Record Cleaning Machines

Hi Dre,

First I lay down two micro towels on the table. I scrub the record on them using a disc doctor brush with AI Enzymatic wash. I wipe each side off dry with another micro towel. I then finish the record in my Audio Deske RCM. That's it.

I did the same when I had an AudioDesk. Personally I think an enzyme cleaner is needed for vintage vinyl; the differences are more pronounced when listening on headphones. I'm contemplating getting another ultrasonic machine.
I did the same when I had an AudioDesk. Personally I think an enzyme cleaner is needed for vintage vinyl; the differences are more pronounced when listening on headphones. I'm contemplating getting another ultrasonic machine.

I use to use the super clean with surfactant and isopropyl did not remove finger prints nor pressing grime like the enzymatic solution by audio Intelligence. Now I just use the latter and finish in the audio deske. Once that is done once whether a new or used record, it never needs to be done again. Just a pop in the audio desk should there be a dust or static issue down the road. I am intrigued by this new machine, especially after the audio deske warranty expires, which is 3 years compared to this new unit's one year warranty. But since it's American made, shipping will be far better than to Europe.
I use to use the super clean with surfactant and isopropyl did not remove finger prints nor pressing grime like the enzymatic solution by audio Intelligence. Now I just use the latter and finish in the audio deske. Once that is done once whether a new or used record, it never needs to be done again. Just a pop in the audio desk should there be a dust or static issue down the road. I am intrigued by this new machine, especially after the audio deske warranty expires, which is 3 years compared to this new unit's one year warranty. But since it's American made, shipping will be far better than to Europe.

i'd be careful what sort of fluid residue might be left on pressings that you then put in the Audio Deske. particularly any sort of soap or detergent. it can cause lots of foaming problems. a few years back i bought a collection which had a few of these type problems and i had to change my fluid frequently.
this new unit's one year warranty. But since it's American made, shipping will be far better than to Europe.

Hi Chris:

Few points to clarify:
1) As I understand it, the Klaudio's LP cleaner comes with two year warranty. But your assessment is correct that the machines' after market service will be provided from Auburn, WA.
2) Although the machine is designed, serviced, and stocked in Seattle area, it is being made in Korea where Peter, the owner's main factory is located. Their business, Koolance, is with manufacturing air and liquid cooling devices for high performance CPUs and industrial projectors and such. It was Peter's audio hobby with his day job of handling liquid and expertise in air cooling (or drying) that were the inspirations for birth of the cleaner.
3) I have no commercial interests in Klaudio. I am dead against mixing hobby with ventures. Hobby can easily turn into work and uncontrollable stress to follow...
4) I bought one because this is the only LP cleaning machine that I have seen with simple distilled water and no other chemicals or brushes that never gets into deep micro groves where the tiny dust particles and other junk live in mostly used LPs from Half Priced Book Stores - in an effort to recover from foolish moves I had made back in the early 80's in amassing the Perfect Sound Forever by trading in the my LP collection at the School Kids Records in Raleigh NC...
5) It had handled all LPs with varios thicknesses so far. I believe they are also working on an adpater set up for 45s.
So it works with just water? No need to mix in any chemicals, like the Audio Desk?

Man, and i just got my audiodesk. It is a love hate relationship. I love the convenience and the fact that every record sounds better compared to my 16.5. I've cleaned over 100 records in 2 week. I hate the water drops left on after the dry cycle with 120/200g vinyl and the fact that it ruined several labels on pressings with large areas of dead wax, must have missed the warning. Yes it is perfectly level and filled appropriately 4.5 l.
Man, and i just got my audiodesk. It is a love hate relationship. I love the convenience and the fact that every record sounds better compared to my 16.5. I've cleaned over 100 records in 2 week. I hate the water drops left on after the dry cycle with 120/200g vinyl and the fact that it ruined several labels on pressings with large areas of dead wax, must have missed the warning. Yes it is perfectly level and filled appropriately 4.5 l.

Try playing with the squeegee lips. I get a few drops on the backside 1 out of 15 to 20 records. Thin 150 gram are the most likely to have issue as are the classic records single sided 45's. This is on the backside only w/o the music. I keep a micro towel handy.

How's it work on 10 in. reels?
Try playing with the squeegee lips. I get a few drops on the backside 1 out of 15 to 20 records. Thin 150 gram are the most likely to have issue as are the classic records single sided 45's. This is on the backside only w/o the music. I keep a micro towel handy.

Yes sounds like squeegee lips are misaligned eg the labels and water drops. Make sure the plastic lips are all the way to the right (from the front of the machine). The lips shouldn't stick out. Also sounds just a little too full eg the float should just go to top of window.
Man, for a $3K+ RCM,the Audiodesk sure sounds like a pain in the ass to use. Having water drops on the LP after minutes of cleaning is all too common which sucks. I had the pro at RMAF 2012 who was selling the RCM clean one of my precious LPs and when he pulled it out, it had water drops on it. His remedy was to wave my LP around in the air to dry it which I thought was really cool. He never mentioned lip misalignment. This thing is also known to froth at the mouth like a mad dog. Break downs are so common they now have a loaner program in place so that you can have a loaner even though they claim they have the breakdowns under control now. Maybe the American made machine is better engineered.

