Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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I have now tried the Gamma Infinity DC extension cable connected to my switch in a media closet that feeds the whole house including my 2-channel system in another room. I plugged it in yesterday and listened to music for 10 hours and said, hmmmm, I am not really hearing a difference. TBH, I did not expect to hear a difference as I still don't understand how a switch in another room can impact SQ.

My usual listening session is me on my computer with the music going. If I pick my head up, it is because I hear something that is different. This afternoon, I started listening again. After a couple of minutes, I looked up. Something changed. Was it the recording? I tried a few other songs, and I continued to say I was hearing something different and better. The only thing I could think of that caught my attention was the DC extension cable.

I have much more experimenting to do. I have two Ultimatum Infinity power cords that I am going to try on my Aries Cerat Mono amps that currently have the Gamma Infinity Power cords. I am then going to move the Gamma Infinity power cords to my Aries Cerat Aurora crossovers. Doing this will mean that I move the Ultimatum Infinity PC from my Niagra 1200 power conditioner that is in the Media closet, which is where the switch is. So many experiments still left to do.
I have now tried the Gamma Infinity DC extension cable connected to my switch in a media closet that feeds the whole house including my 2-channel system in another room. I plugged it in yesterday and listened to music for 10 hours and said, hmmmm, I am not really hearing a difference. TBH, I did not expect to hear a difference as I still don't understand how a switch in another room can impact SQ.

My usual listening session is me on my computer with the music going. If I pick my head up, it is because I hear something that is different. This afternoon, I started listening again. After a couple of minutes, I looked up. Something changed. Was it the recording? I tried a few other songs, and I continued to say I was hearing something different and better. The only thing I could think of that caught my attention was the DC extension cable.

I have much more experimenting to do. I have two Ultimatum Infinity power cords that I am going to try on my Aries Cerat Mono amps that currently have the Gamma Infinity Power cords. I am then going to move the Gamma Infinity power cords to my Aries Cerat Aurora crossovers. Doing this will mean that I move the Ultimatum Infinity PC from my Niagra 1200 power conditioner that is in the Media closet, which is where the switch is. So many experiments still left to do.
Dude what are you doing with a Niagara 1200 and a high end power cord? Those 1200s are a budget product. Replace it with a PSM156 at least
Hi all,

Long time lurker here, I’m usually on Audiophilestyle forum, but for this post, it feels that this thread is relevant...

I would like to add my 2 cents on my experience with the QSA Lanedri (QSAL) Gamma infinity (GI) power cable (PC).

So… everything started when a dear friend and highly prominent member of this forum came to my place to check out my system.

My system is kind of original because it has a very complex network, a DIY Stromtank and other tricks like many large Ultracapacitors. Source is Auralic stack (Aries streamer g2.2, Sirius upsampler g2.1, Leo clock gx.1 (latest board update), and Vega DAC/preamp g2.2).

So when my friend came, he decided to bring the QSAL GI PC. At that time, I was using a combination of Cardas Clear Beyond and Audio Note Isis (with Oyaide 079 connectors).

I did hear from QSAL from this forum and through friends but to say I was skeptical of the somewhat insane claims is an understatement. In fact, I completely ignored the product line, writing it off as some kind of uber expensive, grossly overhyped voodoo.

We tried the QSAL GI PC on the Vega and to be completely honest, I had a little hard time to understand what happened. At first, the sound had some similarities to the AN Isis/Oyaide combo (a combo I chose after decades in hifi) but with much more realism and naturalness. Then I started to notice lower noise floor, better bass control and a much higher emotional reaction and engagement. The sound just became much more captivating, and much more present in the room and realistic.

The biggest shock was in fact when we removed the QSAL GI PC. Immediately the sound became much harder and much more digital sounding, and looser, noisier, with poorer bass. Almost unlistenable.

“You don’t know what you don’t know…”

It sounded really great before… so I thought… but then the removal of the QSAL GI PC was an eye opener and a shocker to say the least…

My friend left with the cable and… you might know the feeling - you just can’t unhear what you heard...

So I decided after a LOT of hesitation and procrastination to bite the bullet and contact QSAL to buy the GI PC.

