Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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Would be most intrigued to hear the QSA Ultimate PC...like the QSA IECs (LAN and power).
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@LL21 If you’re in the UK, I’m in London.

Fellow WBF forumers can come and listen to the QSAL Ultimatums at my place. Just pm me!

I’m very passionate about them and happy to provide the opportunity to others for a listen. In the end, the proof is in the pudding. That’s all there is to it.

I’ll post a review soon.
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I have the same offer for those WBF readers that reside in Bangkok. As an avid QSA and QSAL cable user I’m open to share my experiences too. I don’t have the QSAL UI PC but I do have the UI SC. And a few of GI PC, DC, LAN, USB cables too.

My personal experience with the QSA Lanedri (QSAL) Ultimatum power cable.

System context: I’m running on a DIY Stromtank, a (literally speaking) very heavy off grid AC setup that runs on 48 volt architecture. It’s combined with a complex network setup, and ultimately feeding ATC 100 speakers.

At the time of arrival of the QSAL Utimatum, I was using a Cardas Clear beyond (CB) XL and that was the main power cable (PC) at the beginning of the chain, feeding the whole system.

This video was one of the inspirations in the importance of the first power cable:

When I received the Ultimatum PC from QSAL, I thought it was just completely ridiculous in so many ways… almost comical. You can’t help but grin…

1) Each of the 3 individual cables (each Ultimatum cable is made of 3 individual, separated cables.) is really thick and heavy - and each one is separated, covered in a smooth, almost silky white tightly woven fabric sleeve.
2) there are custom connectors that are very large to accommodate for the heavy cable gauge. Those connectors are made of some kind of dark inert composite.
3) the weight. It’s just really heavy. You have to hold the PC with 2 hands… in fact it could interfere depending on where you plug it so make sure you have a little bit of space around it. When you handle, it feels like holding a thick, smooth and heavy snake in your hands.
4) it’s very flexible, which is nice
5) overall it has a purposeful feel, it’s not like a fancy blingy “wealthy people hifi dealer” type of “designer” cable, it’s made with intent and at the same time it’s clear that it’s something very special, a labor of love

As a basis of comparison, the Cardas CB XL is a powerful sounding cable, open, fast, neutral with a hint of warmth, transparent but still with weight, musicality and not cold/clinical or harsh at the same time, a fine balance. The crown jewel of the Cardas line without a doubt and superior to the CB as you would expect for the price. I ran my whole system on this PC (first cable). Keep in mind I tried ~15 PCs including a good chunk of the Cardas line, Nordost, Shunyata etc etc (refer to my prior post) and most of the usual suspects.

Now comes the QSAL Ultimatum. As soon as I put it…


Never heard anything like it. Different world. The sound completely explodes in all directions, there’s massive presence and the room is filled with sound and sonic vibrations. I remember vividly my first impression is that it creates a physically large bubble of sound where the instruments incarnate with their sub-universe within that bubble.

Everything becomes tangible and palpable, physical, the sound is made of vibrations that have a lot of energy inside. It’s like a rich harmonic and tonal vibrating soup that’s really enveloping, large, and physical.

But each instrument has its own soundscape: space, dimension, attack, sustain, decay, tone, timbre, material, texture, mass… because of that, it’s very easy to follow each instrument, there are very differentiated not through brightness or simply “detail” but through many different sonic and musical dimensions and attributes.

Things are energetic but feel slower at same time… and everything makes much more sense musically and emotionally because it’s very clear what’s going on, what’s the intent, not through hifi but through substance. It feels rich and generous and released, free flowing.

Treble, midrange, bass, depth, blackness, detail, soundstage… are not really as relevant anymore and are replaced by 1 word: realism.

In the infamous “Birds” from Dominique Fils-Aimé, you can follow the birds in the background moving in space, you can understand what they are made of, you can almost visualize them and understand how their wings are moving, you can feel the physical presence of the wings flapping and moving air, and their ethereal and synthetic nature.

There’s a live feel, it’s much less like a recording, and much more like a real event happening in the room with a lot of emotional engagement.

It’s not projected, it’s not hifi at all, it’s really about the music, emotions and the HUGE physical presence of the event but again not in a hifi or projected way, more so in a physical, vibrating way.

A good way to describe it is that the sound is unleashed and because there’s so much less noise and distortion, everything becomes big, real, physical, incarnated and believable, and it just commands you emotionally. It’s an event. It matters.

