Phantastic tipp works almost every time you get a bass that plays deeper and cleaner and peaks and valleys between 30hz-100hz are almost gone.exsample picputting the woofer towers inside cancels wave bumps bi putting closer to the outside of the wave.
I’ll say this and it’s not a joke
Place one tower in the middle and other tower on one side
This puts you completely outside of waves looks dumb but gives you how it should sound
I know lol but it has merit on paper.
another way is moved them all more into the room this gives the low freq a place to go in standing waves
It’s why my room is 55 feet and speakers mid way
Seat 8 or 9 feet and the rest behind me

I would try placing the bass tower in the middle. It's strange to look at at first, but the measurement will blow you away, as will the sound.
to bring the other two speakers exactly into position.
You need a parcel cord and a second person. You sit in a listening position and hold the string to the tip of your nose. The second person pulls the cord tight and holds it against the outer edge of the speaker. Move the speakers until the length of the string on the left and right is equal (mark it on the string with a pen). To get the same angle of the speakers to your ears, take the same measurement with the string on the inside edge of the speakers. I am aware that this is not easy with large, heavy speakers. But the effort is definitely worth it.
Important do not move your head during the measurement. You can use a marked point on the listening chair too.
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