At the same time period, I was in the middle of a mega PC test. I wanted to find the best PC for the Vega g2.2 DAC/preamp, with PCs costing from 1K up to the ~5-6K range. I tried 17 PCs including Audioquest, Cardas (incl. Clear and Clear Beyond), Inakustik, Nordost, Shunyata, Audio Note, and also cross checking with multiple versions of cheaper cables such as Olflex (which was mentioned by hifi advice).

Secretly, I was hoping to match or beat the GI PC… after all there’s a 30 day return policy… so it was there at home, and easy to compare all along with everything I could throw at it.

But for source, it became crystal clear that there are 2 worlds now: 1) all the PCs in one “big pile”, and 2) the QSAL GI PC. The “traditional” world of PC all kind of sound in a same universe of sound that we’re somewhat familiar with. Yes the material, geometry, connectors, dielectric etc etc vary but the sound ultimately stays within a range of “known”.

The QSAL GI PC is kind of “alien”. It sounds like nothing else. Nothing else comes close because it just sounds completely novel. It’s almost like it’s made of a new super material that’s not what we are used to hear. It’s not OFC, it’s not OCC (like Neotech), not silver or silver plated copper like the AQ Dragon or the like…. It sounds like a “super material”. Also it’s very strong on the source (preamp, DAC, server etc) and it - literally - reshapes and revoices the whole system in a major way. That’s very important to understand this part.

So what’s the sound like? If I had to pick one word: natural. Another one? Emotional engagement.

The impact is really going from listening to a recording to “realism” and “presence”.

You do get all the hifi stuff, a lot of it actually - like detail, low noise floor, low distortion… etc. But unlike hifi sounding stuff, it’s not what stands out.

What’s remarkable and what stands out - very strongly - is that it really makes the system before QSAL sound broken… because it’s so much more natural that it can’t be explained easily in words.

It’s not like any other PC, it should be seen as a very strong “device” that reshapes the system, in a way that’s so impactful that I can’t think about a clear path to create the same sound. Other than a major DAC change BUT in fact even this just wouldn’t sound the same when it comes to naturalness because of the uniqueness of the QSAL technology. It’s like trying to create an EV with an ICE vehicle. It’s so different it just can’t be copied any other way than having access to that new tech.

It’s like you need to rethink hifi and forget about boxes for a moment… just focus on results… and IMHO then you can really appreciate the impact of QSAL.

So what if… what if all those claims were true? In my experience, I could not beat the GI PC (on source components) after testing 17 PCs in my last personal mega test going up to 5-6K.

So I bought the GI PC. And yes, I love it. And it’s worth every penny…

But then.. the virus and addiction started… stay tuned :)

PS: Anas has a new internal burn in procedure so my GI PC is going through this as we speak. I’ll report back….
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Congrats and a really great read! Look forward to reading the next installment after the new burn in is done and the GI PC comes back.
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Dear Hificlips
As Anas has stated over and over again, each QSA-L will be additive in sound benefits. Congrats on #1. Looking forward to your thoughts on #2 and where you place it. I have 5 Ultimatum Infinity PC's. The results, along with my QSA-L Ultimatum Infinity speaker cables, are over-the-top good
Golly!! I can’t imagine. I - literally - can’t. Nobody can. You have to experience it. Only then you will understand that “something” which is new. It’s new, nobody heard it, nobody knows, until you hear it.
@Hificlips, thanks for sharing you system and thoughts on your QSA Landri journey. Going forward it’s going to be a fun experience! Hope I didn’t get you into trouble too much…

As @Willgolf says above it’s an additive process - with each addition of a QSAL cable the sound character you mentioned moves in the same direction you experienced. And like you say it’s hard to unhear the natural realism once experienced.
Another QSA Lanedri (QSAL) cable I want to report on is i2s/HDMI.

Currently, I use an Auralic stack, which is connected with “Lightning link” proprietary connection - this uses an HDMI cable.

Surprised after the QSAL power cable experiment, I exchanged a few emails with Anas and he ultimately agreed to loan me a QSA Lanedri (QSAL) HDMI gamma infinity (GI) cable - along with a few others as well that I might report on at a later time.

