Hi Steven,
Very glad yo see that there is a QSA Forum on WBF.

I think I wrote the first QSA review on WBF, back in 2012.

May I ask you two questions?

Firstly, I notice on you website that QSA-Lanedri cables are being launched.

May you tell us more about them?
What metals are employed and what special features do they have?

Secondly, several frds of mine in Hong Kong have bought QSA JitterPower.

Again, please tell the WBF members more about these series of accessories.

Many thanks!

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Here is the Gamma Revelation LAN cable. It looks like ordinary Cat 5 cable, but trust me, there is nothing ordinary about it. I made the mistake of first trying it in my home theater even though its ultimate home will be in my audio system. The cable is installed between a Unifi 60w switch powered by its stock SMPS and an nVidia Shield Pro powered by a Farad Super 3 with a QSA silver fuse. I was curious to see the effect connected to a non-audiophile switch.

After a mere 48 hours, I am simultaneously seeing more color vibrancy and depth. There is a complexity and richness to the color palette which was not present before. Blacks are much blacker, and whites are pure white. The picture has greater resolution. There is also a noticeable improvement in the sound quality of the 7.1 audio, which has more clarity. Last night after my wife left the room, I sat on the couch flipping channels because I was visually mesmerized in the same way people have described the listening experience in their audio setups.

It will be difficult taking this cable out of my home theater. I may have to buy another one for my audio system.
we understand this was an easy way to burn it before entering into the audio system ?

I have excellent tv picture with no need to improve it . Top Oleds are really picture perfect.
I will use mine only in the audio system .
Anyone with LAN in audio system SQ impressions ?
@auricgoldfinger, could you try to describe in more detail a comparison between what you’re seeing before the QSA Lan and after in your home theater?

When you say you see more complexity, would you say more gradations and subtlety to the colors? Do the colors seem lifelike? For instance, If there is an outdoor scene on your tv with similar natural lighting to what you can out your window do you find them to look more similar with the QSA Lan?

This is obviously what you would hope for!

And this would be the opposite of what one generally sees for instance at a Best Buy showroom or the like where the color saturation and contrast are pumped up to exaggerated and unnatural levels.

I think looking at the effect of cables on TV can be a useful way to get insight into what they will do with audio as well.

We had this same conversation in the original QSA thread. I have described the changes as best as possible. What is lifelike to me may be different for someone else's eyes or ears, so I can't answer that question.
Here is the Gamma Revelation LAN cable. It looks like ordinary Cat 5 cable, but trust me, there is nothing ordinary about it. I made the mistake of first trying it in my home theater even though its ultimate home will be in my audio system. The cable is installed between a Unifi 60w switch powered by its stock SMPS and an nVidia Shield Pro powered by a Farad Super 3 with a QSA silver fuse. I was curious to see the effect connected to a non-audiophile switch.

After a mere 48 hours, I am simultaneously seeing more color vibrancy and depth. There is a complexity and richness to the color palette which was not present before. Blacks are much blacker, and whites are pure white. The picture has greater resolution. There is also a noticeable improvement in the sound quality of the 7.1 audio, which has more clarity. Last night after my wife left the room, I sat on the couch flipping channels because I was visually mesmerized in the same way people have described the listening experience in their audio setups.

It will be difficult taking this cable out of my home theater. I may have to buy another one for my audio system.
Very cool...I am anticipating trying the QSA Lan connector on our Z:Axis i2s cable (RJ45) to see what the experience is all about.
With regard to the impact of the QSA LANEDRI cables on the picture, it was part of our R&D. The different SQ being transparency, detail, texture, density and soundstage are corresponding to crisp, clarity and vivid picture.

The impact of the cables on the TV is astonishing and again it must be seen to grasp. Trying to put it in words, light is not anymore inside the TV but it similar to a real life bulb or a led where the light is spreading in the room. The dark background is limitless making everything looks real.

Watching TV becomes a teleportation experience and it is so addictive.
With regard to the impact of the QSA LANEDRI cables on the picture, it was part of our R&D. The different SQ being transparency, detail, texture, density and soundstage are corresponding to crisp, clarity and vivid picture.

The impact of the cables on the TV is astonishing and again it must be seen to grasp. Trying to put it in words, light is not anymore inside the TV but it similar to a real life bulb or a led where the light is spreading in the room. The dark background is limitless making everything looks real.

Watching TV becomes a teleportation experience and it is so addictive.
Pardon me if I have missed it, but what fuses do you fit to your power cables
Just a reminder that these QSA Lanedri cables do need time to burn in. As I mentioned above, mine arrived Tuesday and I had largely been sticking to well-recorded acoustic jazz. Today was the first day I got to spend extended time listening to lesser-quality recordings - and I enjoyed the heck out of it!

