When a speaker is underpowered with an amp, it constrains soundstage (sounds flat) and dynamic range. This was also audible on video of Jadis playing Mahler 3 at Ron’s.
When I used NAF 2a3 on Devore, it was extremely open. When I used it on Lansche (same room) it got constrained. Lansche ran best with Jadis (though overall I preferred the NAF Devore). Other more powerful amps in that room, including Jadis, did not add to any element including soundstage on Devore compared to the NAF, because NAF was driving it sufficiently. In fact they took away transparency and nuance though that is not being discussed in this subsegment.
When I compared Airtight 300b and EL34 on Cessaro Wagner, the EL34 opened up the soundstage and dynamic range more on the wagner, though it did not add anything to the 300b on the Devore in the same room (as a sidenote, the Devore was better than the Wagner with both amps, but much better with 300b).
This is wishing that Ron never goes past the 15 musical pieces he listens to. I have hope. At least, the average audiophile is someone who grows along his journey, and if he cannot hear something today, or does not have audition tracks that cover various attributes, it is fine if friends like Don point it out to him. I would have definitely been better off 7 years ago if I knew what I knew today, and some of the things more advanced listeners at that point pointed out to me, I ignored.