So this time around I want to be very clear that, as opposed to the QSAL GI power cable (PC) which I bought and decided to keep (in fact I treasure it), the QSAL HDMI is a loan. In addition, as of now, I did NOT buy the QSAL HDMI cable. Lastly, I receive no financial compensation from QSAL (or QSA). I also want to be clear that this is my honest opinion based on my testing. YMMV.

First, I have been on the quest for the best HDMI cable for i2s and the Auralic stack for years. No different than the PCs. I tried so many I can’t count or remember but it includes: AQ Diamond, AQ Dragon, Ricable, Supra, a number of HDMI optical cables, Belden, TONS of Amazon ones I can’t even recall, a custom made Duelund one (that I imported from Singapore if I recall), one made of pure silver, another one made from Cardas wire (forget the name right at this time).

Among all those, I ended up preferring the AQ Dragon.

So I put the QSAL HDMI cable and at first again it’s hard to really understand the difference because you don’t get any obvious hifi “wiz-bang” type of effect compared to the AQ Dragon.

The first thing that struck me, compared to the Dragon, is voices. They came across as more dense, more human and natural. More real and emotional. Also I noticed the guitar sounds were tonally more accurate. Things sounded just more real and believable.

Because of that, I feel like the “unconscious” workload on the brain decreases and there’s more natural emotional engagement. Less mental stress. It’s just more pleasing, because it’s more natural, and more realistic, with very good presence.

I let the QSAL GI HDMI sit and burn in, enjoyed the music and frankly forgot it and got used to it.

But then for testing I decided to remove it.

At first it was like - OK the sound didn’t collapse or anything. The AQ Dragon can keep up (I mean… this cable is widely considered as one of the best HDMI cable on the market).

But within a few songs, something was off. Tone, timbre, organic sound, naturalness…. Those were clearly impacted, and negatively.

So much so that my wife was like “something is wrong”. QSAL strikes again…. Things once again were much less listenable…. digital… grating… abrasive - but in comparison, head to head only. You would never have known.

So I had to put the QSAL HDMI back… and the “Music” simply came back. No way I feel like going back to the Dragon.

My advice? If you want the best HDMI cable and can afford it, based on my testing, I recommend to test AQ Dragon vs. QSAL. Those are the best 2 I could find. At that level, take your time, and may the best win…

In my system, the QSAL is clearly the more organic, natural and emotionally engaging of the 2. IMHO. YMMV.
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It's been 3 weeks since Anas sent me the QSA Landri USB cable and it has been in my system since. I think I have just under 200 hours of use on them now and so they have mostly settled in. My previous cable was my long time favourite Pink Faun Ultra USB which itself surpassed the Habst Ultra III USB. Physically I found the cable look understated, a relatively thin wire with s simple outer black wrap. Only a third the girth of my Pink Faun or Habst. Conductors and power not individually wrap or separated at all. Just a simple, black braided, flexible cable with only the QSA Landri print on the heat shrink suggesting something special within.

But cutting to the chase, it is good sounding. Very good sounding in fact and has exceeded my Pink Faun Ultra cable, something I didn't think was possible. At the current time, the sound is really gorgeous. I use vocals as the main guide since other musical instruments can sound different depending on the instrument and recording locations. But vocals either sound like a real person or not for me. In this case I found the vocal emotional engagement to be very high from the details and amazing 3D imaging. Subtle breathing techniques and full enunciation of the singer of many tracks was so detailed. I heard more 3D effect from slightly more forward at the centre and slightly further back around the sides giving a rounded effect of the singer. This USB cable has these characteristics more than I have ever heard in any USB cable.

I also found imaging and placement of sounds so clear with correct amount of tightness to the bass and heft making it full bodied but not slow. Complex arrangements unravelled in this way is such a joy to listen to. Effortless.

Any drawbacks I found? Perhaps less able to portray the weight of the air and murmur of a live recording, a warmer thicker sounding cable might have an advantage if one is looking for this.

For this USB cable, I recommend to listen to it only after a full burn. My listening notes going back to the earlier stages of the burn shows the sound changes quite a bit and might be easily written off as a thin, harder sounding cable than it really is. Soundstage isn't as open and full sized orchestral music isn't as impressive as it actually is.

