Are we supposed to have better ears today than 35 years ago?

IMO such choice is extremely dependent on the system being used.
I don’t know about you, but I definitely have better discernment today than I did 35 years ago.
And I did not mean to imply that I’d had one CJ system for 35 years. I’ve owned a lot of CJ amps or preamps, including at least 6 bought new in the last decade. I have been a true, myopically focused, defensive fanboy.
I’ve also had Krell, McIntosh, Levinson, ARC, Marantz, and several other systems. For the 15 years that preceded 2021, I typically had two to four systems spread out over several locations. CJ was always my favorite. We downsized in 2021 and I’m down to two.
The big break through for me was when I bought a used ARC LS28 to flip. At the time I was evaluating speakers using German opera as the test material. The lowly foundation series ARC LS28 presented the German lyrics more clearly than any other preamps I had, even when paired with the LP275Ms.
I started experimenting and comparing. When the dust cleared ALL my CJ gear from phono preamps to monoblocks were gone … replaced by ARC Reference series or Burmester Top line.
If something is on the master tape and you’re not hearing it clearly, that is the most annoying type of distortion in my opinion.
The serendipitous use of German lyrics for evaluation was revealing. My brain fills in missing bits of my native language. I have to work harder if there are missing bits in a second or third language. I had to work a LOT harder with CJ compared to either current ARC reference series or Burmester Top line.
For those who may be unfamiliar with the acronym YMMV, it stands for “your mileage may vary.” It simply means that your experience might not match with mine. My opinions are just that… opinions.