I spent a good part of the afternoon listening to a favorite Christian artist (Nichole Nordeman). Recording quality was maybe a little better than average for a commercial recording. Even so, it still got a really nice boost from the Gamma Revelation cables, but not at the transformational level that one easily hears with better recordings. But as far as describing it, the lesser recording quality made the improvements more the kind that can be described in audiophile terms. Bass was nicely improved with it being more of the foundational kind that you can feel in your gut. There was less grain throughout the upper frequencies and I found that I could play these tracks at a higher volume than normal because of how clean and pure everything sounded. That was a good sign as far as burn-in progress, as I don’t think I could have said that earlier this week. My emotional engagement was off the charts as this was the best I’ve yet heard from this artist’s music. I have a feeling that there’s still more goodness to come as these cables get more time on them.
Concert Fidelity is one of those less well-known, highly-respected secret gems from Japan. A few years ago, I had acquired their last remaining pair of 300B push-pull monos. Then, while struggling to get the best out of my Koda K10 preamp, I added the Concert Fidelity flagship preamp. With a retail price of $24K USD, I expected it to keep up well with the Koda K10 but perhaps match better with my 300Bs monos (same brand and what not). On this preamp I loved the tone, the drive. Everything seemed to be in the ‘goldilocks’ zone of ‘not too much, not too little’. However, (surprisingly) despite my original intentions, it sounded best with my Accuphase A-36, a power amp with a lit and illuminated sound.

Then, a year ago now, I heard that they had upgraded this preamp (which has been their flagship for the last ten years), swapping out the op-amp input stage for a JFET class A discrete input stage. As a card-carrying audiophile, I decided to upgrade. Discrete is always better, right?

Not so. The sound became more refined, but also seemingly slower, less nimble. Even paired with my Accuphase, while I could hear the new version was technically better, it wasn’t to my taste anymore. I lean towards the ‘fast, neutral, ruthless’ type of sound, and this wasn’t it. So I’d largely set aside this preamp for most of 2022. The Benchmark LA4, for example, was comfortably cheaper yet definitely edged ahead of the Concert Fidelity in my books…. Until today.

The Koda K10 was doing so well with the QSA Lanedri’s Gamma Infinity that I thought that it may be time to revisit my opinions. Upon plugging in the Concert Fidelity preamp to my 300B monos, I was hit with a torrent of sound. Just like with the Koda, the speed was honest- it wasn’t angry, but it certainly wasn’t slow or polite in the way I remembered it. But it was a torrent nonetheless. It was nimble, full of microdetail that manifested itself in a velvety smoothness, and yet had that beautiful refined tone that made me fall in love with this preamp in the first place. The overwhelming feeling I had was that this was just music. It also seemed to impart a bit less of its own flavour than the Koda- the notes on the Koda were more raindrop-like (the music on the Koda was more clearly formed, and slightly plump in comparison). Instead this preamp peered deeper into the music, turning the micro-detail inside-out to lay it all out statically in front of and around me.

But this is not a review of the Concert Fidelity preamp. Rather, I’m starting to form even more of a view of the Gamma Infinity. It has no lack of speed or dynamism. A friend of mine remarked that the QSA Lanedri sounds like tubes, and I agree. The Gamma Infinity performs in a way that the best of tubes can offer. What do I mean by the “best” of tubes? If you’re thinking ‘warm, coloured, syrupy, fireplace on a cold winter day’ when I say tubes, then that’s not the stereotype I’m invoking. Rather, this power cord has the ability to react instantly to any sound, and sound extremely pure in a way only the simplest circuits can replicate.

Another good analogy is that adding the Gamma Infinity is like adding a top notch active preamp into the chain. For a while I powered my power amps directly from my Chord Dave; but once I added a preamp it was obvious just how much I was giving up in speed, dynamism, tonal weight and purity by going direct.

I’m increasingly thinking that the QSA Lanedri’s calling card is an honest, “nothing lacking” sound. Superlative audiophile terms don’t apply to it; rather, it has none of the typical audiophile weaknesses. This is the kind of sound that will faithfully bring the best out of your circuit. Just like it did with the Koda K10, the QSA Gamma Infinity has certainly brought out the best in my Concert Fidelity preamp.
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We had this same conversation in the original QSA thread. I have described the changes as best as possible. What is lifelike to me may be different for someone else's eyes or ears, so I can't answer that question.
For anyone that is interested or curious about the impact of QSA (or other cables) on visual media like tv or computer monitors, I think it could be very interesting to do a (somewhat controlled) comparison like I described.