But once the cable settles, you'll know. The QSAL house sound of engagement and natural musicality is so obvious. A great wire Anas, bravo and thanks!
I am no stranger to Anas's line of QSA-Lanedri cables, and have a collection of Gamma and Spectra Infinity power cables already in my system. But when it comes to USB cables, I thought I had already achieved my end game, with the Shunyata Omega USB cable. This cable had (closely) edged past my long-time reference, the Sablon Evo USB, and I expected to live happily ever after (for audiophiles, this is anything over 2 years :)) with this cable.

Then Anas (the troublemaker!) sent me a production prototype of his Gamma Infinity USB cable to try. This thing arrived just before I was setting off for 2 weeks to SE Asia, so by the time I returned, it had burned in nicely.

Once I started to listen, I realized I had found my new reference USB cable! It surpasses the Shunyata Omega USB, and not by a small margin. What I have found with USB cables is that what you get with every step up the quality ladder, is more air, a bigger soundstage, and more instrument realism. Incredible as it seemed, this is what the GI USB was giving me, even over the already impressive Shunyata Omega! Instruments became more palpable, more fleshed out, and more realistic.

But there was more. The Shunyata had brought a slightly darker tonality in my system, which the GI USB reversed. With the GI, there was an additional openness and clarity that drew me even further into the music. The impact of these improvements was to bring a sense of effortlessness and ease to the music in a way that is almost hypnotic.

I still don't know what the QSA treatment does to these cables in terms of its electromagnetic properties, but whatever it is, it sure does good things to the SQ.

Simply put, this Gamma Infinity is the best USB cable I have heard to date, considerably surpassing my two previous references, the Sablon Evo and Shunyata Omega USB.

Well done, Anas!
Further feedback on the QSA Gamma Infinity USB cable which was on kind loan from another member. I did some 300hrs of burn in before comparison.

My long term reference is a Network Acoustic Muon (version 1 which includes there proprietary filtering which I love, I find version 2 to be a bit too technical sounding for me so I choose not to upgrade, although it is better in some regards). Prior to this I owned a Sablon 2020, which whilst good, was easily surpassed by the Muon.

Both the Gamma Infinity and the Muon v1 are the two top USB cables I've heard so far. Differences are not huge, Gamma Infinity has slightly better tonality, as you would expect from the QSA treatment, but the Muon has greater dynamics, soundstage and separation.

If I already owned the Gamma Infinity, would I trade it for the Muon - No. But the same applies vice-a-versa.

What would really float my boat is a Gamma Infinity with Muon style geometry, or a QSA treated Muon @QSA-LANEDRI :)
Further feedback on the QSA Gamma Infinity USB cable which was on kind loan from another member. I did some 300hrs of burn in before comparison.

My long term reference is a Network Acoustic Muon (version 1 which includes there proprietary filtering which I love, I find version 2 to be a bit too technical sounding for me so I choose not to upgrade, although it is better in some regards). Prior to this I owned a Sablon 2020, which whilst good, was easily surpassed by the Muon.

Both the Gamma Infinity and the Muon v1 are the two top USB cables I've heard so far. Differences are not huge, Gamma Infinity has slightly better tonality, as you would expect from the QSA treatment, but the Muon has greater dynamics, soundstage and separation.

If I already owned the Gamma Infinity, would I trade it for the Muon - No. But the same applies vice-a-versa.

What would really float my boat is a Gamma Infinity with Muon style geometry, or a QSA treated Muon @QSA-LANEDRI :)
I have the Muon Pro Ethernet filtering system with a Gamma Infinity BNC and USB cable. I had two audiophiles over to listen and compare the USB to the BNC. My preference was the BNC, and initially, their preference was the USB. They asked me why, and I told them my Lucas Audio Server was configured more for the BNC and that I thought I thought it provided a more relaxed presentation. They then agreed with me that over a long period of listening, they could understand why I liked the QSA BNC better. However, both were great, and it was hard to hear specific differences. I am also a total thumbs up for the Muon Pro Ethernet filtering system.
Further feedback on the QSA Gamma Infinity USB cable which was on kind loan from another member. I did some 300hrs of burn in before comparison.

