Tried 'Fields of Gold' with the 2A3 operating at maybe 3 watts or so on the 75 inch ribbons with the Eva Cassidy icon. 2A3 is still to me perhaps the most airy, sweet and elegant presentation of the female voice.

Even with the clamped down passive crossover on the Pendragon ribbons, I would bet @ fifty/fifty odds a fiver you could get a reasonable result with a 2A3 Set. The ribbon uses about 25 percent of the total amplifier acoustic energy (maybe less) at the given crossovers, which makes a 2A3 within range up to the low to mid 90's db for the total sonic presentation.

I do think that from my experience dipole planars do the best presentation of vocals of the three main types of speakers (horn, planar, box).
Thank you for posting this Carlos.

To get as vaguely an apples to apples comparison as possible, what did you use to record this? iPhone? Internal microphone?

Approximately what was the SPL of the playback in the room when you recorded?
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Thank you for posting this Carlos.

To get as vaguely an apples to apples comparison as possible, what did you use to record this? iPhone? Internal microphone?

Approximately what was the SPL of the playback in the room when you recorded?
Just have to say I don't understand these comparisons! I may be missing something but playing back audio files of your impressive systems on my IPad does nothing for me. Please explain if I am missing something!
Just have to say I don't understand these comparisons! I may be missing something but playing back audio files of your impressive systems on my IPad does nothing for me. Please explain if I am missing something!

Post a video of your system playing the exact same song and it will all become quite clear to you.

The system videos allow for comparisons in relative terms, not in absolute terms.

I have just completed an extensive comparative analysis of my new reference horn system against some systems with some of the world’s highest praised speakers, such as the Magico M9, M7, Avant-Garde Trio G3, Diesis Roma Triode, and others driven by hundred of thousands of dollars worth in electronics and housed in beautiful acoustically engineered and treated rooms, and gained much from the exercise. The system videos are a very effective tool for analysis and corrective action.
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Post a video of your system playing the exact same song and it will all become quite clear to you.

The system videos allow for comparisons in relative terms, not in absolute terms.

I have just completed an extensive comparative analysis of my new reference horn system against some systems with some of the world’s highest praised speakers, such as the Magico M9, M7, Avant-Garde Trio G3, Diesis Roma Triode, and others driven by hundred of thousands of dollars worth in electronics and housed in beautiful acoustically engineered and treated rooms, and gained much from the exercise. The system videos are a very effective tool for analysis and corrective action.
Hmmmm .... OK really!
Obviously this is your thing but I am skeptical. What is the logic behind this?
Hello Carlos,

Thank you for posting this recording. How would you describe or characterize the sound in the video?

In a few words, the sound on the video is representative of the sound in the room. The sound on the video sounds extremely good to me. The sound has great detail, with depth and body. The general tone and character of the system comes through in the video recording. Only bettered by the sound in the room.
With my custom Røde iX-Y microphone

iPhone X

Roughly around 90-92 dBA
Thank you.

Is the microphone in your usual listening position?
With my custom Røde iX-Y microphone

iPhone X

Roughly around 90-92 dBA
I will just be holding an iPhone using its internal mic. To get a more apples-to-apples comparison, wouldn't it be better to just hold your iPhone and use the internal mic?
Hmmmm .... OK really!
Obviously this is your thing but I am skeptical. What is the logic behind this?

Here is my logic, with over 37 years in this hobby, I now have roughly 47 systems at home with some of the world’s best components, expanding all topologies and factions of this hobby, which give me first hand experience to just about every type of system here at home. Add to this, I have literally traveled all over the world which has allowed me to listen to the latest, greatest, most expensive, and highest regarded systems and components in dedicated rooms at both dealers and end-users optimized settings. My in-depth understanding of the recording, mixing, and mastering processes allows me to have expectations of what can be achieved not only in playback but more importantly in the realm of technologies available to optimize the retrieval of nuance and inner detail. And last but not least there is my technical background in physics, electrical engineering, and acoustics which allows me to understand the elements at work in sound reproduction. I have an extreme understanding of electronics design and mastering techniques and those allow me to analyze system videos for the relevant information required to make assessments and drive corrective action, when needed. That’s my logic. What is yours?
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Thank you.

Is the microphone in your usual listening position?
Yes, absolutely. The microphone in the listening position is the only valid way to claim that the videos are representative of the system.
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I will just be holding an iPhone using its internal mic. To get a more apples-to-apples comparison, wouldn't it be better to just hold your iPhone and use the internal mic?
That is valid. I do both. Not much difference. I actually think that the internal microphone does a better job of capturing the low bass than the external microphone.
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A million dollar system? Mine? No.

The MSRP of my entire system, including cables and the A820, is just slightly higher than the MSRP of Magico M7 loudspeakers.

I actually think my system is relatively good value in terms of the prices of many current components.

The four column Pendragons (with built-in 1,000 watt Class AB Gryphon amplifiers) cost slightly more at full list price than the Wilson Audio Alexx V costs today. The Jadis amplifiers cost $8,500, and, sonically speaking, I wouldn't trade them for Boulder 3050 monos.
And who is dumb enough to pay full list price ? Certainly not you Ron ! ;)
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A million dollar system? Mine? No.

The MSRP of my entire system, including cables and the A820, is just slightly higher than the MSRP of Magico M7 loudspeakers.

I actually think my system is relatively good value in terms of the prices of many current components.

The four column Pendragons (with built-in 1,000 watt Class AB Gryphon amplifiers) cost slightly more at full list price than the Wilson Audio Alexx V costs today. The Jadis amplifiers cost $8,500, and, sonically speaking, I wouldn't trade them for Boulder 3050 monos.

and there is no Room cost.

btw, to make your point I wouldn’t compare costs to one of the most overvalued pieces of audio in the market today, though at least they are charging marketing premium
Just have to say I don't understand these comparisons! I may be missing something but playing back audio files of your impressive systems on my IPad does nothing for me. Please explain if I am missing something!
A lot, but it has been covered for last 5 years in the acoustically video coupled thread, which “summarises” similar discussions across many threads. I am happy to continue that discussion here or on Al’s system thread because both these thread owners owe us that space.
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Even with the clamped down passive crossover on the Pendragon ribbons, I would bet @ fifty/fifty odds a fiver you could get a reasonable result with a 2A3 Set. The ribbon uses about 25 percent of the total amplifier acoustic energy (maybe less) at the given crossovers, which makes a 2A3 within range up to the low to mid 90's db for the total sonic presentation.
No, I have not tried it in practice. But you will never get me to believe unless you show it to me that any 3 watts will drive properly any 88dB speakers.

Hey, if 3 watts would work, than 22 watts from Viva Aurora monos should be a powerhouse!

I do think that from my experience dipole planars do the best presentation of vocals of the three main types of speakers (horn, planar, box).
This is my personal subjective view as well. It is why I have had dipole planers my whole audio life.
It is why I have had “the same equipment and approach” my whole audio life.
While I changed the quoted to make it more generic, that is the definition of NLF
most is the woofers like Altec 515 series, jbl 2220 a, etc are paper woofers. The beryllium/paper/aluminium etc choice that was being discussed is only for compression drivers for the upper ranges above the woofers. Full ranges like Lowther AER are also paper.
Sorry to waste your time bonzo75 - I was trying for a running joke. Fell flat as paper.

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