A good way to do this: Find a photograph (your own or something off the web) that is well focused, but not over-sharp, and has Natural color and tonality. Compare to what you see out the window (in similar light). Are they relatively close in terms of color saturation, clarity and subtle shades of tonality?

If so, now change from a standard Lan cable to an “audiophile” Lan and compare.

Any changes might (or might not) apply to what the cable does to your audio. But it’s much easier to evaluate a static visual image in real time than the moving target of audio and our more fragile audio memory.
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For anyone that is interested or curious about the impact of QSA (or other cables) on visual media like tv or computer monitors, I think it could be very interesting to do a (somewhat controlled) comparison like I described
I have only limited experience of seeing the impact of QSA on video having deployed only a pair of Power Jitters in Violet in my AV system. What I’ve observed is that the more vibrant the picture the more profoundly that QSA allows that vibrancy to come forth. It can be jaw-dropping,.

I have been observing something similar on the audio side with the Gamma Revelation cables. Well recorded instruments and voices that are full of color and vibrancy come forth in a profoundly jaw-dropping way.

As an aside, I watched NFL football last night. DirecTV’s video quality wasn’t very good, but what amazed me was the audio. The voices coming from my center channel speaker were clearer and more articulate than I‘ve heard from any sports event. This was my first time watching a game on that system since adding the pair of Power Jitters. There was a dimensionality to the voices that lended to the realism. I hear this on my music system too.

I intend to purchase a QSA Lanedri power cord to feed my AV system’s power conditioner. That should take everything I observed to another level entirely.
I have excellent tv picture with no need to improve it . Top Oleds are really picture perfect.

I have a late model 4K OLED and 4K JVC projector. QSA power and LAN to both these devices and to my video source results in HUGE improvement. As "picture perfect" as you think your OLED already is, I can assure you it gets MUCH better. The impact of QSA on video cannot be overstated. If you struggle to hear differences between cables with audio, using static video images is an excellent way to assess cables. Resolution, clarity, black levels...they all improve dramatically with QSA-treated wire. Test a Gamma Infinity power cable or LAN cable onto your OLED projector, BluRay player, or other video source like an nVidia TV Shield Pro and compare against any cable in the world (even one that costs $1 million dollars if such a cable exists) and I am willing to bet money the QSA cable will win.

Anyone with LAN in audio system SQ impressions ?

Yes, as I previously posted, the impact of the Gamma LAN cable (especially Infinity) is profound with audio and possibly bigger than what the Gamma Infinity power cord offers (which is saying a lot). Noise floor, bass dynamics, control, air, speed, timbre...they improve very dramatically. We have already treated a DAC (direct attached cable) that will connect between the Taiko switch and network interface card. We are now waiting for these items in order to test this cable but we anticipate the improvement to be just as profound (if not more) as the RJ45 cable based on the larger mass of conductor in the SFP connectors.
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A good way to do this: Find a photograph (your own or something off the web) that is well focused, but not over-sharp, and has Natural color and tonality. Compare to what you see out the window (in similar light). Are they relatively close in terms of color saturation, clarity and subtle shades of tonality?

This is spot on and I do this now. What I have found is that looking at static images is an excellent way to test for things like detail resolution, clarity, contrast, depth (black levels), and color accuracy (which can reflect timbre accuracy), however, not so great for things like tonal balance like full vs thin tonal body, treble brightness, midrange forwardness, etc.
Pardon me if I have missed it, but what fuses do you fit to your power cables

The QSA-Lanedri power cables don't contain fuses. Is there a benefit to using a QSA fuse along with a QSA-Lanedri power cable? Unfortunately, for your wallet, yes, and the benefits appear to be additive. What we are finding is that the more "traditional" wire you replace with QSA-treated wire, gains are to be had and these gains are generally not subtle. Said another way, the damage potentially caused sonically by wire is much greater than previously realized. These are bold statements but easy enough for anyone to verify.
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This is spot on and I do this now. What I have found is that looking at static images is an excellent way to test for things like detail resolution, clarity, contrast, depth (black levels), and color accuracy (which can reflect timbre accuracy), however, not so great for things like tonal balance like full vs thin tonal body, treble brightness, midrange forwardness, etc.
I’ve ordered the Infinity Lan for audio but am also really interested to study it’s effect on the color-calibrated monitor I use for my photography editing (in Photoshop).

Beyond color and resolution, I’m most interested to see if there’s a positive effect on the multitude of very subtle gradations of gray between pure white and pure black. This can be seen on a gray scale chart.

And then I want to see it’s effect on the subtle gradations of color and tone of images in nature — from tree bark to stone to water, etc….