My long term reference is a Network Acoustic Muon (version 1 which includes there proprietary filtering which I love, I find version 2 to be a bit too technical sounding for me so I choose not to upgrade, although it is better in some regards). Prior to this I owned a Sablon 2020, which whilst good, was easily surpassed by the Muon.

Both the Gamma Infinity and the Muon v1 are the two top USB cables I've heard so far. Differences are not huge, Gamma Infinity has slightly better tonality, as you would expect from the QSA treatment, but the Muon has greater dynamics, soundstage and separation.

If I already owned the Gamma Infinity, would I trade it for the Muon - No. But the same applies vice-a-versa.

What would really float my boat is a Gamma Infinity with Muon style geometry, or a QSA treated Muon @QSA-LANEDRI :)
Thank you for sharing your feedback! The development of the Gamma Infinity USB cable was a significant endeavor for us, taking over two years of intensive research and development. It stands as one of the most challenging cables we’ve created to meet the stringent performance standards of our commercial line.

While we have not experimented with Network Acoustics’ Muon USB cables or their products specifically, our exploration into components utilizing filtering technology yielded some groundbreaking insights during the initial stages of our R&D, well before launching our commercial line.

Our journey into the effects of filtering began with power conditioners, which were foundational in our testing setups. We worked with world-class units, such as the Sound Application TT7, which significantly reduced noise floor across the system. This reduction resulted in a darker background, enhancing transparency, instrumental separation, and a larger soundstage. However, as we integrated our own power cables and signal cables into the setup, we discovered something remarkable: while power conditioners effectively lower noise floor, they can also narrow the frequency spectrum.

This revelation was transformative. It was as if the musical performance came alive in its full vibrancy. What we found is that the benefits of filtering (like reduced noise floor) become a limitation when the audio setup’s intrinsic noise floor drops below the filtering threshold. In such cases, the filtering can obscure the full richness of the frequency spectrum. Conversely, in setups where the noise floor is higher, the filtering’s ability to lower it significantly improves the listening experience.

Similar findings emerged when comparing audio resolutions. In setups with higher noise floor, high-resolution (Hi-Res) audio files provide a darker background than Redbook resolution files, offering a perceived improvement. However, in systems with extremely low noise floor, the richness of the frequency spectrum in Redbook files becomes unmatched, as Hi-Res files may compromise frequency range in exchange for other benefits.

Our cables were designed with these insights in mind in order to achieve a balance that reveals the full potential of the audio setup.
Quick feedback…. Pertaining to network since it’s been mentioned above…

To give some system context, which does matter, my network is quite advanced.

It’s been built with the support of Blackmorec and then improved over multiple years using the knowledge from many who are at the cutting edge including the usual AS suspects (e.g., Nenon), Xymox, members of the DIY audio forums, and many other passionate hobbyists in multiple countries. In the end it’s 100% off the grid and made of 7 key components, some custom made with exotic parts, each with their separate power source, themselves separately powered (it’s long to explain what I did). More than 20 separate elements in the end. It’s a very low noise and very low distortion advanced (extremist really) network setup.

In that context, I tested piles and piles of Ethernet cables. From all the top brands (AQ etc etc), including the brands and models cited above, some well known ones (Sablon, Pink Faun, FTA), as well as many other custom ones made of pure silver, cryo, with different types of shields, graphene, including many plugs e.g. different types of Telegartner (yes they all sound different). Even stripped off the shield, with wires hanging in the air. Almost all the good looking ones you can buy on amazon. Some references from French and other forums. Some imported from different countries. Compared CAT5 vs CAT6 vs CAT7 vs CAT8. Tons. You name it.

The bottom line is that it’s extremely difficult to find a great Ethernet cable. They all have problems.

The closest one to be “almost perfect” in my system was the QSA Lanedri Gamma Infinity (GI) Ethernet. Better than any other Ethernet cables in my system - organic, great resolution but in a non-analytical way (this part is hard to explain), exceptionally dynamic sounding - exuberant maybe - with a slight touch of forward energy in my system. I think a prior reviewer mentioned it while out of the box, and yes, it does fade after burn in (300 hours) to like 5% remaining or even less. Might be very system dependent at that point.