I did try to go back to the Cardas CB XL, which is an outstanding PC in its own right but then … you just go back to the world of “regular” hifi. Very good in isolation but then you switch back to the old universe. The normal universe. Smaller, restricted, constrained, 2D, monochromatic, simplified, recorded…

If you read between the lines, that’s exactly what the Stereo Times review said - it belongs to a new and unique category. There’s nothing to compare this PC with. It’s completely unique. Saying that’s is the best PC, as far as I’m concerned, is an understatement because I think it just redefines the entire hifi system by completely unlocking the power you have and let it flow through the entire system and then the room.

You can almost feel the rush of massive and clean energy flowing through the components, making it so much easier for them and giving them the ability to full express themselves in a way that was unreachable before. Goes without saying that you do need to have the best possible power in the first place to fully unleash the potential of this beast.

Burn in? Yes… maybe 300 hours but it shocks immediately. There’s some slight rawness (5-10% max) that fades quickly during the burn in process but that phase is in no way painful, it’s 100% enjoyable from day 1. It just naturally blends as it settles into the system. In fact, I think it’s pre burn-in before delivery. So that’s a plus.

For those who can afford it, it’s a complete no brainer to at least try… and please do report and share to the forum if that’s possible.

This is a groundbreaking, very unique and very special product in the world of hifi. It should not necessarily be viewed as a power cable, rather to be compared on the impact it creates, therefore “competing” with any hifi product. I know there’s a lot of hype on the forums but if you think logically, and refer to the video above (I have the same experience BTW), it’s clear where the Ultimatum fits in the hifi hierarchy since it deals with foundational AC power.

If you’re around… come listen to it… just pm me, I’m in London.
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You have three Ultimatums? What are they hooked into?
1) The first one goes from the inverter to the power conditioner. So in my setup, that’s the first PC in the chain, the most important one. Refer to the Jay Audio Lab/Ansuz video. It makes a massive difference there that can’t be explained well in words IMHO and needs to be heard to be understood. 2) The second one is on the DAC/preamp.

I clarified “3 cables” in the narrative. Each PC is made of 3 individual, twisted and separated cables. A bit like the AQ Dragon PC geometry (the so called AQ ZERO-Tech that “eliminates the electrostatic field between the cable’s high and low signal conductors, enabling linear Radio Frequency (RF) Noise-Dissipation”), but with massive gauge.

A photo is worth a thousand words:

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We are thrilled to announce Veridion, our latest development, which marks a groundbreaking leap in realism that surpasses anything we’ve achieved before.

We will debut Veridion at the AXPONA show. Join us in Room 476 for live A/B demonstrations that reveal how it radically transforms a modest $5 Amazon AC power cable, LAN cable, and HDMI cable into high-end performers. We will have a limited quantity of the treated cable samples available for a nominal fee, so you can experience a preview of our technology in your own home, on your own equipment.

Stay tuned for more details on the upgrade path toward the Veridion line. Exciting things are on the horizon!

Hi Anas, can you explain more what this is? Is it a device you are selling or treated cables? if cables, how does this new series slot in within the existing lines? If device, what level of cables can it produce?

When you mention the words "upgrade path" and surpasses anything we've achieved", I gather it is placed high up in the offerings. Would it be higher than the Ultimatum range of cables?
Hi Anas, can you explain more what this is? Is it a device you are selling or treated cables? if cables, how does this new series slot in within the existing lines? If device, what level of cables can it produce?

When you mention the words "upgrade path" and surpasses anything we've achieved", I gather it is placed high up in the offerings. Would it be higher than the Ultimatum range of cables?
Our new Veridion technology can be applied to virtually any conductor. While our current focus is on cables, our laboratory testing has successfully extended its application across the entire audio chain, including power supplies, routers, music servers, DACs, amplifiers, speakers, and headphones. We've also applied it to video components, such as HDMI cables, monitors and projectors, dramatically elevating realism and transforming the viewing experience.

At this stage, our commercial catalogue is centered on cables.

