I find myself to be a "conductor-first" audiophile. Surely, I will lose my audiophile card for suggesting this but I would start with a inexpensive NUC, DAC, class D amps, and a pair of full range speakers that your spouse will approve of. From there, I would go with a full loom of QSA-Lanedri cables, start from the bottom if you have to but do everything you can to move up to the Ultimatum speaker cables. You may find that there is no need nor desire to go further.
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I am happy to announce that we will be offering a 30 day money back guarantee on both the GAMMA and the ULTIMATUM Series.

We believe this will help in discovering the transformation that the QSA LANEDRI cables can do to any setup and in living the experience.

Fantastic news Anas !
I am ordering your top cables now as there is zero risk.
I believe after reading Romaz Opinion I will be unable to retun them.
But honestly this is exacltly what I want.
I search only for the very best things in Audio so I am getting
1.Ultimatum Speaker cables with infinitum treatment.
2. Ultimatum Power cable with infinitum treatment.
Cant wait to try them in my system !
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Thank you @romaz for the shared feedback and impressions, it brought back some very pleasant memories of when it all started. Having you involved in the QSA LANEDRI R&D as an external participant provided us with valuable data points that helped us achieve the final versions of the QSA LANEDRI cables.

The starting motivation behind this QSA LANEDRI journey was to be spread the joy we discovered with those cables, it was emotional connections to music in an unprecedented ways. I am very glad to start seeing that spreading this joy is coming true.
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For this launch phase of the QSA LANEDRI, I would like to announce the launch discount offer which will be limited in time until end of February and also limited in quantity.

I have updated this post to add the SPECTRA Series power cable to the launch discount offer.

Our findings is that the SPECTRA power cables are a must for amplifiers and units with high watts need. The SPECTRA is a big jump over the GAMMA Series on all kind of units and the large gauge of the Sablon cables maximizes the QSA impact on the amplifiers.

The launch discount offer:
+ The Revelation line will be at 50% discount and is applicable to only the GAMMA and ULTIMATUM Series
+ The Infinity line will be sold at the the Revelation price and it is applicable to the GAMMA, SPECTRA, and the ULTIMATUM Series

The 30 days back money warranty is applicable for this launch discount offer as well.
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For this launch phase of the QSA LANEDRI, I would like to announce the launch discount offer which will be limited in time until end of February and also limited in quantity.

The launch discount offer is applicable to the GAMMA and ULTIMATUM Series:
+ The Revelation line will be at 50% discount
+ The Infinity line will be sold at the the Revelation price

The 30 days back money warranty is applicable for this launch discount offer as well.

Has the QSA process been tested for longevity? That is, (not knowing anything about this mysterious process), how can we know if it might not “wear off” over time?
Has the QSA process been tested for longevity? That is, (not knowing anything about this mysterious process), how can we know if it might not “wear off” over time?
Wil, wouldn't that be like "getting used" to the burn in period, that we all experience after the initial euphoria?
Has the QSA process been tested for longevity? That is, (not knowing anything about this mysterious process), how can we know if it might not “wear off” over time?

This is one of the most asked question beside on what it is behind the technology.

QSA technology impacts do improve with time and the QSA products have been in market for more than 3 years.
congratulations for the new products. More photos and more products details please

Thank you TDX!

I will be sharing photos of the cables asap.

A description of the products structure was shared on the introduction post QSA LANEDRI products structure and info on the pricing with the ongoing launch discount offer can be found on the www.qsa-lanedri.com

With regard to the QSA technology, as it is a proprietary technology, nothing that could satisfy the curiosity could be shared.

What matters first and foremost is the impact of introducing the QSA Lanedri cables into audio chains. A couple of impressions and feedback on the transformational impacts of the QSA Lanedri cables have been shared by the ones who already received their set of cables as part of the first sales round.

Much more feedback will be shared soon as the orders from the first batch have been shipped last week. So stay tuned!
Thank you TDX!

I will be sharing photos of the cables asap.

A description of the products structure was shared on the introduction post QSA LANEDRI products structure and info on the pricing with the ongoing launch discount offer can be found on the www.qsa-lanedri.com

With regard to the QSA technology, as it is a proprietary technology, nothing that could satisfy the curiosity could be shared.

What matters first and foremost is the impact of introducing the QSA Lanedri cables into audio chains. A couple of impressions and feedback on the transformational impacts of the QSA Lanedri cables have been shared by the ones who already received their set of cables as part of the first sales round.

Much more feedback will be shared soon as the orders from the first batch have been shipped last week. So stay tuned!

I just expanded my order of 2 top Ultimatum infinity cables ( speaker and power cords)
by adding 2 more cables from Gamma infinity ( XLR and LAN)
as the offer is very attractive with no risk (30 day money back garantee.)

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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