Then I had the opportunity to try the QSA Lanedri Spectra Ethernet cable in my system.

As soon as I put it, out of the box, it was like OMG moment. This is it.

There’s ZERO second guessing. None. You just know immediately.

Even my wife and daughter - who happened to be sitting next to me (doing something else) - reacted… like… what happened… it’s much more “real, flowing”. You could tell they responded to the music so much better instantly… the emotional connection increased dramatically… it was just “evident”. I remember vividly the eyes of my daughter just popped and she stopped what she was doing, and stared at me, taken by surprise.

How can I describe it? It’s just gorgeous. So natural, so emotional and so human. The musical FLOW stood out… big time.. just effortless and captivating. The tone. Superb. It’s just obviously “right” in all aspects I can think of, so emotional and just so good in every possible way. There’s nothing to talk about, this is it. WYKYK. The end.

The QSAL Spectra is just so obviously “right”, there’s really nothing else to say.

“Mic drop”, as they say.

I’m entirely convinced it’s the best Ethernet cable in the world because there’s a wide gap even compared to the GI which was already an achievement. And you can’t even start to compare with the top “regular” brands. Different planet.

You don’t question anything anymore. You just feel lucky that this thing even exists, and enjoy every moment in its company.
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I experimented with the DC extension Gamma Infinity cable that is connected to my whole house network switch. The same music and volume level with the Gamma Infinity vs standard plug in DC was used for comparison purposes.

I started my challenge by using the standard DC connector. I had my wife listen, also. The music was blah, like when you buy the entry-level model of a tv versus a higher-end model. The music immediately came alive as soon as I plugged the Gamma Infinity back into the equation. It blows my mind!

I know I discussed this cable above, but sometimes you have to check to see the difference after it has been in the system for a while. It makes a major difference.
I experimented with the DC extension Gamma Infinity cable that is connected to my whole house network switch. The same music and volume level with the Gamma Infinity vs standard plug in DC was used for comparison purposes.

I started my challenge by using the standard DC connector. I had my wife listen, also. The music was blah, like when you buy the entry-level model of a tv versus a higher-end model. The music immediately came alive as soon as I plugged the Gamma Infinity back into the equation. It blows my mind!

I know I discussed this cable above, but sometimes you have to check to see the difference after it has been in the system for a while. It makes a major difference.
With the outstanding impact of the DC cables, we’re thrilled to introduce the Ultimatum Infinity DC Cable, delivering a performance leap similar to the difference between the Gamma and Ultimatum AC power cables.

@Willgolf , what you experienced with the Gamma Infinity DC cable will feel like entry-level once you hear the Ultimatum Infinity DC cable.
After being so pleased with the performance of my Spectra Infinity King power cord, I decided to try the Gamma Infinity USB cable. I currently use two different USB cables, one retailing at $1,250, and one retailing at $2,250. I also had in for demo another cable retailing at $3,700.

I am very happy with my current USB cables, and they beat out dozens (literally) of other USB cables I've owned over the years.

In the head to head competitions with these three other USB cables, the Gamma Infinity prevailed, and did so by a comfortable margin.

It improved upon the others in providing more air, greater clarity/transparency, a larger, more well-defined soundstage which is seemingly deeper, wider and taller, while sounding exceptionally natural and realistic. The detail retrieval is incredible.

The factor that really jumps out with the Gamma Infinity is what I'd call "presence". By presence, I mean to refer to the illusion that the performers are literally in your listening space!

Presence to me, goes beyond just being able to identify the placement of the various instruments/singer within the sound stage. You can precisely place them all to a greater degree than other USB cables, but the kicker is, you feel like you can reach out and touch them.

I enjoy watching my dog's ears perk up in some recordings as the singer sounds like they are in the room, and it surprises him, lol, but true.

Finally, I just don't know how to describe it, but, there is just a "magic pixie dust" quality on everything, as the music presents itself in such a compelling way, on certain recordings it feels like you are bathing in this sound, that has analog-like realism, combined with natural digital precision?

Long story short, I bought two Gamma Infinity USB cables, one for each system. This cable is just amazing.
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