Regarding the upgrade path, we will be sharing more details soon. We are fully committed to continuously providing all our users with a clear path to upgrade to our latest technology.
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I have often thought when Anas says the more QSA Lanedri cables and cords you have, the sound will be cumulatively better, maybe was sales pitch smoke and mirrors. I currently have the UI PCs on my Inakustic 4500PC, Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia Mono Amps, Aries Cerat Kassandra 2 Reference Dac and Lucas Audio Music Server. I also have the UI speaker cables for my AC Aurora speakers. I have the Gamma Infinity PC for the Auroroa Crossovers. Already, I am starting at a high level of music performance. I also have a Gamma Infinity USB and BNC cable on my Music server and DAC.
I am setting the stage because I have been so blindsided by another QSA cable that I still can not figure out why it works but it does. Anas suggested I try the Gamma Infinity DC cable that is for my network switch. I said to him, but the switch is in another room about 75 feet away from my two-channel set-up. After pluggin it in, I went back to my listening chair and did not hear anything that was music-shattering. Then, the next day, it just connected. I could not believe my ears. I stated all of this in a previous thread above. But then came the next step. I thought if the GI could elevate the music that much, what would a UI DC cable do? I just could not help myself. The UI DC cable arrived and I plugged it into my switch, which is again 75 feet away. I was blown away.
One of my biggest complaints about systems in general, is that in many cases you need to listen to music at 80db's to really enjoy the instrumentation. My wife will leave the room at the level. My breakthrough is now I have the volume detente level set at 1 which is the lowest setting, and I am hearing instruments like I never heard before at 56-60db's.

I am a lucky person to be able to afford the system that I have and have a wife that allows me to have this enjoyment. I am in no way intending to brag about my system. My only intent is to try and share that I am a believer in QSA Lanedri. I also support Anas's claim that QSA is cumulative, which is really hard to believe but, in my system, is accurate. Lastly, the UI DC cable is crazy good. I don't understand it, but holy cow the most detail I got was when adding that final cord.

QSA Lanedri is expensive but even if you can only do one cord or cable, try to get the highest cable that your pocketbook can afford.

Thanks again Anas.
I have often thought when Anas says the more QSA Lanedri cables and cords you have, the sound will be cumulatively better, maybe was sales pitch smoke and mirrors. I currently have the UI PCs on my Inakustic 4500PC, Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia Mono Amps, Aries Cerat Kassandra 2 Reference Dac and Lucas Audio Music Server. I also have the UI speaker cables for my AC Aurora speakers. I have the Gamma Infinity PC for the Auroroa Crossovers. Already, I am starting at a high level of music performance. I also have a Gamma Infinity USB and BNC cable on my Music server and DAC.
I am setting the stage because I have been so blindsided by another QSA cable that I still can not figure out why it works but it does. Anas suggested I try the Gamma Infinity DC cable that is for my network switch. I said to him, but the switch is in another room about 75 feet away from my two-channel set-up. After pluggin it in, I went back to my listening chair and did not hear anything that was music-shattering. Then, the next day, it just connected. I could not believe my ears. I stated all of this in a previous thread above. But then came the next step. I thought if the GI could elevate the music that much, what would a UI DC cable do? I just could not help myself. The UI DC cable arrived and I plugged it into my switch, which is again 75 feet away. I was blown away.
One of my biggest complaints about systems in general, is that in many cases you need to listen to music at 80db's to really enjoy the instrumentation. My wife will leave the room at the level. My breakthrough is now I have the volume detente level set at 1 which is the lowest setting, and I am hearing instruments like I never heard before at 56-60db's.

I am a lucky person to be able to afford the system that I have and have a wife that allows me to have this enjoyment. I am in no way intending to brag about my system. My only intent is to try and share that I am a believer in QSA Lanedri. I also support Anas's claim that QSA is cumulative, which is really hard to believe but, in my system, is accurate. Lastly, the UI DC cable is crazy good. I don't understand it, but holy cow the most detail I got was when adding that final cord.

QSA Lanedri is expensive but even if you can only do one cord or cable, try to get the highest cable that your pocketbook can afford.

Thanks again Anas.
Glad to hear about your experience with the Ultimatum DC cable prototype! Your findings align closely with ours. We've found its impact to be on par with the AC Ultimatum power cable, though each cable type brings its own unique effect within the audio chain.

With the set of our cables you have, you're now experiencing the full end-to-end impact of our technology across the entire audio system. As I've shared multiple times, the law of diminishing returns doesn’t apply to our cables. With every new cable added to your audio setup, the "wow" experience is always just around the corner.

Upstream components have the greatest influence, as the benefits of our cables cascade down the chain, enhancing every connected unit. In our testing, the impact on the router has been significantly greater than on the switch, which we’ve found to be the single most influential component in the entire audio chain.

Thank you, Will, for taking the leap and experimenting with our cables. I remember your initial doubts, and yet you chose to make a significant investment in our cables. I'm truly glad that we've been able to share the musical joy we ourselves discovered through these cables.

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