I need to talk to my Uncle Johnny.
Man, for a $3K+ RCM,the Audiodesk sure sounds like a pain in the ass to use. Having water drops on the LP after minutes of cleaning is all too common which sucks. I had the pro at RMAF 2012 who was selling the RCM clean one of my precious LPs and when he pulled it out, it had water drops on it. His remedy was to wave my LP around in the air to dry it which I thought was really cool. He never mentioned lip misalignment. This thing is also known to froth at the mouth like a mad dog. Break downs are so common they now have a loaner program in place so that you can have a loaner even though they claim they have the breakdowns under control now. Maybe the American made machine is better engineered.

I need to talk to my Uncle Johnny.

I've had maybe 2 records out of about 700 that had a couple of drops after drying. And that was because I slightly overfilled the well. Other than that the machine has worked perfectly.

That said, I think my Clearaudio Double Matrix does a better job of cleaning and does it in less than half the time. You do have to stand there and push buttons a few times and slide fluid and anti static heads into place. With the Audio Desk you just place the record in the slot and wait for the beep about 6 minutes later.

Both machines are very good and cost in general is fairly close.
I've had maybe 2 records out of about 700 that had a couple of drops after drying. And that was because I slightly overfilled the well. Other than that the machine has worked perfectly.

That said, I think my Clearaudio Double Matrix does a better job of cleaning and does it in less than half the time. You do have to stand there and push buttons a few times and slide fluid and anti static heads into place. With the Audio Desk you just place the record in the slot and wait for the beep about 6 minutes later.

Both machines are very good and cost in general is fairly close.

Can you give us more details on how better the Double Matrix cleans the LPs? How do they compare considering operation noise?
Can you give us more details on how better the Double Matrix cleans the LPs? How do they compare considering operation noise?

The Double Matrix has micro fiber strips on it's top and bottom arms that actually scrub the vinyl. The motor, which in my unit is dead quiet also reverses enabling scrubbing in both directions. The machine also cleans both sides of the record at the same time all with the push of a couple of buttons. In drying mode, both machines are relatively loud but the Clearaudio dries in two turns of the record, the Audio Desk takes 4-5 minutes. In my experience, the Clearaudio cleaned record appears cleaner and has less surface noise than a record cleaned on the Audio Desk.

As I stated earlier, both machines are very good but, IMO, while the Audio Desk is easier to use, the Clearaudio does a better job of cleaning.
Frank that's interesting that you think the clearaudio sounds quieter/better, I wonder if you like the sound of your cleaning fluid, based on what Myles has been writing. What type of stylus do you have? I have a small line diamond and the sound was so much better than my vpi that I am recleaning my whole collection!! Much more detail on acoustic instruments, OK maybe not much more, but very noticeable increase in decay and air around the notes.

I actually bought some replacement Lips, still have drops on 1/10 records, mostly very thick and very thin. I will move them all the way to the right. I have also noticed the underside of the lips gets a little black after about 15-20 records, wipes right clean. I have been using 4.5L of fluid, should I be using less? I think they have ironed out the reliability issues though, this machine is a work horse. I have done 150+ records in under 2 weeks!! Would have taken forever with the vpi! Still I hate no 45's and 10 inches.
Frank that's interesting that you think the clearaudio sounds quieter/better, I wonder if you like the sound of your cleaning fluid, based on what Myles has been writing. What type of stylus do you have? I have a small line diamond and the sound was so much better than my vpi that I am recleaning my whole collection!! Much more detail on acoustic instruments, OK maybe not much more, but very noticeable increase in decay and air around the notes.

I actually bought some replacement Lips, still have drops on 1/10 records, mostly very thick and very thin. I will move them all the way to the right. I have also noticed the underside of the lips gets a little black after about 15-20 records, wipes right clean. I have been using 4.5L of fluid, should I be using less? I think they have ironed out the reliability issues though, this machine is a work horse. I have done 150+ records in under 2 weeks!! Would have taken forever with the vpi! Still I hate no 45's and 10 inches.

It is interesting that you bring up the point about the stylus profile. Of all the cartridges that have had in recently, only the Atlas, no matter how clean the LP, still seems to "clean" the groove :)
Frank's opinion is interesting. My Clearaudio was one of the simpler models, but somehow I don't see how a machine with that same mechanism can beat the Audiodesk, with the ultrasound and all.
The difference between the results are just too great. No comparison really, at least over here.
Sure, my Audiodesk leaves water drops in 10 out of 10 records. But I still sold the Clearaudio.

Frank's opinion is interesting. My Clearaudio was one of the simpler models, but somehow I don't see how a machine with that same mechanism can beat the Audiodesk, with the ultrasound and all.
The difference between the results are just too great. No comparison really, at least over here.
Sure, my Audiodesk leaves water drops in 10 out of 10 records. But I still sold the Clearaudio.


I have a new 'current build' Audio Deske, the 16th build cycle. I get zero drops, maybe a drop of water every 20 or so pressings no matter the thickness. the lips seem longer.

I think the combination of scrubbing and ultrasonic is hard to improve on. and the ease of use is just too useful to even consider not using it. more music, less hassle.

and they sound wonderful. my Loricraft PRC4 Deluxe just sits there waiting to be used, but seldom is. i'm glad I have the Loricraft so I know I can do the 3 or 4 step process when I want to. but I could live without it.
Of all the cartridges that have had in recently, only the Atlas, no matter how clean the LP, still seems to "clean" the groove :)


It would be an acid test to see if the Klaudio Ultrasonic LP cleaner would leave anything behind ( or not) in the gooves after just one cleaning cycle for your Altas. ;)
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I know Mmyles, every side and my kleos sl has a dust bunny at the end of the stylus. I zerodust before and carbon fiber brush the record. My ruby never did that.

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