So these are the data points we have
1. Ron bought these speakers after he heard them with Gryphon amps
2. The Mono and Stereo guy used Vitus Masterpiece on them,
3.. The Indonseian/Singapore owner used Gryphon and CH. No other examples reported from owners, IIRC
4. Phil thinks lacks headroom with Jadis
5. Don thinks lacks headroom with Jadis
6. Mahler 3 video lacks headroom with Jadis
I would try the Thrax 100w hybrid.
I would also try Soulution preamp with hybrids and valve amps.
I also think this is a great opportunity for dealers reading this, to drive over to Ron's with a preamp and powerful SS amp. Ron will never do this demo himself, so just drive them over, plug them in for whatever your warm up period, and let Ron listen to them the next day. You might be able to surprise him and get a sale