The biggest lesson I learned in printing photographs of nature is that while editing the images on the monitor, or through proof prints, was to always look out the window or walk outside to re-callibrate my eye/brain to what is real. The problem this overcomes is the tendency of our visual perception to settle into a “new normal.” This new normal can result in over-saturated, over sharp, contrasty and VIVID images that have strayed from the subtle reality of the natural world. This is what you typically see on the TV displays in Best Buy, for instance. They do it to get your attention and to evoke the WOW response.

I think the above can relate to how we perceive audio. The equivalent in audio to the above described re-calibration to the visual natural involve a lot more effort ( than looking out the window) —such as going to hear live acoustic music or to listen to someone’s natural sounding system.
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The QSA-Lanedri power cables don't contain fuses. Is there a benefit to using a QSA fuse along with a QSA-Lanedri power cable? Unfortunately, for your wallet, yes, and the benefits appear to be additive. What we are finding is that the more "traditional" wire you replace with QSA-treated wire, gains are to be had and these gains are generally not subtle. Said another way, the damage potentially caused sonically by wire is much greater than previously realized. These are bold statements but easy enough for anyone to verify.
Thank you for clearing that up.
I ave to say I find that surprising, particularly in the apparent absence of any notification to buyers and potential buyers.
Thank you for clearing that up.
I ave to say I find that surprising, particularly in the apparent absence of any notification to buyers and potential buyers.
A further thought and from some one who is a very satisfied user of QSA fuses. Does the sale of power cables without fuses conform to the electrical safety codes of countries like the USA, EU and other developed nations?
Perhaps fellow members who are distributors or dealers may be able to answer that question.
I have a late model 4K OLED and 4K JVC projector. QSA power and LAN to both these devices and to my video source results in HUGE improvement. As "picture perfect" as you think your OLED already is, I can assure you it gets MUCH better. The impact of QSA on video cannot be overstated. If you struggle to hear differences between cables with audio, using static video images is an excellent way to assess cables. Resolution, clarity, black levels...they all improve dramatically with QSA-treated wire. Test a Gamma Infinity power cable or LAN cable onto your OLED projector, BluRay player, or other video source like an nVidia TV Shield Pro and compare against any cable in the world (even one that costs $1 million dollars if such a cable exists) and I am willing to bet money the QSA cable will win.

Yes, as I previously posted, the impact of the Gamma LAN cable (especially Infinity) is profound with audio and possibly bigger than what the Gamma Infinity power cord offers (which is saying a lot). Noise floor, bass dynamics, control, air, speed, timbre...they improve very dramatically. We have already treated a DAC (direct attached cable) that will connect between the Taiko switch and network interface card. We are now waiting for these items in order to test this cable but we anticipate the improvement to be just as profound (if not more) as the RJ45 cable based on the larger mass of conductor in the SFP connectors.
I ordered LAN infinity so will test it on both Audio and Oled tv. I trust your ears.
I hope you are right so I can get more of them.
I found that a good LAN cable can be much more important than power cable in my system.
What DAC cable you treated with QSA ?
is it the same Taiko will provide with switch and net card ?
I will be interested in treating my DAC cable with QSA.
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Thank you for clearing that up.
I ave to say I find that surprising, particularly in the apparent absence of any notification to buyers and potential buyers.

I am not the manufacturer nor am I professionally or financially affiliated with QSA-Lanedri and so I will have @QSA-LANEDRI address specifics but this is what I know.

The Gamma series wire itself is UL/CSA listed and these power cables are professionally assembled here in the United States by Iconoclast Cable and plug options at this time include only U.S. type 3-prong wall plugs and Schuko wall plugs, neither of which require or incorporate a fuse. For use in the U.K., you would need an adapter or else an AC distributor box with U.S. style or Schuko receptacles to plug into. It would then be the responsibility of the adapter or the distributor box to have the requisite fuse. Would replacing that fuse with a QSA fuse have an impact? I would be surprised if it didn't.

With the higher-end Spectra series power cables, these cables are manufactured for QSA-Lanedri by @Sablon Audio who is based in the U.K. A Spectra series power cable is either a Sablon Prince or King that has had QSA treatment applied to it. I'm guessing Mark provides power cords that plug directly into a U.K. receptacle that meet necessary requirements but I will have @Sablon Audio comment on this.
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...we don't use fuses in power cables in the US. I believe they do in the UK.
Thanks MB.
I am in the UK and I cannot recall ever seeing a UK or Eu power cable not fitted with a fuse, or a Japanese component.
Many years ago I used some Nordost power cables and to the best of my recollections they were all fitted with fuses.
Our mains supply is 230 volts as opposed to the 110 volts in the USA which might have a bearing on the position, but it rather suggests that fitting a fuse to power cables is required in the UK and the EU possibly in other countries

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